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Stolen Cat.


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Hi to all.

Ok my cat went messing and we looked everywhere for him and could not find him.

So we went around to the neighbours houses and asking them and we started putting up web adds, as we where putting up adds and looking on websites we found our cat being offered as a saillie (mate) for 150 euros only a day after he disappeared. so we went to the police and they just called the person that advertised our cat and pretty much warned the person that they know that the cat is stolen and they said that the women on the phone was very scared but did not say it was stolen just said that it was her cat.

Now they said to me and my wife that we have to go and check the cat out ourself and told us to be-careful as the people that normal do this kind of thing are dangerous.

So we are left looking at our cat online being offered up and they are not going to do anything about it. we called some other place SVP or something like that and all they told us to do was to go to another police station in the town where it is being offered.

Well we called them and they just keep passing us off on the phone to someone else.

PLEASE is there anyone we can get hold of that can go to this persons house and check the cat out (if he is still there now)

The police officer got the address of the person but we can not say for sure if that is the right address.

Our cat has a microchip and is registered to us.

This is the web page that is offering our cat.   http://www.leboncoin.fr/animaux/193318983.htm

Also we found him here as well http://annonces.ebay.fr/viewad/Magnifique-Matou-Saillie-/5035905899

Also if you look they are saying on one web page that he is 1yrs old  and he's a Rangdoll and on the next he is 16 months and he's a siamese so they don't even know how old he is and what breed he is!!

We are in Montpellier.

Please any help you can give us would be really really appreciated

Thanks Michael and Nadia..


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Surely it is for you to go to the address to confirm beyond doubt that it is indeed your cat, is that not what the Police are suggesting?

Were someone else from this forum to go for you what would you have them do? Confirm that cat is yours? Only you can do that. Take him away?

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@Chancer. Did you read the message?? the police told us that the people that do this kind of thing are DANGEROUS.

I am not asking for someone from this form to go for me, i was asking if someone knows an official company or a website that we could contact that would be able to check the cats microchip for us. I really dont mind going myself but i dont have a way to get to Nimes and back at the moment.



thanks for the idea. We are trying this now but after the police call she seems to be a bit funny if you say that your in Montpellier as this is where we are and she has put that she is in Nimes. So we are not sure what we can do its really frustrating.


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ViVienne Sorry forgot to say that when my wife called her just asking info about the cat and what you would have to do to mate him, she said that she will come and pick the female cat up and bring it back afterwards she does not want to leave the male cat in the house.

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You have your pet's passport, so proof that the cat is yours. Personally I would go and do a porte plainte at the gendamerie, I don't think that they can refuse you doing that and then there is an official record. I'd take any photos with me and the passport and a copy of their photos from the web.

We have a moggy and I don't pay for any pet ever, but IF you have paid for this cat, then there is a real value, have you got the receipt?

Have you contacted a vet and asked what they suggest too? And that is all I can think of.

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[quote user="Michael.Nadia"] @Chancer. Did you read the message?? the police told us that the people that do this kind of thing are DANGEROUS.
I am not asking for someone from this form to go for me, i was asking if someone knows an official company or a website that we could contact that would be able to check the cats microchip for us. I really dont mind going myself but i dont have a way to get to Nimes and back at the moment.


 I have read your posting again and this:

 PLEASE is there anyone we can get hold of that can go to this persons house and check the cat out (if he is still there now)

Still reads to me that you want someone else (no mention of an official company).to go to the address, danger or otherwise and check the cat out.

Perhaps you mean that you dont want them to go for you but rather with you, in which case your comment about not having any way of getting to Nimes makes no sense, not that you mentioned the cat was in Nimes, just that you were in Montpelier.

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Chancer look i found this site and was thinking that someone could pass on some info about helping with this problem not criticize what i wrote so if you dont have anything to help me out with then please can you stop posting on this.

As for the making no sense about getting to Nimes I'm in financial difficulty at the moment and i do not have a car. SO when i said i had no way of getting to Nimes i meant just what i wrote I CAN NOT GET TO NIMES. 

Not that i wanted someone to go with me or go for me. IF i wanted someone to go for me i would have wrote that or wanted someone to go with me.

@Christine Animal

here is a few.





@Pads we where thinking that if we did that they wont be able to try and trace them from the IP address which is what we were hoping that the police could do. (but they don't give a S@#T)

Well as for the help someone on the last 2 websites gave us a contact number for some association that should help us.

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There seems to be a problem.  They put their ad on Leboncoin on 14th June and in your ad on chat-perdu.org you say you lost yours on 16th July.

So maybe it's just a cat that looks like yours.

Have you put posters up everywhere in your neighbourhood where yours disappeared?  Maybe he has got shut in somewhere.


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

There seems to be a problem.  They put their ad on Leboncoin on 14th June and in your ad on chat-perdu.org you say you lost yours on 16th July.

So maybe it's just a cat that looks like yours.

Have you put posters up everywhere in your neighbourhood where yours disappeared?  Maybe he has got shut in somewhere.




