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Renewing Blue Parking Badge

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My blue parking badge and Carte d'Invalidity are due for renewal and I was going to download forms 13788.01 for the cards, 13878.01 for the medical certificate, and 51299.01 for the instructions, then send the forms to Carcassonne for the Aude Department.

However, my neighbour tells me that the forms have changed and been updated.  I have searched the web but I cannot find any updated forms.

I would be grateful if anybody could advise whether the forms have actually changed, and if so what numbers I should download.

Thanks very much indeed in advance.


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Thank you everybody, I have tried those links but my French is not up to understanding the site, and I am still confused.

I found that form 13788.01 had downloaded to my computer, but I cannot open it.  It seems that I have to update my Adobe first which is a problem for later.

If I understand correctly the application forms have not changed, but perhaps the Blue Badge and Invalidity Card may be different.

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From Sue's link it seems that the old paper cards are being replaced with new plastic ones with a photo on them, rather like the Carte Vitale; and the name is changing

: Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, la

carte mobilité inclusion (CMI
) remplace les cartes de priorité,

stationnement et invalidité.

These cards are supposed to stop fraud


I think you still apply to the MDPH  for the new card

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Thank you very much Norman, that was my understanding as well.  I will download Adobe Reader DC, and then print out the same forms as last time.  Perhaps when I can open the forms I might find them updated.

Thanks for all your help, much appreciated.

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Our doctor told us very recently that the new forms are not online and we should get a form from the Mairie. Our local one said "no" you have to phone the prefecture for a form  A bigger Mairie sent us to a "shop" called CCAS (centre communale d'aide sociale - I think). They had all the forms.

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  • 1 year later...
This is my first time applying for a blue parking permit, I was actually able to download these forms. My doctor then filled in and signed the relevant forms.I then filled in my details then sent off the application form three months ago. Six weeks ago I receive the next step which was just to attach a passport photo and sign then send it off, so it's just a case of more waiting, not that I can see myself going out at this time of year as the cold makes a big difference to my breathing..

One of the big Supermarkets deliver all my groceries, my medicines are also delivered and even the ladies of La Post will always stop to see if I have any mail to be sent, you certainly wouldn't get service like this from the UK?

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 Come on now, you have been able to get supermarket deliveries in the UK for a very long time, far longer than in France. AND pharmacies have delivered medicines for donkey's years too.

Out in the sticks, I know of posties who check in on the odd person with 'difficulties'..... in towns, highly unlikely, but here it is likely that carers or cleaners would be calling in and they would deal with the post anyway.

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If I may say so, I'm not reapplying, I'm applying for a blue badge, and what do you know about the circumstances of my condition, zilch, you are passing a judgement about a condition that you know absolutely nothing about, unless of course your a doctor, which I very much doubt.

Can I explain that the cause is due to a respiratory illness concerning three elements coal, asbestos & smoking.Yes all three have contributed to the condition that I'm suffering from.I'm now actually waiting for a lung transplant.
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[quote user="Mr Wiggy"]This is my first time applying for a blue parking permit, I was actually able to download these forms. My doctor then filled in and signed the relevant forms.I then filled in my details then sent off the application form three months ago. Six weeks ago I receive the next step which was just to attach a passport photo and sign then send it off, so it's just a case of more waiting, not that I can see myself going out at this time of year as the cold makes a big difference to my breathing..

One of the big Supermarkets deliver all my groceries, my medicines are also delivered and even the ladies of La Post will always stop to see if I have any mail to be sent, you certainly wouldn't get service like this from the UK?[/quote]

[quote user="idun"]
 Come on now, you have been able to get

supermarket deliveries in the UK for a very long time, far longer than

in France. AND pharmacies have delivered medicines for donkey's years


Out in the sticks, I know of posties who

check in on the odd person with 'difficulties'..... in towns, highly

unlikely, but here it is likely that carers or cleaners would be calling

in and they would deal with the post anyway.


Please read what I have said.
As I didn't say anything  that you implied I said.

