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Will you have the HINI Vaccination?


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I'm +ve as well!

did anyone see the program on Arte last night on the whole corrupt affair?

Billions for the pharmaceutical companies for a virus that is now accepted to have a much lower fatality rate than normal flu and in the majority of the cases is very mild by comparison.

I have my dentist appointment tomorrow, the receptionist was wearing what looked like a bio-hazard mask last time (3rd Oct) I wonder if she is still struggling on with it?

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Yes, I saw that program last night Chancer. There are quite a few of these around, and for instance, knowing Donald Rumsfeld (an other prominent politicians everywhere) having so many financial interests in the pharmaceuticals involved, makes you wonder about the connection with the scare tactics used on the good citizens of the US.

 I had already decided not to have the vaccine (but then, I am not in a high risk group, and I never have the seasonal flu vaccine either). For OH, it is a much more complicated decision as he is in a high risk group. Some of his medics have recommended he has the seasonal flu vaccine (which he has every year), AND the pneumococcal vaccine - which is supposed to prevent the high morbiity pneumonia that might follow the flu. I now wonder, maybe it is their way of circumventing - saying, OK, no swine flu vaccine for you, but we will have you vaccinated for one of its most dangerous possible effects.

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Jackie and I have both been refused Swine flu vaccine as our GP does not have confidence in it to be safe for any of his patients! In addition the wife, undergoing chemo just now, cannot have any vaccine against seasonal flu and has been told to keep away from those who have been recently vaccinated. I also have medical problems and have been given Yersin oral vaccine for seasonal flu which some swear by and the doc suggested the pneumococcal vaccine for me but I am concerned for my wife's safety as it has live elements. Something I will ask him about before he shoves the needle in!...............JR 
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[quote user="5-element"][quote user="Richard"] If I get it, I get it. If I die from it, I die from it. C'est la vie.
Obviously, it's much easier for those of us not particularly at risk, to be philosophical about it...[6].

For me, it would depend on the type of risk. 

In an occupation that exposed me to a greater risk of contracting the virus, then I would not take the jab.  If I suffered from anything that would make the risk of secondary infections particularly dangerous, than I would have the jab. 

In fact, if I'm going to catch the damn thing, I'd prefer to do it sooner than later anyway.

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As I'm in the high risk group (lifelong asthmatic) I have the seasonal flu jab every year and has the pneumoccal one last year. I'll be having the H1N1 jab as soon as my GP gets supplies this week. It's just another flu jab after all and the seasonal vaccine is new every year in any case.
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I have the seasonal flu jab each year, but have felt I wouldn't want the HIN1 jab.

However, I recently had flu while in France. After sitting for about 45 minutes in a very full waiting room (having told he receptionist why I wanted an appointment), the doctor said I either had ordinary flu or swine flu, he didn't know which. he didn't put on a mask, which happened when my OH had ordinary flu in the same town in January. Apart from prescribing tablets, he just said to stay away from children and those who had health impairments - dificult as that included my OH, in a small one bedroom apartment! I didn't go out apart from the visit to the doctor. I sat on our sunny balcony most of the time, apart from when I felt a bit grim and retreated inside to sleep.

So i don't know if I've had it already, nor whether a jab would be needed in that case. So, I still won't have it.

Frenchie, are you forced to have the jab as a teacher? I don't think that would be the case in education in UK. Also, health professionals are not forced to have it in UK, there is only a recommendation so as to protect patients.

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At the moment no one in France is forced to have the vaccination, let's hope it stays that way.

Saw an interesting piece on how other European countries feel about the vaccine on Telematin this morning, apparently the take up of the vaccine in Germany is only 1 in 10, mainly due to this scandal.

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[quote user="KathyF"]As I'm in the high risk group (lifelong asthmatic) I have the seasonal flu jab every year and has the pneumoccal one last year. I'll be having the H1N1 jab as soon as my GP gets supplies this week. It's just another flu jab after all and the seasonal vaccine is new every year in any case.[/quote]

Dito plus a dodgy heart so its no brainer really and its free so why not.

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The take up of most flu vaccines is low anyway. In France everyone with a social security number will recieve a letter offering the H1N1 vaccine via special vaccination centres, not GP's?

Swine flu seems to affect those with compromised immune systems and children and young people the most. My view is that those working with these groups should get vaccinated.

After all if you receive chemo to fight cancer and then get swine flu from the nurse or the hospital waiting room - not much good really.

I was a little surprised at one comment that a GP had recommended against seasonal flu vaccine, as most cancer sites are recommending having the seasonal flu vaccine.

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[quote user="gardengirl "]

Frenchie, are you forced to have the jab as a teacher? I don't think that would be the case in education in UK. .


No, I am not forced to have it, but the headmaster would say " It's an irresponsible attitude Madame... " etc...

So; in a sense, we are forced to have it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Saw the doc today and he said she would be more at risk if I did not have the pneumococcal vaccine and got a lung infection so I let him shove it in. He advised a repeat every two or three years. Still negative about the swine flu vaccine but he did think the wife could have the Yersin seasonal flu vaccine now but that the flu vaccine by injection was still contraindicated for her. She has her last chemo on Tuesday so will ask the oncologist  before taking it.....................JR
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Yes the UK based web sites that I have looked at would appear to agree with you i.e. a one off jab. However they also say that the vaccine is not a live vaccine whereas the local chemist showed me in his book of drugs that the one I had prescribed for me did contain live components. One can only conclude that the one given in the UK is a different vaccine to one being commonly given in France. Sadly I did not think to note the name of the vaccine before taking it to the doctors surgery......JR

PS Good luck with the swine flu jab

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