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Viewing items on eBay France

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For some time I've been struggling to understand why I can view some items on eBay France but not others. After a lot of research I've found it seems to relate to eBay UK's decision to not allow listings which don't accept PayPal (if that isn't too many negatives !). The result is that I cannot view French items which don't accept PayPal - they appear on the list of items but when I click on the detail link it says

Cher membre,

Malheureusement, l'accès à cet objet a été bloqué en raison de restrictions légales en vigueur dans certains pays. Conformément à ces restrictions, nous nous efforçons de bloquer l'affichage des objets concernés. Nous regrettons de vous informer que pour des raisons techniques, certaines annonces ne rentrant pas dans le cadre de ces restrictions peuvent ne pas être accessibles aux utilisateurs. Nous vous prions d'accepter nos excuses pour tout désagrément et nous espérons que vous trouverez d'autres objets intéressants sur eBay.


Does anyone have any idea if this can be resolved ? It seems PayPal is less widely accepted here than in UK and of course rarely for motor vehicles.

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Was watching a couple of French car auctions via ebay.co.uk. Got the message (in English). So assumed it was because I was logged in through the English side. Logged in via ebay.fr and got the same thing again. 10 hours later, I was allowed to view. Eventually missed out on the car by 10 euro.

Is it ebay, or is it governments sticking their noses in where it's not wanted again?

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With my eBay.fr A/C I can see that item and as far as I can see could bid on it if I wanted to.

My eBay.co.uk A/C doesn't find it at all.

Do you want to see the pictures ?


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There are two possibilities, one is that the items you are looking are not available outside of France, ie will not be sent to the UK ( I tried to bid on an item on EBay UK and was barred as the item was only for despatch within the UK), you can usually only view items on other eBays that are for despatch worldwide or within the EU.

 The other possibility is that your search options are not including the EU.  I can normally view all eBay items available in/to France  or the UK depending on whether I log in to eBay France or Ebay UK.  There is no such thingas an eEbay UK or eBay France log-in, you are an eBay member and can log in through any Ebay of your choice.  Although all UK sellers have been required to offer Paypal since June that is still not being enforced, but that is their loss as I won't bid on an item not offering the protection of Paypal.

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If you are right Ron it is very short sighted of eBay - for example the Quimper Club (in my sig) have members in France who will take in items where French sellers do not want to post abroad, they either forward them or the buyer collects when nearby. I have had UK only things sent here on behalf of USA members too.

As for Paypal, my friend who currently eBays won't join it, she has her own well established business and CC machine and as she ships most purchases, also has her own professional insurance......not every seller needs Paypal, that shouldn't mark them as unreliable in some way

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Why short sighted RH?  If you post to the UK, Europe or the USA  then it goes on the item, if you don't then people in those areas don't see the items.  Seems sensible to me.  With your other people, they must be seeing the items to bid on them and they do that by logging into eBay France.  If you log into eBay France you can see and bid on any item in France whether to be posted to the UK or not, but you cannot view those items from another Ebay outside the seller's designated selling area, makes sound  sense to me, why have items listed that are not available to the buyers?  If anything, sellers who will not post abroad and there are a lot in the UK who will not, are losing a big market.  I prefer to use bank transfers and so do many enlightened sellers, but to some sellers mainly those who also do not do Paypal, that is like ID theft, try telling them how much info about you they are demanding on a cheque though.[:'(]  Your friends can continue transfers or card payments but must give the option of Paypal, but are not restricted to it and can state preferred payment method in their invoices.
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Why should the fact that a seller has not said they will ship outside their home country physically prevent you from seeing and bidding. It's quite possible that you could have friends or relations in that country where the item can be shipped to or even to your own address there where you might not actually be at that moment but can arrange for someone to receive it for you. I have done this on several occasions with items on eBay.de (Germany) where I've had them sent to my pal in Munich. I've almost invariably found that if you ask a seller then they will ship within Europe.

If I search on any version of eBay with the 'Worldwide' option I would expect to see just that, items available worldwide. If an item is supposedly not for postage outside it's country of origin then that's for me to negotiate with the seller surely ?

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Is this a recent thing?  Just yesterday here in Lux a colleague (French, with a French ebay account) wanted to show me the car she was bidding on. We got the 'you're not allowed to see this nyah nyah nyah' 

Pity really as there was a nice Land Rover going dead cheap that I couldn't bid on.

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I was looking at Mobile Homes, both buying or renting and get the same message. I don't think it has anything to do with PayPal but I sure would like to find out what the problem is. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that Ebay checks the language of your PC somehow and that it is a French thing as I have tried on the German version of EBay to look at cars and Mobile Homes and I can get through to bid on them. There seems to be no problems with other things on EBay France.

You can buy a French PC on EBay France with no problem, perhaps thats the answer.

I have emailed tech support on EBay and am waiting for a reply.

Considering the amount if Brits who live in France (and probably most use a UK PC) and want to buy in France this does not make good economic sense (to me anyway).

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I don't think it's linked to any of Ron's suggestions. In my case I was looking at campervans from a PC in France, the items were in France and all were for collection only i.e. no postage. All my searches were related to France (in fact sorted by distance from my postcode). None of them were viewable beyond the initital list.

However, when I switched to cameras I could view those with the PayPal 'P' symbol next to the listing but not those without it.

So I conclude the problem is linked to the seller offering PayPal. But I still don't know the solution [:(]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]Why should the fact that a seller has not said they will ship outside their home country physically prevent you from seeing and bidding   Because otherwise you would see thousands of items that will just not be sold to you. 

........... I have done this on several occasions with items on eBay.de (Germany) where I've had them sent to my pal in Munich. I've almost invariably found that if you ask a seller then they will ship within Europe.

  I think you missed this point in my post, you were in eBay.de so could see those items, if you were in eBay.fr or co.uk you would not see those items unless available to France or the UK


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Ron, that just isn't true, I bid (and sometimes win) lots of items that should either only be shipped to France and the USA - I contact the seller and ask that they ship to one of my contacts in those countries then make arrangements myself from there on in.Sometimes my friends pay too - the seller is not inconvenienced and makes a good sale...

Ebay are treating people like children - I'm a grown up.

Also many people resent the way that eBay has gradually insisted that people use Paypal, it denies them the option of choice..... 

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[quote user="Quillan"]

My guess, and it's only a guess, is that Ebay checks the language of your PC somehow and that it is a French thing as I have tried on the German version of EBay to look at cars and Mobile Homes and I can get through to bid on them.


Not sure about that as I have my machine set to 'Swiss French' (seems to be the best compromise for me using multiple languages) and I can't see a lot of listings on ebay.fr, also my colleague has her machine set to 'French' with same negative results

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