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A great Idea for Chancer...another gîte but this time with young nurses to look after !!!


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There was a very old beautiful French house in disrepair just up the road from us that was for sale.

Trouble was, it was right next to a hospital and a main road. I mean literally. Sirens all night and you are right next to the morgue. I said "no one would buy that".

But one day someone did.

Then they started to renovate.... big style. I mean big style !!

I said 'they are going to lose a fortune'.

Unknown to me they had better ideas.

Yes, they turned it into multi gite type short term rental type place.

What a brilliant idea. A gîte next to a hospital. I am guessing they are raking it in. It is always full.

So there you go. Gîtes/rental accommodation can work in France !!!

That is your next project Chancer. Just think of the clientele !!! Ooooh matron.

Buying a crappy house off two Brit muppets in the Auvergne and turning it into a hotel is not such a good idea lol. Gîte next to a hospital.. Brillant !!
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I know, I missed a trick there.

When we found out they converted it into a Gîte I thought of Chancer. Sort of thing he would do.

But I guess the Brit 'place in the sun types' will stick with their 6 week rental accomodation in the Dordogne or the Limousin and go hungry for 46 weeks of the year. LOL.

Think outside the box if you want to make a living in France !!!

Carry on Chancer.
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There are many Brit owned gites doing much more than 6 weeks a year, ALBF. Some manage up to 6 months or more. All a matter of marketing and having appropriate accommodation in the right place at the right price.

The ropey ones are always being weeded out though. And I think the days of a family or couple trying to live off the income from a single gite are long over.
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I would rather have a gîte/rental accommodation that does 12 months of the year.

I would (call me old fashioned) prefer also to have young French student nurses as guests than a fat Ryanair Brit family with two wifi kids from Doncaster breaking my house up and peeing in my pool..

That is not living the dream.


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<< I would (call me old fashioned) prefer also to have young French student nurses as guests than a fat Ryanair Brit family with two wifi kids from Doncaster breaking my house up and peeing in my pool..

That is not living the dream. >>

You’re very derogatory about British people - the people you come across must have given you very strange ideas to have such low opinions of other people.

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"Carry on Chancer!"


Thanks for that, it will be the title of my auto-biography.


As someone who has a 12 month season that was at 98% occupancy and who now is working towards lower occupancy higher income I can actually totally identify with the stereotypes that ALBOF writes of, they do indeed exist and at a time of the year where my other bookings would dry up without them I would have little or no occupancy or looking on the positive side take a holiday myself.


Nurses would be my choice as well (there are only 2 certaintys in life, death and nurses.[:D]) but apart from a remplacant pharmacien none so far but I content myself with formatrices and commerciales.


Looking actively at other investments at the moment, Lille fell out of bed when the E.M.A. chose Amsterdam, South of Amiens with the new CHU complex, the university and Amazon is a work in progress, might also be something much closer to home and something completely off the wall in the Pas de Calais which would have ALBOF screaming "NO YOU MUPPET!"


The accomodation you refer to will not be a gîtes but meublées de tourisme like mine although its far easier to describe them as gîtes to a French person who cannot grasp the concept, their target market will include nurses but those on formation, remplaçants, also people attending specialist appointments, people visiting hospitalised family members or those who have had serious accidents and/or likely to pass away.


Its an angle I had not considered and will definitely be part of my current planning.

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"nurses but those on formation, remplaçants, also people attending specialist appointments, people visiting hospitalised family members or those who have had serious accidents and/or likely to pass away"

Yes exactly.

That is what I would do.

Not that I have a fetish for French nurses. I just think they would make better and more interesting customers.

When we realised what they were doing, I did honestly think of you Chancer.
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French nurses, well we had two lovely district nurses in our village.

However, with one especially casse cou son and the other one not adverse to risky sports as well, I have spent more than my fair time in french hospitals. Even for myself and OH when I think back.

What can I say, Nurse Rachet  would be my general description, arrogant, hostile, unkind in say 95% of those I have encountered.

The aide soignante, in general were LOVELY, wonderful and VERY caring.

Would I want a french nurse, well, to those very rare lovely ones, yes, but the rest, I would steer clear. Whether they are actually 'nice' when not working, no idea, must ask friends and son if things have changed.

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