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Insurance expired


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Advice needed! We are over in the UK visiting family and have just realised to our horror that our insurance expired on Thursday. It is Sunday morning so no chance of contacting our insurerers until tomorrow morning. We are due to leave here at 7am tomorrow, but are wondering if we should stay until we can contact them tomorrow. Does anyone know if policies normally have a period of grace?

We know it is a completely daft thing to have done, but any advice would be appreciated.
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Thanks Anton. It is a French company and we have the new certificate. As they haven't contacted us to remind us about the payment, do people think we can safely assume it is OK to travel home? I will try and ring them tomorrow, but am not sure if they will be there Monday morning.
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This is one of the most irritating things for me about the French Insurance system. You not only have expired but have automatically renewed, and they will sue for the outstanding amount which they have not requested payment for. I'm sure they omit to do this in order not to remind you of the period in which you may cancel. (but will still be obliged to insure with someone), as I found to my cost, with a vehicle off the Road for the last few years I was nontheless obliged to continue insurance.

Whereas in the British System you will be notified in time, allowed to cancel, and not obliged to reinsure vehicles that off the road.

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Regardless of whether you have actually paid or not they have automatically extended your cover for another year, evidenced by the issuing the new vignette.

Even if you didn't pay the bill the insurance would continue and they would persue you via legal channels for the money.

Don't worry about it, you're covered.

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