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Dogs' mess


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I like dogs as well as most people, in fact I like some dogs a lot better than some people, but have never kept one when we didn't have a large enough yard or garden, and never kept one inside a house.

Apart from other considerations, in view of this  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1304091/Toddler-lose-eye-catching-infection-dog-mess-park.html , shouldn't people be forced to exercise dogs within their own property, or in open countryside, where such risk is minimised?

Should people be allowed to keep dogs in a flat or a town house without a garden? It can't be healthy for them to be without fresh air and exercise. One wouldn't be allowed to keep a farm animal in those condititons. The poor dog knows it can't relieve itself inside the house, so has to hang around waiting to be taken out if it's lucky.

Even if it is scooped up, I object to watching dogs cr*p in the street, and no-one seems to bother about their dogs peeing on the wheels of my car...

I know that's what dogs do; I just don't want to have to watch it. I don't blame the poor dog, just the owner, who thinks the dog loves them, but it's really just happy to have a few minutes of relative freedom.

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[quote user="Frederick"] At least dog owners pick their pets droppings up [/quote]


Not around here, they don't! Too many dogs run loose. Some are friendly and visit me at work in my remise, but I don't know how to persuade their owners to control them. I don't even know who the owners are. They have no collars, but I'm not about to take them to the pound. It's not their fault.

Is it OK to take them to the pound if they have a tattoo? Is it on an ear? Would that achieve anything?

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I have every sympathy for the little girl in the article and her parents, they must be worried sick about the outcome of her infection.

BUT, as usual the rants start to emerge about dogs, cats, birds, and other domestic pets.........I'm sure not many people keep farm animals in domestic settings these days, unless you're unfortunate enough to live in countries where such poverty and food supplies are so scarce that your lifestyle necessitates this !!!!

I presume not many peolpe who contribute to this forum are in that position so should count themselves lucky !!

Responsible pet ownership, including picking up their animals poo is for the most part taken on by a huge number of people.

So lets get things in perspective here !!!

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When we were visiting local animal rescue centres looking for our current dog we were turned down by one shelter because our garden wasn't fenced in.  As we have an acre of garden and woods etc - and are surrounded by countryside (no sheep or cattle kept in adjacent fields for said dog to worry) we were slightly bemused...and alarmed at the prospect of fencing in such a large area (we had hedges or sheep netting all around our plot but they wanted us to replace this with 5ft, wooden fencing).  We were experienced dog owners having had a number of rescue dogs over the years and had always trained our dogs so they stayed within our boundaries.  We were told that the rescue sanctuary thought it was more important that the property was enclosed than the amount of space available.  They would have approved us as potential owners if we had lived in a small terraced house which had a walled yard!  We thought they were barking mad and went to another sanctuary who approved us straight away. 

Mrs R51

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Bizarre Richard- I can understand you were annoyed and bemused!

I must say I've never seen as much dog mess as in French towns- much worse than in the UK. On a visit to Collioure some years back - you could hardly walk for the dog mess. Here bags and bins are provided everywhere, and people seem to really try. However, some people drive me crazy - they get a bag, pick up, then leave the bag by the roadside or throw it in a ditch or hedge!!

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You haven't developed your dog sh*t radar yet then.

For the first few months I kept walking in it, but some how I developed my Dog sh*t radar and haven't walked in one since.

I have a dog in my appartment I rescued him from the local SPA and I think he's happier with me than the pound!!

He gets excercised 4 time a day including 1 long session with my bike hail rain or shine he;s a great motivater and he knows exactly when its time to go.

He's never done his business inside from the day we took him home lucky I guess.

I'm a big fan of the dog whisperer on discovery and I've learnt a lot from the show I reccomend it for all you dog owners.

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Not much of a problem that I can see where we are in UK, as most people around us have bags and scoops at the ready. But definitely a different story in our travels around France generally.

In our small town in France it's a huge problem, and we even call one part 'dog alley'. The mairie has had an eye-catching poster campaign, but that doesn't seem to have helped. Many people just pop dogs out of the house and let them do their business. Nasty, and an eyesore, besides any mess people might pick up, and as it's very much a tourist town, not good sense at all. I manage to avoid it fine by day, but walking home from socialising in the dark is another problem!  [:(]

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My village in Sussex mobilised the primary school kids, they gave them rubber gloves and a supply of little red flags to put in every piece of dog poo that they found on the paths and verges, it was done in conjunction with the village newsletter and a poster campaign which explained what the flags were for, - to avert people from stepping in it and to shame the dog owners, it did work for a while.

Here in France its somewhat different, there must be 20 or so dogs in the immediate neighbouring terraced houses, all locked up in tiny broken cement yards wallowing in their own crotets until the owners turn them out to beg on the streets when they are replaced by a new pride and joy puppy which after being paraded proudly by the kids for a few days is condemned to the same fate.

I was besieged by dog muck right outside my front door, eventually I realised that it was the bull terrier of a young mother in a first floor flat that used to let it out and shout for it to stop when it got as far as my house, I witnessed this several times whilst working in my grenier and also recognised the gabarit of the turds.

I offered to walk the dog for her but she thought I was barking mad, I suppose she had a point as with one notable exception I have never seen anyone walk a dog here in nearly 6 years. After returning from a UK trip to find my doorstep with more crottes than the neighbours yards I went on the offensive and gathered them up and deposed them on her doorstep, then I got a pooper scooper and started doing it regularly, she moved some time later after her flazt was raided and her daughter was taken into care.

I went away a couple of weeks ago and before doing so I emptied my trailer of rubbish so that I could put the cover on it while I was away, if I dont do this I return to find it full of junk some of it not so nice, whilst emptying it at the dechetterie I found human excrement in the bottom together with the bag that had transported it and a pair of gloves like the kids in the UK wore to plant their flags, I guess that it was a leaving present from her or one of her clients.

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From an environmental point of view, which is worse?

A) You pick up dog poo put it in a plastic bag and it goes to a landfill.

B) You don't pick it up, the sun drys the poo and it becomes part of the earth.

B) Is how nature intented it to be. No waste.
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Whilst they are at it, perhaps they will also design humans who don't drop sweet papers, spit out their chewing gum or empty their car ashtrays in public places?

And could the anglers who use the ground behind their favourite spot as a public toilet please be cloned to either pick up their doodoos and pink loo paper, or not to need to do doodoos except when they are at home? It's not nice for us dog walkers to step in it.

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