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Complete France Forum

Roll up, roll up if you want the AZ


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I have read that the EU is not going to be renewing its contract with AZ in June for more supplies.  Sorry, can't provide a link because the article is only for subscribers.

Probably due to reluctance of uptake rather than anything "wrong" with the vaccine.  I have heard some posters state that they will only take the AZ and so I think they had better press for it now while it's still available

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We both had our 2nd AZ jab appointments last Monday morning. Unlike our first visit, this time it was mobbed out with people queueing and our time slots of 10.30/36, both went out of the window to be replaced on a first come, first served basis. However, the seating and queuing arrangements did not reflect the new system, so it became a requirement to eyeball and recollect who was already there and who followed us into the reception area, but it all seemed to work ok and in a civilized manner.

As we were receiving the AZ vaccine, Pfizer was also on offer, the receptionist clearly wrote '2nd fois AZ'  at the top of our paperwork and highlighted it a with yellow marker pen. Unfortunately, the nurse administering the jab had obviously not read this and as she was about to jab me, I asked her "AstraZeneca"? She replied "No, Pfizer".  There will be no prizes for guessing whose sleeve came down quicker than a hooker's draws. (am I allowed to say that?) She did maintain that she had asked me, but as she had her back to me whilst loading the syringe and was also wearing the required mask, we will never know. The AZ injector nurse then took over and that was that.

The irony was that it confirmed and reinforced my reluctance to initially reject Pfizer as the more precautions required with any procedure can also result in more human error mistakes.

As a footnote I would draw your attention to bear in mind the well known 'Sergeant Phil Esterhaus caution when receiving your jabs.
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I had my second AZ yesterday, sore'ish arm again, but thus far, that is it.

Hopefully it will stop the indian variant. There is some in the NE of England, but so far, not where I live, but these things literally 'spread' and
from next week, toooooo much is opening up!

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I have read it's the young people nowadays that are rolling up for the jab, Pfizer, AZ, they don't care.  In fact, some have confessed that they are pretending that they have comorbidities in order to get the jab.

They say they want to travel, go to events, get back to normal life......so all the government's fears of vaccine scepticism have proved unfounded[:)]

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Quite honestly I feel the E.U. (France) couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery! Sorry about the language but that is how it seems. 20 million vaccinated, it should be a national disgrace.
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There’s no doubt that EU countries have been much slower than the UK in their vaccination programmes. Whether that was the UK ‘stealing a march’ or the EU being slow off the mark is pretty much irrelevant now. Probably a bit of both though.

However ...... we’ve had our 1st & 2nd vaccinations within the last 5 weeks. I’m aware that things were considerably less than perfect early on, but the arrangements for us were without fault.

It was pleasing & encouraging to see 3x the number of staff and patients when we had our 2nd vaccinations earlier this week.

I can only speak as I find.

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France is on target. Even someone with your superior intelligence and insight will have to wait until it’s all over to see which country got it right. Life in France seems to have been reasonably good to me.

Life in France , I feel, is better than reasonably good. That doesn't detract from the very real fact that the vaccination program in France and the E.U. generally has been pathetically bad. It may be on target but when the bar is sufficiently low that isn't difficult! Of course having a superior intelligence makes understanding that easy!! I suppose dimwits have a harder time understanding it!
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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]France is on target. Even someone with your superior intelligence and insight will have to wait until it’s all over to see which country got it right. Life in France seems to have been reasonably good to me.[/quote]

Until you look at the shambles on roll out in the early part of the year .. and how many people could not get rdv's locally for jabs even when they were in the age group being vaccinated. OH being a case in point.  In the first age group to be vaccinated after the care homes, he finally got his first jab late last month .. and is not due his second until mid June.   And he is not alone either on this forum, or in the wider world.  I don't call that "reasonably" good.

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I guess it's a post code lottery. I'd had both jabs by mid February. OH was anxious to get a second jab soon because she might have to travel. She phoned a few pharmacies and one said can you come in an hour! Job done. We're in Aveyron.
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