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Co-Vid Vaccination


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Interesting Morning, arrive at the vaccination centre at 10-30 for a 10-50 rendevous. The man on the door ushers me into the waiting room for 1st dose vaccinations. There is a woman receptionist and loads of chairs randomly placed around the walls, also roughly 20 people with no queuing system visible. She calls out any rendevous for 10-30, it's like a rugby scrum everybody jumps up except me. She tells them all to sit down and one woman goes forward and the receptionist deals with her, after taking her temperature and details guides her to the Vaccination room. Everybody once again rushes forward, and once again the receptionist rebukes them and sorts out who is next. I said to my wife this could be a long morning as the next thing it'll be lunchtime. Eventually, she calls for 10-50 rendevous and I manage to fight off two or three geriatrics, ( all younger than me I would guess LOL) and get to sit at the reception desk. Temperature is taken, Titre de Sejour checked etc. and in I go to the vaccination area. Get called in to see a Doctor who asks questions and when I tell him that I'd tested positive last October he said in that case you only need the first injection, I explained that I'd had no symptoms and he said that is immaterial you only need one injection. I got taken into a cubicle and injected by a Nurse, very efficient very pleasant who showed me to another waiting area and told me to sit there for 20 minutes and I would be given my certificate. 20 minutes later a women approaches me and said, sorry the computer has gone down you will have to come back another day to get your certificate, although she did give me a handwritten one. What is it with the French and the notion or lack of notion for Queuing? Plus for a country that used to be far in front of other countries with IT, i.e. they had Minitel long before ordinary computers, why do they often struggle?
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Amazing how it varies in different centres. Where I went for both jabs there was a marshalled dedicated car park for vaccs. We were asked to remain in our cars until 10 minutes before our RDV and then go to reception. At exactly RDV time my name was called and a nurse checked id etc and I was moved to a waiting area. After just a couple of minutes I was called by a doc for the interview and then moved to vaccination area consisting of about twelve chairs and shown where to sit after chair had been disinfected. One nurse rotated through the chairs in order and gave the jab - 80 seconds per jab. I then moved to the recovery area where I sat for the 15 required minutes during which time vac certificate was prepared. Then out the door. About 30 minutes in all.
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Yep Lori, the Pfizer, so as I said, because we tested positive a while ago no second jab. I blame my wife who was a nurse who grassed on me. She did debate with the doctor the fact that some tests aren't actually correct, but he overruled her. If only I was so brave. ??
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Woolyone wrote: " Interesting that CDS was required as it is not, to my understanding, obligatory for UK residents in France until June or October."

I think woolly that it was just a method of ID, and to be fair I offered it, mainly because it's the first time I've had the opportunity to flaunt my new found Frenchness.??
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