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Albert free lancing is definetely an activity I am looking into, until the EU passport arrives it is diffcult to do so.

 The market in the UK is booming, and I have had to repeatedly tun down offers of daily rates that would pay me what I make in a month, in a week. I do have a long list of specialist skills including VLDB's (TB plus on SQL and Oracle), BizTalk, High Volume Transactional Systems, SoA, All aspects of BI on the MS Platform (DB, SSIS, AS, Proclarity, Biz#), Informatica, Cognos, general design, project management, and geographically distributed delivery management skills. Have done projects for Mortgage Co's, Telecom, Utilities, Aviation, Insurance and Retail Banking amongst other things. And yes I do know I am getting seriously short changed by my company.

I am in the process of pulling my life back together, and do realise it is not going to be easy. But what do I have to loose by trying? Nothing at all.

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If I had to quote "geographically distributed delivery management skills" often enough it would turn me to drink (or in my case more drink!).

That quote alone has made me feel better about giving up the rat-race. I no longer have to keep up with the latest buzz words.

I am interested in the anti-drinking drug that was mentioned, is that the generic name that is recognised in France?

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Afy, Aotal is not the generic name for the drug I mentioned. I think the generic name is acamprosate. Try looking at http://www.doctordeluca.com/Documents/AcamprosateSummary.htm for information. I was actually prescribed half the recommended dose for my treatment. It looks like it is for alcoholics but it's for also those that drink more than is healthy for them. Do see your Dr, it can only help.

Good luck and well done on your progress so far.
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Well the last few days have been fairly decent. Have maanged to stick to a couple of beers and a roughly one Vodka (sometimes two) a night.

Smoking is still a problem... have been sneaking in the odd ciggarette. Sleeping is a problem... am down to about 3 hrs... but I ahve more energy... so it doesnt matter.

I do want to go on a bender.... probably tomorrow night. If I am lucky, the outlaws are visitng...

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Well done Afy!

Don't know how you can go with just 3 hours sleep though.

No-one's a saint so go for it tomorrow night - just be careful what you say to your outlaws.  I always say a bit too much to my MIL when I've had a drink.

Fells sooo good though[;-)]

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Hey Jeanneclaire she didn't mean it. Twinks is someone you'd want on your side when the going gets tough. Unfortunately....like me...she suffers from an acute sense of dark humour...I don't doubt Afy would be laughing along with Twinks, like I am.

A wee story, I was teetotal until the age of 31, never touched a drop. I lived a life where I was required to be in control, then I discovered that alchohol made me forget....one can so easily become dependant, I'm one of the lucky ones, my self discipline is still in control but there are those who succumb.

So where's Afy?

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I think it just becomes a habit associated with a certain time of the day, after all most of us that probably drink more than we should would not touch a drop for breakfast so we cannot be alcaholics.I found when I was drinking to much, I started measuring it in the cap you get with a bottle of night nurse,25ml instead of just pouring it out, it is funny it tasted exactly the same, I bought some tall thin glasses and changed from brandy to vodka mixed with coke.It worked for me.Also tried to have my dinner early as, I never feel like drinking after I have eaten.Its great that you have been able to share your concern, I really admire you for being so honest, good luck.Must add my parents have had three large gin and tonics a day each for the last 25 years they are in their middle seventies and are the picture of health.
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That makes a lot of sense, V - and I speak as someone who at one time found himself drinking before breakfast - stopped pretty smartish and didn't have a drink for several years after that. I had a couple of glasses of wine tonight with dinner and it was too much - you have to listen to what your body is telling you, which I think was Afy's message. If the warnings don't come, then you are in trouble, but he seems to be hearing his.

I have managed to avoid spirits by and large for years (except for the occasional g&t) and I like wine boxes, because you can have just a glass without feeling wasteful if you end up throwing a bottle away.

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I've stopped buying wine boxes - it was the opposite for me.  I'd just keep glugging it and all of a sudden the box would be too light before the end of the week - scary.

I buy a really good bottle now and just  have one glass and I don't drink on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I bought  a couple of those winetasting glasses and you really can't drink quickly with them 'cos' of all that is going on.  It's like a firework display for the nose and tastebuds! 

I gave up drinking lots of gin and spirits when I was 21 and woke up in hospital on a Sunday afternoon after a trip to Margate with my friends.  I do like a couple of vodka and caramel or violet sirop but I can't drink more than 4 or 5.

This thread has really made me look at my drinking habits. 

So thank you Afy and I hope you're doing okay. 

Please Jeanneclaire could you explain the thingy you did earlier to-day?

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I would be the same Twinkle.  Since reaching a mature age my body just can't cope with too much alcohol.  I find that 2 glasses 'most' evenings is sufficient for me.  Apart from when I'm drinking and chatting say at a party I quite often get carried away and literally have to be carried off home.  Its usually safer if I opt to drive.  I won't touch a drop if I'm driving.

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In the first place I was really surprised that somebody should air such a serious problem on an internet site; secondly, the point about the little tale is that everybody comes from their own background and history, and for us as amateurs to try to tackle someone else's issues without being them is, in my opinion, risky for them. I don't say we shouldn't show empathy, which many have done, but I personally would never say to a complete stranger ( I'm even reluctant with people close to me) this is what you should do to solve your problem.
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Jeanneclaire, While I see your point I think  Afy has got lots of sympathy and empathy and hopefully useful suggestions. I don't think that any one has suggested that they know the 'cure' and my impression of Afy is that they will seek professional help if they really feel they need it.

One of the strengths of this forum is the support offered to genuine posters in time of trouble or stress.

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I was disappointed with your post I believe that the overwhelmingly supportive posts are exactly to right response in this thread.

What make you think we are all amateurs? In any event is Alcoholics Anonymous the world's best support group made up of amateurs? Are supportive family and friends amateurs? 

We all have different backgrounds so we all tackle our issues in our own way. This forum may be the way some folk seek help but not everyone. Its relative anonymity maybe what someone seeking help needs. You would not use the forum to raise this issues that does not mean it is inappropriate for others to.

The first step in solving any problem is for individual to recognise it themselves then seek help Afy has done this.

Remember solutions are not a 'one size fits all' 

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