I'm Michael's wife so i will try to explain all this a bit more clear for the people who didn't really understand fully the story (sorry for my english but i'm french).

Those past few weeks (since the season for cats started at the end of may), my cat was disappearing for hours but were always coming back home in the night to stay with us till the 16th of july when he stopped coming back home.

The next day i found that ad on ebay first then found that 2nd ad on leboncoin which indeed dates from the 14th of june.

I will recognize my cat among 1000 cats and i can tell you that cat is mine.

But i had a doubt about the localization (as they say they are in Nimes, which is 20 mins away from here).

So i called that person and she actually told me that the cat can be visited in Montpellier not in Nimes!! What we think is that they tried to get hold of my cat a little while ago, when he was disappearing for hours, to try to make money right away till they probably locked him in their house on the 16th of july.

As for why they wrote Nimes, it's well known that if someone steals your cat, he will never advertise him on the net in the same town as where they stole him.

If you look properly at the 2 ads, they are even unable to say how old he is or what breed he is. Either he is 1 year or 16 months and on the phone she told me again something else. Also anyone who knows a bit about cats, will never get confused between a Rangdoll and a siamese, they are 2 completely different cats so my vet told me that those ads are very suspicious.

Plus when i asked the woman about the cat's medical papers and everything, she was there again unable to reply correctly to me as she wasn't too sure where she put the papers or if she even has them. Then she hung up on me and even removed the ad for a few hours before putting it back on again.

All this makes me think truly this is my cat.

Now the laws in France about animals rights are very bad. They won't take you into consideration if you lose your pets. We went through the same thing a little while ago with my dog...

Anyway, now we are trying to get the police to take our complaint, once more again, so they can check that cat before those people try to get rid of him after the police called them (which i think there they made a big mistake by just threatening them on the phone, doesnt make any sense to me)

The police told us to go to Nimes and see those people while warning us to be carefull. That is just ridiculous, its a big risk for us and for my cat to go there on our own with no guarantee for our safety but also no guarantee that they are even in Nimes.

We wanted the police to be able to track them with their mobile phone and their IP address, not us just to go to an unknown place, without being sure they are actually there (as she told me on the phone that the cat can be visited in Montpellier).

We have all my cat's papers so it will be so easy for them to check it out but we are just bloked because of some inconscient people who don't give a sh*t about animals.

Anyway, thanks to the other website and to really nice people who understands our case, we are now in touch with an association which will help us in our right to get our beloved cat back home!!

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Surely at some point you will have to go to Nimes to regain your cat ?

Frankly if you are covinced the other cat is yours I would take down the details otherwise the person who has it will have all the detail they need to market the cat........


That's what i've done, i removed his microchip number after i realized he might have been kidnapped.

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[quote user="idun"]

You have your pet's passport, so proof that the cat is yours. Personally I would go and do a porte plainte at the gendamerie, I don't think that they can refuse you doing that and then there is an official record. I'd take any photos with me and the passport and a copy of their photos from the web.

We have a moggy and I don't pay for any pet ever, but IF you have paid for this cat, then there is a real value, have you got the receipt?

Have you contacted a vet and asked what they suggest too? And that is all I can think of.


Well believe it or no, they CAN refuse and they actually DID

Yes we paid for that cat. He's registered under my name since he's 2 months old. Even with all the papers, passport, microchip card and everything, they didn't take us into consideration and that's what makes me sick.

All they've done is to call those people and threaten them on the phone and now i'm just scared that they got rid of my cat or even killed him.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

[quote user="Michael.Nadia"] @Chancer. Did you read the message?? the police told us that the people that do this kind of thing are DANGEROUS.

I am not asking for someone from this form to go for me, i was asking if someone knows an official company or a website that we could contact that would be able to check the cats microchip for us. I really dont mind going myself but i dont have a way to get to Nimes and back at the moment.


 I have read your posting again and this:

 PLEASE is there anyone we can get hold of that can go to this persons house and check the cat out (if he is still there now)

Still reads to me that you want someone else (no mention of an official company).to go to the address, danger or otherwise and check the cat out.

Perhaps you mean that you dont want them to go for you but rather with you, in which case your comment about not having any way of getting to Nimes makes no sense, not that you mentioned the cat was in Nimes, just that you were in Montpelier.


Well look, as my husband said, all we wanted is to get in touch with an association specialized in such a case to help us to get hold of those people and check our cat out before they get rid of him as the police refuse to do it!!

We thought that some people here may know the laws better than we do.

I think we are enough depressed and devastated by our loss to just have to argue on a play of words. We simply do not have the time or the force to just have to explain every single words that we write.

The cat is said to be in Nimes if you just took the time to look at the links my husband put up on the 1st post.

If you are unable to understand that with the emotion, sometimes we might not be as clear as we normally are, then please don't bother replying to our message. You just remind me of those police officers who just make fun of our case and that's really the last thing we need right now!

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I heeded your request in your 12.36 posting "so if you dont have anything to help me out with then please can you stop posting on this."

Not sure why you are still addressing me and telling me not to bother replying, in any case good luck with finding your cat.

My final words, I hope. 


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