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2018 World Cup


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I hope that I'm wrong, but England will fail in it's bid for the 2018 world Cup. Whether the Sunday Times reporting or the Panorama programme turn out to be factors, we'll probably never know.

Whatever, something that most would probably agree with is that the existing process is flawed.  There have been question marks over, how can I put it, 'voting irregularities' for years.  I have to say that it's beyond me how one of the suspended FIFA representatives can be from (was it?) Tahiti.  Hardly the core of worldwide football.

FIFA should reform it as follows: voting should be from the nations represented in the previous World Cup. Votes should allocated on a 'out of the hat' basis to (say) 20 league clubs in each of those nations. Dossiers of the competing bids should be provided to those voters so that they could vote objectively. No voting allowed for competing countries.

No need for 'familiarisation junkets', no opportunity for bribery. Selection made by true football supporters on an objective basis.  Easy.   

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The most amazing thing about this farce, is "The bid team"  blaming the BBC and the press for lowering the UK's bid chances by publishing damaging reports about FIFA. How about blaming FIFA for being an embarrassment as possibly one of the most corrupt organisations in the world?
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[quote user="Gardian"]

FIFA should reform it as follows: voting should be from the nations represented in the previous World Cup. Votes should allocated on a 'out of the hat' basis to (say) 20 league clubs in each of those nations. Dossiers of the competing bids should be provided to those voters so that they could vote objectively. No voting allowed for competing countries.

No need for 'familiarisation junkets', no opportunity for bribery. Selection made by true football supporters on an objective basis.  Easy.   


You could always set up your own rival World Cup: the Gardian World Cup (Corruption-Free).

FIFA is a self-defined non-stutory organisation which charges itself with the "responsibility" of managing international football. Perhaps it should feel the cold wind of competition. All you would need is a friendly multi-millionaire to give you some seed corn and ...

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[quote user="NickP"]The most amazing thing about this farce, is "The bid team"  blaming the BBC and the press for lowering the UK's bid chances by publishing damaging reports about FIFA. How about blaming FIFA for being an embarrassment as possibly one of the most corrupt organisations in the world?[/quote]

The more exposure of these FIFA chancers the better.   And guess what... one of them is on International Olympic Team gravy train as well.

What a suprise! NOT! [:'(]

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Just been reading about Prince Andrew (he golfs for England) spouting off about  " ***ing journalists" poking their nose into business transactions, complaining that anti-corruption investigators are damaging British exporters; sounds just like the ideal addition to the 2018 bid team to speak up for England before it's too late.[:)]

Brian (again)

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The real problem is that these people in FIFA and the IOC are treated like heads of states, they swan round the world on private jets, get the very best of the very best treatment because if people don't give them that sort of treatment, they don't get the games.  It's the worse sort of corruption and all the people in charge seem to be sort of a type, sleazy older men who are like pigs in the trough.  They make the British MPs look like rank amateurs.

And the guys from the BBC and the Times this morning had it right, if the BBC hadn't shown it, they would have been giving in to blackmail.  Good on them - and football is, after all, only a game!

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It is no coincidence that Fifa, like many other international sports organisations (IOC, Uefa, UCI etc,) are located in Switzerland, where they benefit from generous tax breaks and favourable legal terms that allow them to govern their own affairs; regarded as non-profit sporting entities, they are even exempt from Swiss anti-corruption laws. They are literally a law unto themselves.

International pressure forced Switzerland to clean up some of its act as far as the banks are concerned, so perhaps fear of being seen as a haven for corrupt sporting bodies may force changes - and not before time.

Brian (again)

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I think that I read somewhere that bribery wasn't a crime in Switzerland until the late 90's - some time after the allegations talked about in last night's Panorama.

Everything that I've seen & heard today from people involved in the England 'bid' suggests that the game is up. Body language, voice tone, etc.

BTW, I think that the BBC was right to broadcast last night. A lost bid: not good for the people involved, but like so much in worldwide football, it'll be the start of a meltdown. FIFA and it's inherent corruption will hopefully be the first brick to fall. 

Sorry - just re-read that Brian had already said that about anti-corruption laws.

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Thank goodness for that. Unfortunately it won't stop the media coverage and no doubt they will view it as a national disaster. 

Personally, seeing Cameron, William and Beckham  pleading with the dubious members of FIFA was not a pleasant sight.

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The problem for me isn't that Russia won the bid process: I'm not all that bothered really, but I know that a lot of people would really have liked to see it in England (one of my sons, to name but one.)

It's that 99% of the general public who are interested enough to have a view, will say that it was a 'flawed process', and I'm choosing my words carefully here!!  All the dignitaries will be interviewed using equally diplomatic terms.

The press and the BBC will be less inhibited. Expect a field day now, with more revelations of 'inappropriate behaviour'.

For me, the reports of our PM and Pr William sucking up to some of those dodgy individuals, makes me sick.

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I heard reports about our trio pleading with these people and also felt uncomfortable - especially reports that Prince William had breakfast with one of those accused of taking bribes. Far better to have stood back and waited for the, perhaps, flawed result.

Anyone thinking of visiting Russia for the World Cup?

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[quote user="gardengirl "]

I heard reports about our trio pleading with these people and also felt uncomfortable - especially reports that Prince William had breakfast with one of those accused of taking bribes. Far better to have stood back and waited for the, perhaps, flawed result.

Anyone thinking of visiting Russia for the World Cup?


Leningrad is beautiful in the summer; I'd love to go back again;

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Having worked in sports coverage, I'm still in contact with a lot of people who still do. Those that should know are saying Putin didn't go to Zurich, because he already knew Russia would get the vote.............................

I actually worked in F1, and over the last ten years, four agreements have been signed to hold a Grand Prix in Russia. Each time it has never happened, but all the money that went in, dissapeared...........................

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[quote user="f1steveuk"]Having worked in sports coverage, I'm still in contact with a lot of people who still do. Those that should know are saying Putin didn't go to Zurich, because he already knew Russia would get the vote.............................

I actually worked in F1, and over the last ten years, four agreements have been signed to hold a Grand Prix in Russia. Each time it has never happened, but all the money that went in, dissapeared...........................


All the time Blatter and Platini are in charge we stand no chance, another stitch up by the europeons.

I think we should pull out and leave it to them.

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