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Hublot's surprise resignation but you learn something about....


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...French employment law as well.


Having never worked in France, I have found some interesting facts embedded in this article about Hublot's decision to leave his employment.

Also what does this say about the Macron government if Hublot, one of Macron's favoured, could suddenly up sticks and leave?  Is all not rosy in the Macron camp?  Is there more to come out and, if so, what?  Sorry, conspiracy theory instincts coming to the fore ce matin![:D]

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Hublon(sic) has always behaved like a seriously constipated prima donna on speed in need of a wash. His resignation is just more of his posing style.

Macron bent over backwards to get the sniffy twit into government after he consistently refused to join Hollande over the years.

He achieved nothing, expected far too much too quickly, had no ability to compromise.

This one is definitely better posing for his environmental and left wing friends.

By the way, he is very rich and owns FIVE cars!
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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]I have an electrical assisted bicycle for going shopping on so I don't pollute people around me.[/quote]

What about the people who were subjected to the pollution created during the steel making and battery production to enable the manufacture of your bicycle?
Have you ever considered using your 'hobby horse' to go shopping on.

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He has been threatening to leave since he took the job. Should get an amazing pension though.......[Www]

I remember well when he first started and seemed to do all his reporting whilst diving, he simply sounded like a french Darth Vader to me and I could never take him seriously.

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I'm surprised he stayed so long even if this seems a spur of the moment decsion  provoked to some extent by the presence of a lobbyist for the FNC (Hunters' fdedaration) at a meeting at which he had no reason to  be present..

« On l’a invité hier soir [lundi soir] et il a accepté. Ce matin on a pris un café avec lui, avec Léa Salamé, explique-t-il. Il était en colère, on avait bien compris qu’il voulait pousser un coup de gueule. »

« Il nous a raconté de lui même la réunion d’hier soir sur la chasse où il a eu la surprise de voir Thierry Coste, un lobbyiste de la chasse et des armes, venir.

Il avait prévenu Emmanuel Macron : “Je ne veux pas voir de lobbyiste à

ce genre de réunion.” Et quand il l’a vu il était furieux. Il s’en est

entretenu avec Macron juste après, qui lui a dit : “Je ne sais pas

comment ce monsieur est rentré.” Là il a eu le sentiment qu’on se

foutait un petit peu de lui. »

It is clear that Macron is 'all mouth and no trousers' when it comes to ecology:


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Wooly, oops, my mistake......don't know why I should call him a little porthole[6]!!!

He seemed well suited for the job and he WAS specially picked.  It really is no way to resign.  Wonder whether he will now abide by the Code du Travail and stay in post for 3 months until they could appoint a successor?

I do wonder whether there is some major disagreement behind the scenes.....

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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]I refer to my previous post "I don't pollute people around me.". If you worried just think about 2040 when your all be driving around in electric or left over hybrid cars.[/quote]

Ha. When you reach my age, reaching 20.40 every evening is a result, never mind the year 2040.

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[quote user="Patf"]
But they're the ones who will have to live with the future.
They'll only have themselves to blame if it all goes wrong.


No we won't we have the 55's and above who in the majority voted for Brexit. But it has backfired as many of us who have benefited from a university degree have taken our knowledge into the rest of the EU and will no longer be contributing to these peoples healthcare and state pensions.

So if it were not for Brexit I would agree with you but as we have Brexit your comment is absolute rubbish. Sorry but it's true.
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Well, cc all I can say is thank dog I don't have to rely on you and your educated pals to look after my health plan and pensions. I left school at 14 without a "bizness" or "media" degree and didn't do too badly. So I look after my own after work-life needs.
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Automotive electronics mate, driverless and electric cars and all that. Somebody here must think I am reasonably intelligent because they are paying me to attend Esslingen University to get my masters.

PS it's business and God or is it your infantile humour the style of which went out when you left school all those many years ago.
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For once there is a thread on this Forum about a major political issue in France, and it quickly veers away from the topic..

As I said previously Hulot claimed that it was the presence of a lobbyist for hunting at a meeting that was the last straw for him, and this raises the issue of whether Macron is too susceptible to the pressures of interested lobbies.
This is far more serious for him that just the resignation of Hulot

The other issue of course is whether any Minister for Ecology can resist the pressures of important lobbies in a government mainly interested in growth:

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Surely, it is a question of which lobbyists you approve of and which you dont? Hulot simply did not like the selection present at the meeting, but had they been members of the green movement, vegans, save the planet, kiss a whale etc.

Even closing down nuclear power stations ( eg the very ancient Fessenheim station), one of his hobby horses takes time and has to be balanced against reducing demand or balancing capacity, but Mr Hulot wanted it yesterday, regardless.

How he will be replaced remains to be seen but I am sure that Macron will not want the environmental movement absorbed into the loony left of Melenchon.
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I just KNEW that there had to be more behind the scenes that was glossed over.  I was discussing this with my new kiné who had met Macron when Macron was 19 and who supported his campaign with some vigour.

My kiné in fact hadn't heard the news that day and, after I told him, he like me, was greatly surprised.  We agreed that we would keep an eye out for further revelations.  Thank you, Norman, for your links.  I will have a dig around for more opinions and commentaries.

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Well, let me try to be helpful; here is an article in ENGLISH:

Edit:  oops, sorry, link wasn't any good so have re-done it and hope it works

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