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URGENT Beautiful German Shepherd SPA Carcassonne

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Rowan as a GSD fan ...would it help if I sponsered the dog ? I could afford to send 20pounds a month to pay for his food keep.. and when Im out there on holiday I could take him to keep him home trained( im good at training dogs ) ..but I would have to give him back at the end of my holiday I come out about 5 times a year and would love to have him if I lived there ...I'd like to help if I can but cant have him full time .... If you have any Ideas let me know ... could you start a foster/sponsership scheme ?
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Pads, you are so sweet. That is a kind offer, but the problem is space at the SPA. The dogs are already two per kennel and there is no more room.

I still sponsor dogs in the UK (via Dogs Trust) and it is a great scheme, but I don't think there is anything like that here....As I mentioned in a previous post, Flo and my attempts to help out potentially good owners financially have been rejected by the SPA. If I could find suitable owners, I would happily pay for the upkeep of the dogs (not all of them, obviously, I am not a millionaire!)

On a related topic, at the SPA today two of the dogs got out cos the clasp on their kennel is broken. I drew this to the attention of the staff who says that about 50 locks are broken, and they have no money to repair them. Anyone got an electric arc welder and a free afternoon?

I wish you lived here full time Pads...

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Ok then we need to be thinking out of the box ... how about some fund raising to build some more kennels ... some concret and breeze blocks and a man who can with a mixer .... There is still part of my heart in Carcassonne SPA after my Frankie ... and I willing to help ... Lets do some book, DVD Table top sales ... Get some ad's up in the local supermarkets there are enough soppy expats out there ... we could do it ... I did a sale here after frankie and sent 200pounds too them.. years ago never heard back to say they got it or not ...but with you there to organise that side of it ..it could work now ..
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[quote user="Rowan"]Is that pronounced Tig?

Please, can no one help him? I think he has until Saturday. I don't think I will sleep until then, and probably not for a while afterwards either, unless something wonderful happens.[/quote]

Its Tie-guh

Only lisen if you want a broken heart



Sorry cant get the link to work ...can any one help
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Nice. More tears.

Hey, Pads, I love your ideas and have fielded them to Flo...BUT she works full time and I have my own business, which I neglect in order to go to the SPA.

I wish I had time to do all the things that need doing. That's not to say I am rejecting your ideas, but it will take more than the two of us to implement them. Everyone else (at the SPA) seems happy with the status quo. Like Christine A, I want things to be better. She has made them so, but it has taken lots of time. I have to change things without losing my mind with grief or losing my husband with my obsession.

When I was growing up my mum had a friend who was known as the mad dog woman. She had seen a dog being tossed from a car on the motorway and had stopped her car and run between the lanes to get the dog. I always loved her. I am becoming more and more like her. Not a bad thing per se, but you get my drift!
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Flo has just responded that if we were to do FA (foster families, I guess) then things would be much better at our SPA. Anyone got any ideas as to how we could persuade them to do this? Christine, perhaps you have been through something similar...

Have to stop now. I need to try and relax my fevered brain a bit.
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In my town here in Texas the local rescue has foster families. They have an association that works with the local shelter. When an animal is in danger of being euthanised, the head of the association contacts the members of rescue group by email (although phone would do), telling them they need a foster home for the animal. The foster home takes the animal in, makes it available for adoption by taking it to the local adoption site, boards it... until they can no longer take care of it, they adopt it themselves or it gets adopted by someone else.

The foster family set up works very well. Although our town is half the size of Carcassonne, last year we adopted out over 200 dogs and cats.

Get a number of people willing to foster an animal. Have the shelter contact you when an animal is at the end of its time there. Put out the call to the people. Deliver the pet to them or have them pick up the pet at the shelter. Hold adoption days at a public place with the paperwork ready to go.

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 You are not that far from Montpellier or Toulouse relatively speaking, does either town have English speaking groups or newspapers ? Could Flo get a paper to feature an article and ask for volunteers to foster, adopt or even just repair kennels etc?

Is their a 'Friends of the refuge' group ? Could there be ? Perhaps grateful people who found their dog at the refuge could help, if not with money perhaps with skills or time?  Do you know anyone with the time to advertise and contact people on behalf of the refuge ? Just flyers in vets could be a start - an early retiree wanting an interest might help perhaps - even several people able to give just a couple of hours each a week could make a difference

 Do you have a rotary group  or similar nearby that might help - don't be shy......

Write to the Francophile press, France, French magazine etc...maybe a mention on the letters page or in the Editorial would pay dividends....

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Rowan, maybe you could get in touch with Rdupre for ideas and guidance.  Foster homes have to be well selected as for adoptions, with well fenced gardens, etc.

Maybe you could put Tigue on AngloInfo Languedoc Roussillon saying all you know about him and how marvellous he is, that the shelter is full and he needs a permanent or foster home asap.  You can't put photos on there but you could put the link to their page he is on, below. You could also say the refuge needs volunteers to help walk the dogs, etc. as it says on their site, run by volunteers.


Just look at that lovely cream Griffon further down on the same page and the grey one and the Spaniel with only one eye.  They all need help.


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Thanks for the suggestion. I will get onto it.

The cream griffon is just skin and bones under all that fur. He is turning cartwheels in his kennel. I took him out last week and he is lovely to walk, no pulling and loves to be petted. Sue at Poorpaws has put him on her site for me, too. He really needs to get out.

There are loads of other dogs not on the site, too. I think we have 130 dogs at the moment. Because they are doubled u in the kennels it is hard for visitors to see them all. Yesterday I opened a kennel only to find a dog whom I thought had been adopted months ago, he is the sort of dog that goes out very quickly (small, young, gentle), but no one has seem him!
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Thanks Christine. I am incapable of adding photos on this forum for some reason. I take the photos and send them to Flo who puts them on the SPA site, but I have loads on my Mac, too.... The little fella I referred to in a previous post (the one I assumed had gone) is just lovely....Will try to post a link below. Small dog, easier to rehome (in theory). Won't make space for the GSD, tho... [IMG]http://i751.photobucket.com/albums/xx153/rowan1965/SPA%20dog/IMG_0416.jpg[/IMG]
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Yes, the offer is through this forum. I called the President of the SPA to see if she was happy with this, and she was over the moon.

Also (whisper) if the GSD is okay with cats, this forum may have found him a home too....

I have all my fingers and toes crossed, and anyone who wishes to do the same should feel free to join in!
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Hi Rowan, I'm not 100% sure we've found a home yet but am keeping everything crossed - is it ok if I give him your telephone number to arrange for him to visit (poss tomorrow morning if you're there then)?

As far as fixing the locks, etc, that's 100% guaranteed.

Thanks to Pads for bringing this thread to my attention.
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Of course give him my number. The SPA is only open in the afternoons, but tomorrow is fine (or whenever he can make it)

Thanks again ref the locks. And I know the adoption is not guaranteed, but it is worth finger-crossing for!

And thanks to Pads from me too!
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I am going up in about an hour to see how he is with the cats that are there, as this could be the key to his possible new home. Will take a camera.

Flo has contacted the SPA to let them know that someone may be interested...hope it is not too late. We are both quite stressed.
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