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URGENT Beautiful German Shepherd SPA Carcassonne

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Everything crossed for a good out-come.

He looks gorgeous.

The Griffin is lovely too - do you know anything about him - age,is he neutered etc?

Well done Rowan, for what you are doing for these poor dogs with such an uncertain future.
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Are you talking about the white griffon (kindly posted by Christine A) If so he is not neutered,(very few of the dogs are, and the SPA doesn't have money to do it, sadly.) He was born in Jan 2008, and has been in the SPA since May 2009. He was found in a nearby village and was never claimed. He is great with other dogs, very playful, doesn't pull on the leash and really deserves a home. They all do. The other griffon (posted by me) is about the same age, much smaller build, again lovely with other dogs and doesn't pull. Don't know his history, but he only arrived with us about 2 months ago. As I mentioned, I assumed he had been adopted, cos he SHOULD have been, but he has been hidden by a rather noisy poodle whom he shares with. Here is a lovely photo of the white one. What a cutie. Anyone?!!! [IMG]http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx153/rowan1965/Griffon/IMG_0367.jpg[/IMG]
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Thanks for the tip.

Ref the GSD, just back from the SPA, where he passed the cat test, which is great. I have "reserved" him till Saturdaay, which should keep him safe till then. Bit upset, tho, the one-eyed spaniel, Albador, has gone to a better place. And i don't mean that he has been adopted....
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Oh, nooooooooooooo !  Get them to let us know beforehand Rowan, something could have been done on Rescue.  I'd better not say any more.




He was on Rescue, but if we had been told he was to be put down someone would have done something.  I think I would have taken him myself.

Rest in peace little one.  To end up like that after a year in the refuge is just not acceptable.  That's finished me for today.

You know that shelter I mentioned earlier.  We got the president to write up on a blackboard the ones he wanted to do.  That at least gave us a chance to do something beforehand.


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Our place doesn't admit to "doing" any dogs, so it is hard to find out in advance. We only found out about the GSD by accident, really. I will talk to Flo.

Would you be able to find someone for the beagles, if their time were up, for instance? I played with them today again. They are so wonderful.

Ref Albador, yes, I am upset, but I am trying not to let it get me down, or honesltly I would give up going there. I discussed getting money and a working group to build more kennels, but was told that the more kennels we have, the more dogs we would have, and the place would still be full.....
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By writing on the blackboard, we got him to openly admit in front of everyone what he was doing when he just wanted to run everything himself.  I don't know if it would be possible to find someone for the Beagles.  But there are different sections on Rescue, on death row, less than a week to save them, etc.  Once they are in less than a week to save them people move.  As there are so many, the priority goes on those.  Albador wasn't put there, otherwise I'm sure someone would have saved him, even by going to another no kill shelter.

That's another thing to put to them.  All shelters are overloaded, but sometimes in an emergency they will take some.  For example I was contacted yesterday about a female Beauceron who had been taken to the vet to be put down and luckily the vet refused.  I don't have time now, but I'll put her photo later, she's beautiful and needs a home.  I contacted my friend Nadine, Présidente of the Angoulême shelter and she has accepted to take her.  One life saved.


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You know what? Being told he could have been saved hasn't cheered me up.I feel just wretched. I feel a huge bond with all the dogs there, I only have to see them to fall in love wiith them.

I am concentrating now on getting the GSD re-homed...

Also, I am not sure our SPA will release dogs to other SPAs, I think they will only release to associations....And don't the no-destroy SPAs just end up completley overloaded, with loads of dogs per kennel and hence non of them with any chance of being adopted. Is that a better life than being destroyed? I really don't know. I want them all to be as happy as my two dogs are....
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You are doing what you can Rowan.  We were all concentrating on the GSD.  Albador was in the handicapped, not in the last minute emergencies.  Maybe you could put it to them, as they certainly don't like putting them down, that if they let you know before which ones were on the list, we could try to find another solution for them.

Sometimes people offer to foster them when they are really in danger, they don't all go to other shelters, and some are adopted.  There was the wonderful story of a Rott cross that was about to be put down in Niort.  I really didn't have any hope for him, but we put out an appeal on Rescue, a girl in the north of France fell in love with him and came all the way down by train on her own to collect him.  It's on here somewhere.

I know Angoulême have a very motivated team and they rehome a lot of dogs.  There are loads of people at the weekend taking them out for walks etc.  It is very well managed now and they are certainly better there than being destroyed.

I came across this story and read it all last night on Rescue.  It just shows what can be done for a little elderly one-eyed dog who was found.  Everyone fell in love with her, she was such a lovely little character, those who had her in foster care and those who participated in her covoiturage to her new home with a young girl.  She had her for a couple of years, absolutely adored her and is now heartbroken as she recently died.  But what a lovely story.  You don't have to read it all about the covoiturage, etc.  Just look at the photos on the different pages, they speak for themselves.



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Oh God, forgive me everyone. Albador is still alive.I am so sorry. I have just got a text from Flo; it was a misunderstanding.

I will write a separate thread, too.

And this after I have spent the night in tears....


CA, I know who is likely to "go" next, but Flo says we will never find out officially, we can only guess by their age and/or the amount of time they have been there.
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Oh Rowan ... I do feel for you ..I know how emotional I get every time I step into a homing centre ... and your getting to know them which makes it 100 times worse for you ... But the joy of finding a home will hopfully out weigh the pain... ((((Hugs))))

for you and keep brave ... now we know what your doing ...we will all try to help...
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I said that yesterday about the GSD and reserved him till Saturday. And they won't do foster homes, they would rather put the dogs down. They will let them go to associations, tho....

By the way, Christine, can I put you in contact with Flo? Assuming you speak French it will be much easier for you to discuss possibilities with her direct. She is very much one of us, and will try and do anything to save the dogs. Perhaps you could tell her how you sorted things out at your SPA. I told her (when I thought he was gone) that someone says they could maybe have saved Albador, and she is interested, of course!
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I didn't say I could maybe have saved Albator (it's Albator), but on Rescue if he were to be put in the Less than One Week, I'm sure someone would move.  That's up to Flo to do that.  I've just bumped him up on there, so shall probably be in contact with Flo anyway with pleasure.

Bumped the Beagles up too.


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Sorry, not you per se, but you seem to know how to get them saved, at least! More than I seem to be able to do.

If it is okay with you, I will let Flo know who the mysery woman is...If you would like to email her direct, I will send you a PM with her address.

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If I remember correctly, there's a place across from the Gare called "4 Pattes". Would it be possible to check with them to see if they know of some folks who want a dog? Also vets may let you put a poster up with the dog's photo and info.

Can you temporarily foster him yourself?

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They don't allow foster homes at our SPA. We have tried before. Also I have 2 dogs, one of whom is terrified of shepherds, and one of them, whom I rescued from the SPA about 5 weeks ago, who is tiny and old and doesn't walk too well, and I wouldn't want her to get hurt (by accident clearly), or, more likely, by my other dog running away from the GSD!

Will talk to Flo about the 4 pattes. My French isn't up to it, I don't think!

Any more suggestions?
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