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Driving in France


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I am new to this forum. Apologies. I'm sure this question must have come up in the past.  Road Fund [geek]Tax in France - is there one and how much is it and how does it work? I can't remember seeing a T/disc on cars, only insurance, is this correct? Trying to be sensible, the French must make a charge, but I can't find reference to it. We have been told all sorts of weird & wonderful stories by 'Brit' acquaintances! At the moment, we have no intention of buying a car in France, but we have talked about it. Presume the garage would sort it all out.   Snoopy

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[quote user="snoopy"]

! At the moment, we have no intention of buying a car in France, but we have talked about it. Presume the garage would sort it all out.   Snoopy


A garage may sort it out (or help you) if you buy a new car, but if you have no intention.............??

To answer your first question the equivalent of road tax is payable when you register the car in your name, or when you reregister your UK car.

It is a one off payment for as long as you own the car and increases according to a measure of fiscal horsepower rather like the post war British system.

When I registered my car (1.9Tdi) it cost about the same as one years (reduced rate) UK road fund license. 

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Vignettes(road tax discs) were finished with in France a good five or six years ago now and worked on the age and power of the vehicle. Now all we have is the insurance certificate (green) and Contrôle Technique pass certificate with the dates of the next visit if the vehicle is four years old or over. When you buy a vehicle here, especially a new one, the garage will arrange for your carte grise (log book) which again costs depending on engine size and vehicle type,you have to arrange the insurance cover and after a couple of weeks in the case of a brand new vehicle you will receive your final number plates.
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Sorry but only if you have more than four works vehicles are you subject to road tax in France. The artisan with a couple of vehicles DOES NOT pay road tax and I should know.Also utility vehicles are subject to a yearly pollution contrôle as well.
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Thats right. Artisans/firms with four or more works vehicles pay a road tax here just like before and privately owned vans and cars do not. 4x4 vehicles do not pay either but they talk of bringing in a tax on those in the near future especially for those in the cities taking up room etc.
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Sorry, stupid return key stuck.  Val - I was saying we sometimes forget that people don't know what various French things mean, like controle technique.  Reminds me of when our friends recommended we shop in Ocean and to look out for the big A......  We couldnt work that one out.
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Auchan is a hyper market and the capital A has a little  robin sat on the top.

Val, I think the nearest one to you might be St Nazaire; bit of a long way to travel!

In Spain the same chain is known as Alcampo, with a little robin on top of the capital A.

Sorry to be off topic.


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