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Whch forms needed? When?


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My wife and I are currently buying a property in France. We are both over pension age although my wife has currently deferred her pension as she is still working. Initially we will be using the french property as a holiday home and so I assume that EHIC forms will be sufficient. Is that correct?

At what stage do we need to obtain E121/S1 forms? Again I assume that this will need to be when we move permanently or at least spend 6 months a year in France. Is this correct?  Once we get the the S1 forms how does this affect our access to treatment in the UK.

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Yes, you have this correct, imo. When you move permanently you should apply for your S1s - as soon as you have a date in mind then start the ball rolling with the DWP (they will need a precise date from you.)

Recent feedback from another forum member suggests that even spending 3 months or more away from Britain can affect your healthcare rights there so do be careful about going back and forth.

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"Initially we will be using the french property as a holiday home and so

I assume that EHIC forms will be sufficient. Is that correct?"

EHIC is what you need while holidaying BUT don't forget to have travel insurance as well, should you need to be repatriated because of accident or serious illness EHIC will not cover this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So conversely, if you are resident in France and returning to the UK for a short break, do you similarly need an EHIC issued in France and travel insurance in case you are ill in the UK? Does your UK issue EHIC cease to be valid once you move to France. Thanks for any info
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Actually, it very much depends on how your 'payments' are made into the French healthcare system.

Since 1 May 2010 - EHIC's are issued by the EU country responsible for the provision (payment) of your healthcare. If you pay directly into the French system then France will issue the card.

So, if you have a transfer of benefits from the UK to France by using, for example, S1's (old E106 / E109 / E121) - then the UK issues your EHIC even if you are French resident. In these circumstances the French authorities will no longer issue the card. A UK issued EHIC for French residents will cover you for treatment in the UK.

Call the UK Overseas Healthcare Team on +44 191 218 1999 - very helpful.

Simon :-)
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That's ok then, as my current UK EHIC is valid until 01/13.  The UK will still be paying for my healthcare then so I will renew via HMRC/DWP.  I presume that a replacement card will remain valid for its usual 5 year life, or does it cease to be valid as soon as an S1 expires?  I presume if you are in the unfortunate hiatus between an S1 expiry and 5 years French residency and are paying for full private health cover in France, you also need full private cover if you are visiting the UK (or good travel insurance for genuine holiday trips)?  
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Check out the conditions for UK issued EHICs:


Due to changes in European Union regulations, from May 1 2010 the United Kingdom may be responsible for the issue of your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) instead of the member state where you live. 

This will apply if you are a national of an EU member state and live in an EU member state, and you either:

  • receive your state pension or other long-term benefit from the UK and you have registered the form E121 with the health authorities in the member state where you live; or
  • you are dependent on a citizen working in the UK and have registered the form E109 issued by the UK

They haven't updated this to reflect the renaming of the E forms to S forms, but there's no mention of E106 holders so it looks as if Daft Doctor will need to get a CEAM from his CPAM.


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Sunday Driver - please stop trying to confuse matters ! The info on the NHS site has not been fully updated - best thing to do is to call them on the number given.

E106 holders DEFINITELY have their EHIC's issued by the UK - just got mine last week! My local CPAM would not issue a French card this year (as they have done for the past 7 years).

Quite simply - the EU country responsible for the 'payment' (directly or by S1 transfer) of your healthcare will issue your EHIC.

Simon :-)

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AND holders of french E106 forms handed into the UK, definitely have their CEAM issued by France. This has been the case for the last year.

I believe that the S1 is now or soon will be the universal form to replace both the E121 and E106 and other E forms,
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