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Lehaut, you might be interested in this story


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This is so sad and is such a terrible waste (no one's to blame except covid).  As this is "on your doorstep", I thought you might like to read it.  Or indeed you might know all about this story already.


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I had not seen that Mint.  That breaks my heart.  And a medical student at that.  My daughter is this age group.  The family must be devastated.

There must be some sort of correlation, as the article suggests.  It seems awfully coincidental that people with no known health problems die of the same problem shortly after getting the vaccine.  I mean how many healthy 24 year olds die of this condition?  I imagine we will learn more as time passes.

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I think that waiting for the results of the p.m. is of the utmost importance before anyone, particularly the press, jump to conclusions. It has been well catalogued that you are more likely to suffer blood clots from covid than from a vaccine.

I bet we don't see the results of the p.m. given the same publicity that this young mans death has been given!
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Yes, thanks Ken, did see it in the local paper yesterday, very sad. 10 days after the initial vaccination.

The official results, hopefully, will be published idc.

Les résultats sont attendus sous un mois. « À ce stade, nous n’avons pas d’élément permettant d’affirmer ou d’infirmer le lien de causalité entre la vaccination et la survenance de la thrombose », énonce Me Étienne Boittin, avocat de la famille de la victime.
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I suppose I have a few questions about this.

Firstly, do the french actually publish autopsy results?

Didn't it used to be, (or is) that the cause of death was not mentioned on the death certificate?

And the press, well wondering if it was one of those medical staff who do not want vaccinating against covid that is reporting to the press?

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Its also reported in the local paper, that he was ill for a while after the injection (8 March) , but had not been to see the Doctor, although he was 6th year medical student.

Il a d’abord eu un peu de fièvre et quelques courbatures​, rapporte sa famille. Puis, le 15 mars, il a souffert de vomissements et de diarrhée. Il a pensé qu’il avait une gastro et que ça allait passer. Mercredi 17, en soirée, il nous a indiqué qu’il avait pris rendez-vous chez le médecin le lendemain après-midi.
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