It looked to me as if you implied that things would be worse for you in the UK. I don't know how long you have been in France but at least since 2004 in this area,  we have had food delivered  even into very rural areas. And pharmacies have been delivering for a very long time in the UK too.


add to that in France, until fairly recently even when supermarkets started

delivering (and is this everywhere I wonder), one could order on line, but

had to pick up at special pick up points.


you made out your posties were great, but if I got to my french post

box, my postie always took mail from me.  I know of a couple of posties

who work in rural

areas of England who keep an eye on those who may need it. AND for all

the carer system has it faults, in general, it works.

It looked to me as if you were saying that you found things 'better' in

France. I have no reason to believe other than neither system is perfect

and that in general both usually work fairly well. And that is all.


you are very unwell, well, what do you want me to say? I have friends

and family members with very severe illnesses,   and as a friend and I

discussed the other day..... it is just like that now, at our age.

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Idun - I think he was saying how quick he found the service of getting a permit. Most things take a time in France as a family member discovered.

A lot of things have changed just in the UK as I have discovered, not for the best I might add and I only left thee years ago. I have to take a stab vest with me if I go visiting for a start.
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Haaahahahaha! Cathar Tours, you are Harriet Harman and I claim my five pounds! Either that, or you're working for Donald Trump!

But watch yourself... You're 19 times more likely to be shot with a firearm in Germany than you are in the UK, so your stab vest isn't necessarily going to be enough!???

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I don't think so, where is your proof, three people shot last week with two dead and remind me how many stabbings last week in the UK and how many killed. I would hardly call that proof of your statement.

Total shootings (not killings) in Germany in 2018 were 0.99 in every 100,000 which includes suicide which accounts for 0.69.

Knife crime murders in the UK for 2018 2.3 per 100,000.

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I should have updated my original post for the benefit of other applicants.

I downloaded the forms, completed them, had my French GP tick a couple of boxes (all that is needed for a renewal), and then took them with photos to Carcasson.  In Carcasson a very friendly lady at the reception desk checked over the forms, made sure that everything was in order, and also that I had claimed as many benefits as I was elligible for.  She gave me my photos back.

She then advised that Carcasson no longer dealt with blue cards, but she would send on the forms to the correct office, together with her recommendation that I did indeed qualify for the blue card, and also the Handicapped Card as I am more than 80% disabled.

Quite quickly, perhaps about one month, maybe less, I received a letter from the authorities saying my renewal had been approved, and inviting me to post my photo on their on-line site.  I duly did this and quite soon my new plastic credit card sized Blue Badge arrived together with a sticky plastic envelope to stick the blue badge to the windscreen.  The Handicapped Card was also a credit card sized piece of plastic.

I found the whole system to be quite simple, even for my limited French and limited computer skills.  I was also surprised how quick it was as my original application took over six months to be approved.


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@Cathar Tours:


Also, unless you're a 15-20 year old of Afro-Caribbean ethnicity, your statistical chance of being stabbed is incredibly small. It's truly sad that it's happening at all, and your initial flippant comment is just that. It really overlooks the terrible fact that dozens of young kids are dying on the streets and it's an increasing phenomenon. Chances of it happening to you? About 0. My son has lived in Peckham for a good 10 years now. Look it up: Peckham. He's never been in fear of his well being, not has his partner, nor indeed any of his friends locally. It's amazing that you're so worried about coming to the UK from a thousand Km away.....pretending that Germany is a crime free utopia is risible.
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 I agree David that for France that probably seems quite quick, but the problem with anything for people with handicaps is that THEY NEED THEM NOW! ......not in months time, but immediately. And that I do know, I have had these things to deal with in my life.

To anyone who has to  apply for anything to help in their daily life. And I do hope that they get these badges done as quickly as possible, it is simply not 'right' that they do not.

And Cathar Tours, what are you comparing to, London and some UK cities to rural France????

There is a great deal of difference in France between la campagne and the cities on all sorts of levels, violence and muggings included.

I accept cities for what they are. I lived in french city for a couple of years. Whilst we were there, we had friends shot at, my husband was and he was threatened with a knife. 

