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Hi everyone

Just back from the SPA. I had just walked a lovely dog, to be told that was his last walk, as he is being put down in the morning, along with about 9 others. I was too shocked to ask about the others, and I know I have no chance of saving them all in any case, with no warning at all. But we can, between us, save one. Please say we can!

This chap is being put down because he is time expired, and they have no more space. He was brought in as a puppy of 7 months and is still there, nearly 4 years later. He has never known any love or had any cuddles, other than on walks with the few volunteers. Nevertheless he has a beautiful nature, is great with people, inc children, other dogs, doesn't pull on the lead, and is in the peak of health. He is small to medium in size and would be a lovely pet. His brother is there too, and I suspect he will meet his maker tomorrow, but please help me save this little one. Let him have some fun, otherwise what is it all for?

Please, I am desperate. Can anyone help him?


There are more ohotos of him on the first page of the SPA Carcassonne website, if anyone wants to look. I can't upload photos in any case (unless it works this time, by some miracle)

Please think about taking him as a second dog, if you have one, or a first dog if you don't.
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Hi Rowan

I am desperately upset to hear this news. I would like to reinforce what you have said. Having rescued Albator (the one eyed spaniel) from the SPA last week, he has brought so much love and joy to our house and I would encourage anyone considering having a dog to go and visit the SPA. There are so many dogs there that deserve love and affection and would make great pets.They certainly dont deserve to be put down. Please someone give them a chance
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As far as I can follow only two dogs have been put down yesterday, a Rottweiler and another dog said to be aggressive.

People on Rescue have been moving to save them.  Two went to the Narbonne shelter today.  Three more are going to another association in the south, I believe one of them may be the dog on this thread.  Maybe you can confirm Rowan.

It hasn't been easy to convince them to let them go to other rescuers, rather than put them down.  The door is opening, but there are still others who are on the danger list.

This little lad is in great danger.


He is nearly six years old, has been there for three years and is very friendly and loving.  If it wasn't for all that's been going on to save them, he would probably have been put down by now.  There is still noone for him!


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Yes, you are right, only a couple were put down in the end, largely due to internet activity. But it is very difficult persuading the SPA to let the dogs go to other associations. We may just have had a breakthrough, tho, with the president admitting in a long conversation with me yesterday that as long as the associations were trustworthy and credible, she wouldn't object. Not sure if the 3 you mentioned have actually made it out yet. But yes, the dog at the top of the thread is one of them, along with his sister, so fingers crossed.

We have an elderly beagle/basett cross (I think I sent you a photo earlier) who is going to be put down if she is not adopted on our open day next weekend, but I am trying to cook up a plan for her. She is 12 and really small and cute and just wants a nice place to rest. She was abandoned along with 2 much younger dogs who have both since been adopted, and all the other dogs she has shared her kennel with since have been adopted, so she is getting quite depressed! Not surprised!

I will keep you posted.
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The three have not made it out yet as it was only accepted yesterday.  Now they have to be identified and vaccinated.  The association is certainly more than trustworthy, I have seen the incredible devotion and work they do.  They will be in foster care until adoption.  I think Flo has offered to take them a good part of the way on 8th May.


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So it has been agreed? That is GREAT! Last I heard it was still up in the air. I am feeling less horrid now. I know there is still loads to do, but getting associations accepted in principle is a huge step forward. I am sure this one is fine. In fact I am sure they are all fine, why else would they be doing what they do?!

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The poor Rottweiler who was put down was a nice dog.  The association who are taking the three are only doing it to save their lives at the last minute.  They are otherwise really busy, there are so many.

Keep going, one day la présidente will be asking you if there is an association to save such and such a dog!

Please don't forget the little chap above.  There is still noone, even in rescue, for him.


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I don't forget any of them, believe me. And I am so grateful to the association who is taking the 3.

What I need to do is stop looking the dogs in the eyes. It is a killer for me. They are all so trusting and I find myself promising that I will find them homes; which I just can't do, and I hate breaking promises.

