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Laws on Dog Control?


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Can anyone advise me as to the rules on owners controlling their dogs. I have just started jogging again and on my circuit (on a country road) I have to pass a house with two dogs. Last week, on my first run, I was absolutely terrified. I had passed the end of the drive to a house and was promptly chased by a German Shepherd and a very large hound type dog with a stubby tail. They came tearing down the road and right up behind me, barking. I slowed immediately to a walk and didn't turn around and they eventually went back. It was really frightening. This week I ran again, but made sure I walked quietly past the house, hoping they wouldn't hear me. They raced out, but fortunately I was quite a way past the drive. We live in an area where there are many dogs due to the hunting. Generally people keep their dogs in kennels, or in a secure area which is fenced, and the dogs are extremely well behaved. I wish the owners of these two would do the same. It wouldn't be so bad if they were small dogs, but these two are really intimidating. Can anyone tell me if there is a law which governs large dogs running loose on a public road?

I would change my route for running, but because we live isolated there a very few options and this is a lovely quiet country road. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Thanks Guys!

I didn't know pepper spray was legal - and I do actually have some - found left in the loo when we bought our house five years ago. Having never encountered the stuff before, and unable to read a word of French at the time, I assumed it may be some sort of deodorant - and gave it a quick squirt!!! Needless to say I did a rapid exit!! I assume the canister still works after 5 years.

I'm now wondering about the term 'actual attack' that you've mentioned?? Would this only be when the German Shepherd is actually 'attached' to the seat of my running shorts? Or maybe has its jaws firmly secured around my left ankle? Personally I think it would be best not to wait till that point.

I don't want to upset the owners; but I really don't think they're playing fair.

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I thought of that but would have to go in the car as there's no way I'd attempt to go to the house on foot. I'm also inclined to assume (maybe negatively) that the type of people prepared to let their dogs barrel out on to the road every time someone goes past, are not the type to listen. The house is some way back off the road and the dogs run the full length of the drive, and come down the road, barking. The two of them, being big dogs, kick up a hell of a din. The owners must be aware of what's happening - unless they're blind and deaf! Maybe I'll talk my hubby into coming to talk to them with me. He can go and knock on the door!

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In France, perfectly normal people often have large, noisy dogs that are free to come and go. So don't assume you are dealing with ASBO candidates.

There almost certainly are laws about loose dogs. The French legal system is such that there are laws covering anything. But like so many laws, enforcement is a totally different matter. In our part of France large noisy roaming dogs are a fact of rural life.

If it is causing you a problem, then it's best to have a word at the mairie first before you consider a porte plainte at the gendarmerie or taking the law into your own hands.

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Thanks to you both - Will and Frederick

Just to say we live in the middle of nowhere, right in the heart of hunting country. We have returned lost hounds on two occasions to hunters. I have no problem with roaming dogs, and fully accept the French traditions and ways. But large, aggressive dogs, that chase me when I'm on a public road - not on their property I kind of see differently. One of the dogs is a German Shepherd - a guard dog, not a hunting dog. They are simply very frightening. It can't be right that I should feel the need to carry pepper spray or a water-pistol to defend myself every time I pass this one house. I never thought of going to the Mairie, it's a good idea. Thanks.

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I agree with Will - either go to see the Maire, or write a letter .It's part of his job.

I had the same experience as you, though I was walking, not jogging. As you say it's very frightening. I had spoken to the owner and she agreed her german shepherd was méchant.

I wrote a letter to the Maire - he is only rarely available personally. Eventually the people fenced in their garden and put signs up and gates.

If there's an actual attack you should also porte plainte to the gendarmes.

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Thanks Pat F and WoollyB

I will definitely consider the maire - when I find out which one the house comes under. It's a shame, I love my jogging and only have a limited number of routes. The dog problem is on the quietest and prettiest. I get my hubby to drive me about 4 miles and then I run home. Maybe I'll get him to sit in wait just past the drive with a camera and snap the culprits when they come after me. It would be some evidence for the mairie!

Thanks for all your helpful suggestions

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Don't be silly! He doesn't do running! He only does things with wheels and wings! Come to think of it, I would bet just about any money that the dogs in question chase every motorbike that goes by as well. Will have to put my thickest leathers on and test it out.