Even when we moved to a village, we still had to go to the local cities for many things and both my kids have been attacked in the streets, including muggers armed with a knife coming after my youngest, who was 16 at the time, this  in Metz, which is supposed to be rather bourgeoise, they didn't mug him, he told them to go away or he would kill them, very calmly he said, he'd said it, and they ran away. I know of other things that are also very very serious,  including a serious crime that happened to friends in France, but that is their story and not mine to pass on. The gendarmes were not interested, and in the UK it would have been taken seriously and national news, I am not kidding.

What can I say, these things happen.

I will never imagine that nothing will happen in the UK, but we have had our fair share in France already. 

Should I be afraid of going to France, last time we took the car it was hit THREE TIMES, but we were not 'attacked'[:D]

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Oh how I love some people. I don't have any kids yet but Peckham I know, Only Fools and Horses I believe.

I don't remember comparing London or France come to that either.

Thing is you will find that British knife crime is talked about in newspapers and TV across Europe as is the perceived massive drug problem with gangs using kids to take drugs across counties. Sounds like some old gangster film.

So YCCMB you can't come up with any validated data apart from some obscure website with no information as to where this data comes from. You then roll out a lot of other cr ap and say that I am "pretending that Germany is a crime free utopia". I am not pretending anything and I never said that your simply lying. I made a comment about stabbing which is true, you said guns in Germany implying you had more chance of being shot in Germany than being stabbed in the UK which was not true and now you have made this magical jump about something nobody said. I just hope your son is more intelligent and more honest than you. Can't be that smart if he lives in Peckham. If he has a partner I would be worried if I were him with there being 417 violence and sexual offences in Peckham, 306 Anti-social behaviour crimes and that in six months from Sept 2018 to August 2019.

I think you have been away from the UK to long or in denial and have your head stuck up somewhere the sun does not shine and wouldn't know reality if somebody smacked you round the head with it.

Source.: Met Police - https://www.police.uk/metropolitan/00BEGQ/crime/stats/
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Quote "Can't be that smart if he lives in Peckham."

Well, my Grandson who is 22 is living in Peckham and running his own very successful business, his partner has just graduated with a first-class honours degree. So I find your comment that anybody living there isn't too smart a bit of a joke.
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Peckham has a few claims to fame two of which were until the early 2000's the most deprived area in Europe and has having the worse sink estate in the UK. Peckham was badly damage in the 2015 riots. It has received a lot of money in grants especially from the EU. Offering cheap housing it has gradually become "gentrified" by young professionals pushing out the indigenous population through rising house prices.

It is also the home of the famous Peckham Boy gang who account for most of the violent crime in the area. They are still very much active.

My uncle used to live there till he escaped and I remember Peckham and Peckham Rye as not a nice place to visit but that was 20 years ago.
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Oh I do love it when you get cross, CT.. You go about it like a petulant four your old.

I'll let you google Peckham for yourself, as your knowledge of the area seems to have been gleaned from a trite 1980's sitcom and some crime stats which you've looked up to prove...what? That crime happens in Peckham. No shit, Sherlock.

Suffice to say it was voted the 11th "coolest" place to live in the WORLD only last year, and top of the best places to live in London in 2017... Full of losers, though. Of course...

I haven't been away from the UK for too long, unlike your good self. I live here. Wouldn't have it any other way. And I don't own or need a stab vest.

If you carefully read my previous post, however, you might (if you can extract your own head from wherever the proctologist might have put it) notice that at no point did I suggest that you were more likely to be shot in Germany than knifed in the UK. I did, however, point out that Germany has a much higher level of gun crime than the UK. Yet I would never think of suggesting that I'd need a bulletproof vest to visit Germany....

Any other members of my family you'd like to drag into your cheap, ad hominem digs?



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I see you added the links later.

I would hardly call the Daily Mail and The Standard reliable sources. Indeed the Daily Mail is the most untrustworthy newspaper in the UK (according to the PCC has had three time more complaints than it's nearest rival). The Standard does come out better I must admit. As for The Times (from which the Standard article originated I quote Davis Davies "I know Whitehall press officers now who rank the [Sunday Times] above even the cheapest red-top tabloid as a source of fabricated stories".
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