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UK resident getting a blood test


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If you want to claim back the costs from the French system then you will need an ordonnance from the Medécin for the tests, otherwise I dont think that they will give you a feuille de soins, actually come to think of it they probably will but it will not be acceptable for remboursement by the Secu without an ordonnance.

Dependant on the costs it may not be worth it anyway, if you are reclaiming from the UK then just a reciept should suffice.

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You could ring for an appointment, but most of them will deal with you on a walk-in basis (you shouldn't have to wait very long).

Obviously they'll want to know what they're testing for, but most medical conditions are easily translatable and anyway, they'll doubtless have experienced similar situations before.

You should be able to pick up the results within 3-4 hrs.

(Presumably) without a Carte Vitale, you'll have to pay upfront - reckon on €50-ish, depending on how many things are being checked for. 

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[quote user="Gardian"]

You could ring for an appointment, but most of them will deal with you on a walk-in basis (you shouldn't have to wait very long).

Obviously they'll want to know what they're testing for, but most medical conditions are easily translatable and anyway, they'll doubtless have experienced similar situations before.

You should be able to pick up the results within 3-4 hrs.

(Presumably) without a Carte Vitale, you'll have to pay upfront - reckon on €50-ish, depending on how many things are being checked for. 


They certainly will. That is why you need a prescription with an exact lists of the tests to be done.

They may also require you to be 'à jeun'  that is not having eaten for a certain time before.

Check with them beforehand.

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I agree with Norman and the others re the prescription. If you are in or near a largish town then you will certainly find a laboratory, otherwise, if you are out in the sticks like us the local infirmier (nurse) should do it for you. We had two very nice male nurses near us who took blood samples and did all sorts of other things, you had to collect the results from the pharmacy and pay for the tests there.

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the last time I had one was many years ago - you could walk in, or the nurse came to the house - I think it cost 8€. results came in the post the next day.

I have a spec from my Consultant.

when I have this test in england, I don't have to do anything special (ie not eat etc)

I shall go and find them ... big town is close enough.


(interestingly, the same place used to analyse our dog's blood test)
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In Manche the nurse will not do a blood test wiithout an ordonnance.

So you pay the doctor for the consultation, he give you the ordonnance, the nurse charges seven euros something for doing the test (no matter how many tests are involved), then you pick up the results from the pharmacie that evening or next evening if you're not, and the cost of the analysis depends on how many tests were carried out, can be anywhere from around 20 euros to over 60 euros.

Or you can go to the lab but I don't know how that works cos I never have.
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okay, thanks all

I found the laboratory, walked in, showed them my consultant's e-mail (in english) . The woman took my details, charged me 13.77€ then took me into a sideroom, took the blood sample and said it would be analysed then and they would post the results to me the same day.  It was one specific test

very efficient - and faster than my regular blood test in the UK.

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"......who does the testing in the UK?"

Our local surgery do blood tests and results are sent to them (to the G.P.) and the hospital consultant concerned.


Sorry that should read.................................. the nurse / phlebotomist at our local surgery, takes the blood samples which are collected and taken to a central lab for testing.

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Xrays and blood tests are a farce in the UK. Unless it is really an emergency then they are so slow, and that is what annoys me to death, 'their' idea of importance is not this patient's, who loses patience with it all!!!!! However, saying that some of the health things are good, so I'll not tar it all with the same brush.


NB I still have not had the results of my last  Cat scan in France and that was 5 years ago. My GP didn't get them and he even chatted up the hosptial secretary who he knew and still didn't get a copy of  them either and I called and called.We took it that nothing was showing, but hey even if there had been, I still haven't had them. That was the final salvo, perhaps the icing on the cake of my horrific hospital stay.

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in the UK the GP sends them off for analysis and he gets the results.

For my regular test, it's under the Consultant Haematologist at the hospital . I get the sample taken, and 30-40 mins later he calls out my name and I go in and he tells me what's what. Part of the test takes longer, and if there's something he's concerned about on that he calls me back in. This time, because he knows I am in France and has my e-mail, he asked me to have a retest before doin so.

X-rays are done at the same local hospital, and often you can just walk in and they do them on the spot.

The one thing about france is that you get your own copy of a blood test as well as the medecin, and you also get your own X-rays from the X-Ray centre (you don't get them from the hospital) The hospital in France sent me a complete report on some tests (emergency) to take back to my UK GP (who luckily was fluent in French - most of it very much the same Latin-based terms though)
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Yes in my local UK hospital they take the xrays immediately, then they take 10 days for the results, which is not what I am used to, don't like, don't want, throwing my dummy out of the pram here. Just believe with their computer systems etc that this is inefficient and too darned slow. Same with blood tests, too long to get them.
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[quote user="idun"]Yes in my local UK hospital they take the xrays immediately, then they take 10 days for the results, which is not what I am used to, don't like, don't want, throwing my dummy out of the pram here. Just believe with their computer systems etc that this is inefficient and too darned slow. Same with blood tests, too long to get them.[/quote]I don't understand why my UK GP needs a week to get the results of a blood test when my vet gets the results of my dog's blood test in 24 hours.
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[quote user="Rabbie"][I don't understand why my UK GP needs a week to get the results of a blood test when my vet gets the results of my dog's blood test in 24 hours.[/quote]

It's called privatisation ! You pay, you get.

Sue [:)]

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