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Mobiles, Cordless phones, Laptops etc., Careful

Christine Animal

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Here we go again, same old load of unproven scaremongering, yaawwwnnn.

With the sophistication of modern research and the amount of it which has allegedly gone into this you'd really think that they could nail it once and for all, the fact that they can't tells it's own story.

I'm particularly intrigued by the assertion: 'RF penetrates little

kids' brains more easily
how does that work then. I'm not aware that bone is much of a barrier to radiation and brain matter is well, brain matter isn't it, be it 6 years old or 60 ?

When the scientific world comes up with irrefutable proof of a death or serious brain damage caused by a mobile phone radiation then maybe I'll sit up and take some notice.

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I was in conversation with a guy only last week about the trasmissions from mobile phones ... Not about cancer . It appears a University looking into how people shop have used mobile phone signals to do this .. They track the bluetooth signals from peoples mobiles  which come up on their screens as little dots that move about the town center...That  way they  can follow the pattern a person takes .. Good for planning new shopping centers . However if a shop reports a thief and can say they left a shop at a precise time .....  need I say more .
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It is an inescapable scientific fact that RF (Radio Frequency) energy can cause adverse human tissue changes: which, naturally, include cancer and other similar problems.

Microwave level RF is far more dangerous than lower frequency spectrum.

What is not known, as yet, are the potential long-term effects of human tissue being constantly bombarded with Microwave Radiation, at "low" power levels. Nor, what is the "Safe" Absorption Dose.

3G Cell Phones use much higher power output and at a far higher frequency: hence a potentially increased danger.

Many of us are now surrounded by random RF energy sources: Cell Phones, WiFi networks etc.

In the early days of Microwave Ovens, door seals were pretty rudimentary: persons exposed to constant dosage of Microwave Radiation from this (caters, office workers sitting alongside a communal oven etc) were effected. Cases of cataracts were presented in young humans outside the conventional age range for such problems.

In the early days of RADAR, in use (In Warships, fixed ground stations etc) and experimental installations, no precautions over potential human health hazards were taken: mainly since the potential problems were not known.

By the mid 1950s, any one operating, or near high-powered radar installations was compelled to wear a Dosimeter (A film strip in a "Badge" which was developed and replaced weekly: the degree to which the film strip was darkened gave a reasonably accurate idea of dosage absorbed by the wearer).

Unfortunately, commercial interests being as they are and government bodies intended to act as arbiters being interfered with politically, causes significant reporting lag of developing problems and early warnings.

Nothing must stand in the way of the Sacred Cow of Western governments: GDP growth!

Also unfortunately, human being using any new technology are acting as effective Guinea Pigs: since it takes time and wide sampling to actually measure events.

Sweden tends to lead on sensible attitudes to inherent human health dangers flowing from industrial/commercial actitivities and products.

As an example, it was Sweden which first invoked time limits for pregnant women exposed to radiation dangers caused by CRT in computer monitors.

Sweden also currently leads research into concerns over High Frequency Electricity Transmission Lines and their effect on human physiology. (Caused by spurious RF radiation, magnetic fields and etc).

A building, which is festooned with (hidden) mains wiring also adds to the potential problems.

It is easy to dismiss such research as Scare Mongering: unfortunately there is too great a body of evidence to do so.

It is a fact that if you stand in the path of a high-power microwave radio array (Tricky, 'cos they are high up!), it will sort of punch holes in your tissue! They are "Line of Sight": however, as with all wave propagation, they create spurious side-radiations and effects.

So, what we don't know is just how much radiation we are in fact absorbing: and what is a genuinely "Safe" dose!

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My father (now aged 87) often tells the story of when he was involved in using RADAR during WWII he was advised that it might have some effect on fertility (this was the war, so OK, ok?).  Not that long after, my two sisters and I arrived - yes, triplets. So who do you believe?

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My elder  brother (Who has a doctorate: electronic engineering) worked many years ago (late 1950s) on RADAR research for Marconi.

All development and experimental staff were compelled to wear a Dosimeter.

Radiated power of RADAR Sets, such as shipborne, has increased many times since those days.

Research proceeds.


"Exposure limit guidelines

Radiofrequency exposure limits for mobile phone users are

given in terms of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) – the rate of

radiofrequency energy absorption per unit mass of the body. Currently,

two international bodies 1 2 have developed exposure

guidelines for workers and for the general public, except patients

undergoing medical diagnosis or treatment. These guidelines are based on

a detailed assessment of the available scientific evidence."


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[quote user="krusty"]

[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]I'm planning on getting run over by a truck when I'm 71 anyway.[/quote]

kirk douglas lonely are the brave. [Www]

[/quote]There's a John Mortimer novel (I forget which one at the moment) where one of the characters decides he's lived a full enough life and will end it doing something he loves.  So he goes out hunting and tries to jump a stone wall which he knows his horse can't quite manage so that he'll fall off and die.  Naturally, it doesn't quite work.  He just breaks his back and spends the rest of his life paralysed in a wheelchair.
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