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France backs down on access to CMU for inactifs

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Oh, but I love poulet de Bresse...such pretty blue legs!

Edit:  sorry, off topic but, to be serious, it will be a welcome decision for many if it happens.  And then, what about the people who have been paying for private health insurance in the meantime, will they be compensated?

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If anything can bring Norman out of the woodwork, this is it.

This has been going on for ages so it's good that the end is in sight as it's been tough for a lot of people who were poised to move when the clampdown happened. 

Perhaps a number of those second home owners will now commit fully to France?

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Yes, I second Wooly's post....Norman, where the heck are you?

What did you think of Cardiff Singer of the World and are you gonna be watching the FINALS?

There, if that doesn't bring him out, NOTHING will![;-)]

PS, Norman, if you come back here I promise I will PM you the schedules and pieces to be sung on Sunday![:D]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

If anything can bring Norman out of the woodwork, this is it.

This has been going on for ages so it's good that the end is in sight as it's been tough for a lot of people who were poised to move when the clampdown happened. 

Perhaps a number of those second home owners will now commit fully to France?


It might make a diference for some of them and perhaps they will now decide to live in France full time but there are many who love having a home in each country.[:)]

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This would be brilliant, as the one thing that has put us off moving over full time. OH had a heart attack in 03, so we have presumed that he wouldnt get private cover (or that it would be very expensive).

Did I read somewhere that heart problems are treated free - or was I dreaming
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[quote user="Chancer"]Norman is currently recovering from a very serious operation and subsequent chemotherapy, it is unlikely that he will be reading this.[/quote]

Just by chance he is, thanks to an excellent surgeon and a very good Nursing home.( and the Wifi from a nearby hotel which works if the wind is in the right direction)

Thanks for thinking of the old Beast, who hopes to be back snapping at heels in the Autumn

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Hey hey hey, Norman you just couldn't keep away, could you Norman, knowing so many people are uttering your name?  Good to see that the old internet connection does work - even if only sporadically.

Bon courage too, hope you don't get too bored in the maison de repos, and that you find things to enjoy - maybe coming to the forum is one of them? [:)]

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Just to get back on topic for a while, (good luck norman by the way) I moved in to my place 18 days ago, no furniture here until mid July though so you can hardly call it "living here"  it`s more like camping. I will be classed as inactif,and on my returrn to the UK at the end of this month in order to dot the I and cross the T`s on my affairs back there I intended to sort out private health cover, I cann`t do it here because my internet connection is only dail up and is soooo slow that downloading any type of form etc takes an age and and can be "timed out".

However, I`m now wondering, that, if in light of the recent news it`s actualy going to be worth paying quite a large sum of money to some insurance company if the system is going to change.

Has anyone any idea how long it may take for the rules to change?


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Exclusive do a policy which you can switch on and off - as it were - so something of that sort might be the best bet.  My guess would be that this could take months if not a year or more.  Just remember how long it took for the UK to start coughing up the DLA after the positive EU ruling and what a battle the claimants had in spite of it.  This won't please the FG and I am sure that they will drag their heals.


Good to see you posting again Norman.  Best wishes for a good recovery.[:)]

Talking of whom, we posted simultaneously!  I haven't seen the EU ruling but the source of the info' is one of the more reliable.  As it's the weekend I won't contact them now but will see what I can find out next week (it may of course be on the EU Commission site too.)

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