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Our pets


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This has probably been done before, but I thought it would be lovely to be able to see the forum members' pets..

So I am starting with : Shadow , a heart of gold but still boisterous at 4 1/2 ( the vet says " do not try, you ll NEVER wear him out !!"  ( LOL)





Now this is my adorable little Jack, soooo small compared to Shadow !!



Jack was abandoned in the middle of nowhere when he was about 6 months old !   [:(] [6]

He's  the perfect dog, funny,intelligent, obedient, full of mischief and love . So easy going that I can take him anywhere , he doesn't even need a lead when I walk him, good, cos Shadow pulls a LOT on the lead! Jack only understands English... So I speak French to Shadow, and English to jack, people must think I'm mad !!! [:)] 

And now our lovely 13 year old cat, Platon, renamed Survivor, because the vet had announced his death, and by miraclke he recovered




We love them all, just because they make life more beautiful...


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They are adorable Frenchie, sadly I lost my beautiful Schnauzer Sasha in January so can't put any photos of her on here (they are all on the computer in England). She had been ill for some time with cancer (a tumour on her spleen) which we thought the vet had managed to get rid of but no, it came back and we had to let her go. It was the saddest day of our lives.

Now after 6 months we think we may be ready for another dog!!! Hearing Dogs for the Deaf in the UK have some for adoption sometimes so we may go down that road this time. I do love to see other peoples pets though so love your photos.

Sorry to go on a bit, have just had a couple of glasses of Charentaise wine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Oh, go on then!

The latest edition (turned up at the window one morning) - Cosworth:


Cooper, doing his car-packing trick:


The dear departed Troy, who died when I was in hospital and whom we haven't yet had the heart to replace:


Cooper and his siblings - yes you've guessed it - Lola and Chevron



And the Girls, Varian (29) and Bronte (19)



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After saying in my post that I didn't have any photos of Sasha with me, I remembered I had loads on Photobucket!!!


[IMG]http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e53/cravensdale/SashaandKieranXmas2000.jpg[/IMG] (always sitting next to the grandchildren, she loved them all)
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Well there are our three.  Curtis (the Border Collie - mad as a box of frogs), Taffy (Welsh mixed up refuge dog) and Della (Rhodesian Ridgeback - absolutely gorgeous but a bit of a snooty b***h).  Just love them all.


Della in her favourite place - settee!!


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