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[quote user="Winegum"]I would bet just about any money that the dogs in question chase every motorbike that goes by as well. Will have to put my thickest leathers on and test it out.[/quote]

Don't even think about it [:-))] I had a dog run out of a gate straight at me, pretty frightening. I was really glad of my ABS on that day.

I remonstrated with the owner who simply gave me the 'gallic-shrug' and pointed to the 'Chien Marchant' sign he had fastened to his OPEN gate.[:)]

I don't use that road anymore. [:D]


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[quote user="Winegum"]Don't be silly! He doesn't do running! He only does things with wheels and wings! Come to think of it, I would bet just about any money that the dogs in question chase every motorbike that goes by as well. Will have to put my thickest leathers on and test it out.


Someone once phoned my wife and said  "do you know that your husband still chases other women".  Wife replied  "my dog chases motorbikes, but if he caught one he wouldn't know what to do with it"  [:D] 

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If the offending dog is more than 2 miles from your home could you not do an ecological gesture, not use the car and start your run from home?

It always amuses me when people drive the route that they have run afterwards to see how many miles it is [:)]

Of course I dont know your circumstances, you may live on a busy road etc, running, even if taken there by car is better than driving to a gym to ride an exercise bike whilst watching MTV [;-)]

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I could stick to running from home, but we live up in the woods and I have one route - a sort of two and a half mile loop. It's a rough track and a steep hill. I often run it - well - walk the hill! Run the rest. It's nice to have a change, and run on the flat, on proper road. And of course psychologically it's great to start a run, running towards home! I take your point about being eco friendly! - We do have solar hot water!!

Re the dogs, I'll just have to walk past the drive. Something running seems to invite the need to give chase. Why can't they have a nice old Labrador or a cute little Jack Russell! 

NickP - Love your wife's comment!

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[quote user="Winegum"]

Re the dogs, I'll just have to walk past the drive. Something running seems to invite the need to give chase. Why can't they have a nice old Labrador or a cute little Jack Russell! 


a) try my lab, he may be old but he's wicked about scaring the living daylights out of runners and bikers!

b) there's no such thing as a cute Jack Russell, they are all bad-tempered nasty little ankle nippers IMHO (now sits back and waits for the incoming missiles from all the JR owners out there....)

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Well I guess we're all different and have had different experiences. I know JR's are little sods, and often disobedient, but I've always thought of them as 'gutsy' as opposed to aggressive. Probably a misplaced belief because they're small! Either way I'd rather be chased by a JR than a German Shepherd! And I've never (yet) met a Lab' that didn't wiggle all over when you make a fuss of it. But again there are obviously exceptions to the rule.

I've decided to give up worrying about the 'dog problem'. It's hopeless. I did a 10K run this morning and had to stop four times. First was a mangy Heinz 57 that must have run 300 yards to tell me I was on his patch. Lying sod. Fur was stuck up like a bottle brush and teeth bared! Fortunately he was medium sized and I despatched him with rocks. Next were two large critters - can't you always tell by the bark! They came hurtling up behind me from farm buildings and I immediately slowed to a quiet walk. Thankfully the farmer called them back. Thirty yards from them the usual suspects were waiting (shepherd and hound) but were with owners so only minimal barking. Last but not least a mobile mop (who thought it was a Great Dane) threw itself after me from a lady's yard. Mop was cute as a button and we had a chat and introduced ourselves. He looked a lot like Will's dog - who posted on this thread. So needless to say with all my stops my 10K running time was crap. Guess I need a less rural route.

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[quote user="Winegum"]So needless to say with all my stops my 10K running time was crap. Guess I need a less rural route.[/quote]

Having just started my 'spring get fit' programme recently which involves running alongside our particular section of the Golfe de Morbihan, this without any harassment from any dogs - though there are dogs aplenty along my route - I feel especially bad for you. It must be really upsetting to set out on a run and be harassed along the route. If this happened to me I would seriously consider taking some action against the 'family' of the offending dogs. After all it is not - IMHO - the dog's fault but the fault of their owners.

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I absolutely agree Sue, it's all down to owners. But after today I decided there are just too many to take action against. Maybe I should just keep running when I get chased, but I'm worried that it's an invitation to excite them more, and possibly get bitten. Hey, my 10K time would still have been awful! First long run after 3 months of winter, and I'm SO out of shape. Thanks for your support.

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