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English ladies to the rescue!

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I know none of you need to be told, but I'm going to anyway........ tell you all that Rowan is a lovely lady in the true sense of the word!!  I met her yesterday at Carcassonne together with Sue from Poorpaws - yet another lovely lady!  What an afternoon - heartbreaking in so very many ways.  English ladies standing on a sunny hillside surrounded by a veritable nightmare of more than 100 barking, stressed and unhappy dogs!  Dear heaven what we humans inflict on man's best friend beggars belief and makes me so very angry...... and this is only one small corner of the world where it all goes on day after day.  But between us we made five dogs' lives better!  Sue took two bouncing boys and her friend (whose name I didn't catch in the chaos) another English lady, took a little 'sprout' of a thing that was very stressed indeed in the same cage as the one I took - the little old beaglette, very battered and care worn who is now asleep in the chair next to me as I write and I have named Molly!  Another English lady from this forum came earlier in the day and took a poodle.  Whilst we were there a sweet pair of old French ladies took a little spaniel too.  Their cages were re-occupied within minutes!  Molly will be bathed and given a good look over later today when she has rested some more, but so far she has been quite bright and quick on the uptake - runs with the 'gang' of four others who have been very kind to her (but don't think she's going to take any nonsense mind!) and just adores the freedom of the large garden here.  She heads straight for the door when she's had a patrol round and jumps back into the chair she has made her own and heaves a huge sigh of relief as she makes her nest and settles to watch the goings on around her!  Thank you for yesterday Rowan - it was good to meet Flo, another bright and caring lady and make no mistake....... I will be back there!  Once I have got some meat on Molly's bones and she is truly settled then I will foster another for Sue to home as we discussed.  I will post pics of course.  Keep up the support all of you out there - you have no idea the good that comes of it until you see first hand - GO and look if you can and if not turn your thoughts to fund raising....... money can make a difference too, vets don't come cheap and neutering HAS to be a huge priority.

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I know that your message is in good heart but please, please use some paragraph breaks next time.

You have punctuated it very well but I find the big block of text it very difficult to read with my current eyesight.

Not meant as a criticism but to help you spread the word beter for a good cause [:)]

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Thank you for all the detailed news Merlin, very heartwarming.  Yes, the spaces made are immediately refilled, the difference is that they are no longer going out in that little van, but in someone's arms!

Keep it up you wonderful people.  What satisfaction you must have Merlin to see Molly so relieved and contented.


Someone on Rescue wrote this about rescuing an older dog.

"La vieillesse c'est la maturité du coeur. Si les gens pouvaient imaginer la capacité d'Amour des vieux chiens, ils chercheraient en vain à les adopter tant il y en auraient peu."


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Yes, lovely. Our Beauceron cross alsatian, Gatsby, was about 8 when we adopted her about 5 years ago- and she is such a delight, apart that she is very jealous and we couldn't consider taking in another dog at the mo- he makes huge efforts to cope with the cats though. Bless her.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Christine, was that where I got my Benny from. It was south of Carcassonne on a hot hillside?[/quote]

There must be a lot of hot hillsides around there Wooly.  [:D]  But yours was another one as you told me you had Benny from Sue at Poorpaws.  But good old Sue was there yesterday (mentioned in Merlin's post) rescuing two dogs.

So if anyone wants to help Sue out by offfering a home to one of hers here is her site   http://www.poorpaws.com/   [:)]


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I collected Edouard from Rowan, he is a sort of poodle. As soon as I put him in the car he rewarded me for rescuing him by peeing all over the back seat!

My other five dogs welcomed him and so far they are all getting on fine.

He's not house trained yet so I'm following him around all day but I'm sure he will soon learn not to pee on the chicken feed.

He now needs a bath and a bit of a shave to sort out his matted coat.

He is the sweetest boy and I'm sure we will have many happy years together.

Thank you, again, Rowan you are doing a cracking job at the SPA even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it.

best wishes Deborah
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Louis/Deborah - sorry I didn't know your name when I mentioned you had been for the poodle in my post.  I am sure your little man will soon become a trained good little fellow.  I am following our little Molly around a bit today also as we've had a couple of accidents but hey, we know why and we also know it's only temporary........... my rugs aren't anything to write home about with all the renovating, dust, dogs' feet, cat clawing......... and so the occasional scrubbing does them good!  I long realised that material things are not all they are cracked up to be but that the love and affection from grateful pets is not something you can ever put a price on and lasts way beyond anything you can buy!  I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you yesterday but something tells me we might all be there again one day....................

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Louis, maybe this should be in a pm, but good news should be shared. That lady who was there (not British, I must add) in the process of abandoning her dog due to supposed allergies decided to keep her after all! She is moving to a house with a garden in 4 weeks and is sure that things will be better if the dog can spend more time outside. She was actually very upset at the thought of giving up the dog, whom she loves. The SPA has found her somewhere to keep the dog in the meantime.

So it was a VERY good day. 5 out, none in!

Sorry Eduard peed in the car. Must be all that time he spent in the chatterie!
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Yes well done indeed to everyone who has adopted, I can recommend it, it is very rewarding and I cant stand to think about the life my girl would, have had if left in the pound.

One question, I note on poor paws site that one dog says 'has a passport' is that a full transfer to england passport by any chance do you think?  My sister is seeking a rescue the spaiel cross collie would suit her well and Im in France soon, you never know, worth asking!

P x

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Yes, Sue saw the griffon doing panicky little circles in his cage and recognised immediately that he was simply not able to put up with being penned up like that. So he is now called Dexter and is safe with her.

Ref the passport, I am sure that means a UK passport; she wouldn't have mentioned a passport at all otherwise, as by far the majority of her adopters are from the UK.

It would be great if you take the spaniel collie cross, as then Sue will have room for one more from Carcassonne!

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Ref the passport, I am sure that means a UK passport; she wouldn't have mentioned a passport at all otherwise, as by far the majority of her adopters are from the UK.


Could I suggest that you make sure that the passport does include the blood test. When we took Val we had understood that his passport was valid for UK but it did not include the blood test required for UK and was only valid for the rest of Europe and USA (from whence he was imported in the first place). I am sure that Rowan is right but better to be certain. One of my nightmares is to arrive at a channel port all ready to go and to be told, "you can't take the dog/s".
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