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Rowan my heart goes to you and you have my sincere admiration for doing what you do - I am not sure I could as my emotions would take over. I am thinking of you and the dogs- and hope your hard work will hugely help. xx Swissie

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Rowan, my friend Pat who runs the rescue here also gets so attached to the dogs. She says she gets through each day by focusing on the ones she can save. She knows good dogs get put down but so many fewer now than before.

You're at the beginning of your rescue program so it is harder. As time goes on, more and more will be saved. In just a little time you have already made great strides. Take solace in that and keep up the good work.

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Oh Im so glad some thing is being done for them.. I was too worried to look..Rowan of coarse you are the right person to do this because you care ...who else would they have ...you are very brave ..I cried for weeks after my last trip there ..Stay brave

(((( hugs)))))
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Thanks to Rdupre and Pads....

Ref caring, the horrid woman who makes up the list doesn't even know the dogs, she just looks at the paperwork to see who is oldest or who has been there longest, or, in the case of Tigue (now Ozzy) who she just doesn't like the look of (or again in Ozzy's case, who has the sense to realise she is horrid and growl at her. I like to think I would do the same if I were a dog!). But I bet she doesn't give them a second thought afterwards and I doubt she loses sleep, the way I do (and Flo and some of the others, too).

Part of me can't help wishing I had that detachment tho'. But I would be a different person, I guess. I want to save them all, as I have never ever met a dog I didn't like, even the corgi who bit me outside Southampton Library when I was about 4! And most of them I simply LOVE and having only ever had rescue dogs as pets, I am aware that they reward your love a million fold, so it is hard to see them die. Especially as when they are put into the van to the vets they think they are going on a lovely adventure and look so trusting. Makes me weep.

We humans just don't deserve dogs. Present company excepted, of course!

Thanks for your support, I need it!
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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

This little lad is in great danger.


He is nearly six years old, has been there for three years and is very friendly and loving.  If it wasn't for all that's been going on to save them, he would probably have been put down by now.  There is still noone for him!




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You are doing marvellous work. Those dogs look so beautiful.

Last weekend we went to Arles on a guided tour, with lunch afterwards. On the way round a very thin dog was seen wandering about; his ribs showed clearly. He was very sweet, and a couple stroked him, chatted to him. People in cafes around said he was a stray, abandoned, and had been around for weeks. When P offered to by a burger for him they told her to keep her money and leave him to the bins! He followed us, G used his trouser belt as a lead, another in the group managed to give him water. They took him along to the restaurant - no dogs allowed, but if they hid him under the table so nobody saw him that would be OK. He lay under the table all through lunch, ate little scraps of meat; he didn't move or fuss - such a lovely nature!

Well, they took him home to temporarily join their 3 dogs and 3 cats, and he was no trouble at all, apart from continuing with the diarrhoea we'd already seen in Arles streets. We all called him Cesar, until after a visit to the vet, when SHE became Carla Bruni; beacuse she has long legs, dark eyes and is charming! She has settled well with the other animals, but they don't really feel they can keep her. The vet has said her pads are very worn and tender, so she's wandered about for quite a while; but she's very gentle and well-behaved. They are trying to find out who she belongs to, but there were no clues.

All you good people are doing us all such a service, not just the animals!  [:D]

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Somebody on AI forum posted me looking for a young cocker spaniel (no older than three) must be good with cats and horses - are there any at Carcassonne Rowan?  I have looked at their website but I suspect not all on there.  Have you got a plan for the little female old beagle/basset cross yet?  Is the little fellow above neutered do you know?  Is he good with cats and children?  He looks like he's very much a terrier so do you know what he's like with hens too?  Sorry lots of questions but I am trying lots of avenues for these two and these are questions that come up all the time round here as we are very rural.  You're doing sterling work and I wish I lived nearer so I could help you but I am thinking of broaching the question with my husband about fostering an old one........... why is it we have to creep round our husbands I wonder....!  Why is having 5 dogs a problem, if you've got 4 what's one more I say, especially old ones who are no trouble bless them.

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We have a young cocker!!! Not a cross, even. A red colour one (there is probably a technical term) She was abandoned due to changes in family circumstances about a month ago, the lady brought her in in tears. She is good with cats and children (including babies). I will get you more info if you are interested!
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