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Does anyone know the proportion of Ethanol now in cooking French petrol?

I've just ordered from the USA a carb and fuel supply service kit for my Outdoor Products Inc (Poulan Pro) Weedeater strimmer.

However the suppliers have placed a guarantee caveat on the parts where more than X% Ethanol petrol is used.

The main original problem was the in-line fuel filter (A Dongle in the tank): which sort of broke up and filled the carb with fluff!


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I'm sure you've Googled for it but if you has the same success as me then I guess it's the reason for posing your question.

I can find no info on the amount of ethanol in petrol.  I'm not saying it isn't on t'interweb somewhere but I can't find it.

What I can tell you is that there's no ethanol added to petrol sold in Germany as it's reckoned to have a detrimental effect on hoses, filters, etc.

Belguim has a legal limit of 10% enthanol but is currently using 7% (or 7.7%, there seems to be some doubt) ethanol according to my Belgium colleagues.


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Thanks, SD: unfortunately the webref and Wiki only stated >10% (E10 i.e.) and not the actual current percentage.

However, this seems to provide the answer.


Something successfully disolved the in-line fuel filter: filling the carb with fluff.

Reminicscent for me of the original and first E Type V 12s, which did precisely the same thing.

As always it would appear the devil is in the detail: and whilst an engine may well run happily with no modification on Ethanol-Petrol mixture, fuel pipes and gaskets may well rapidly degrade.

Which is typical of how Knee Jerk enviromentalists and their supporters forget in their enthusiam to consider any "Solution" holistically.

Ah me:'Twas ever thus...................


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Reminds me of a story we heard a couple of years ago. Couple had a Saab 9-3, with the low-pressure turbo. They had been camped near a stream in Belgium, and some of the hoses in the engine bay were gnawed through! No surprise to the dealer, who said that these are manufactured from recycled materials - and some rodents find them really tasty!
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We filled up at Beaune a couple of days ago at the garage we usually call in at - low prices, and v close to the motorway - I think it's BP. We didn't notice at first that the pump was labelled 95-E10, and contained 10% ethanol. There was a statement on the pump stating that all cars from 1st Jan 2000 could safely use it. We had already started putting it in our very pre-2000 Saab. All seemed fine on our run back to the south, but now I'm wondering about any damage that might be happening. It is very old, with 160,000 plus on the clock, and we want it to go on a lot longer. We'll certainly look out for ethanol in petrol in future, and avoid it. 


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