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Wits End and a Pauper!


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I dont know where to turn next!

Hubby is self employed, but due to the 'Credit Crunch', has had no work since December.

I have informed/asked help and advice from URSSAF, CIPAV and RSI, even the Prefecture, regarding an exoneration from cotisations, but they are still taking our approx 1500 € each month, and, as you can imagine, our bank account is almost empty.

Nobody seems to be able to, or prepared to advise, help, or point me in the right direction.

I think a 'Radiation' is the only answer, but hubby thinks if he does this, he will not then be able to register as an autoentrepreneur (pay as you earn).

He is 61, and , to put the icing on the cake, is now in Soins Intensif, having had an MI yesterday (no doubt brought on by the stress of it all)

If there IS anybody out there who could give me sound advice, it would be so appreciated.


Thank you in advance

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Sweetpea, I don't live in France and have no personal experience of the system, but couldn't let your plea for help go completely unanswered.  Firstly, I'm so sorry about the situation you find yourselves in, especially that your husband is now ill because of all the stress. Secondly, does your husband belong to any trade or professional association which might be able to help or advise? I know that most trades unions in the UK have a well-developed social care and advice function for their members and wondered whether there is something equivalent in France.

Lots of people seem to have looked at this topic, so hopefully someone will be along soon with more useful advice than mine.

Hope things improve for you very quickly.

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Sweetpea - I am so sorry to hear of your situation.  Can I suggest you contact the Assistante Sociale at your Mairie (ask for an appointment) and tell them your situation.  They will point you in the right direction and advise you of any help you may be entitled to.  They will also write letters for you if your French isn't up to it.  Talk to your doctor too as your husband will need an arret de travail (even if he hasn't actually been doing any work) to help you claim any benefits due.  The local Inspection de Travail should also be able to tell you what other steps you can take.

Do not be afraid to ask for help - often there is help and people just don't know where to find it.  I hope that your husband makes a speedy recovery.  Take care of yourself.


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You poor old thing. 

I (as you may or may not know) have been in hospital now since August and just left this morning.  As your husband is now ill, I would think the Social Security people would, as Cerise says, be your best bet.  They've been really helpful to me and have offered, had I needed it, all kinds of help both financial and practical.  Of course it would be better if your o/h were fit and healthy but it may be just the boost the social security people need to step in and help you out.

Bon courage.

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So sorry to hear of your problems, and as others have said , there is help out there.

Is it possible to close down your business temporarily?

Hoping to hear better news from you soon, especially on your husband's health.

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Hi ,

      Just to reinforce what has already been said, your best course is to contact your mairie and get an appointment with the "Assistante Sociale".

If this brings no result contact CLCV,( details on internet), this is the french equivalent of Citizens Advice and, although I have no direct experience, I have read  many good reports of them.

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[quote user="tj"]But why on earth would you want to discuss this with the Mairie ? maybe so the whole village have something to chat about :)[/quote]

Why?  Because a problem shared is a problem halved.

Good luck Sweetpea.

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Your entitled to your opinion, doesnt change the reality.

while we are on the subject why isnt there a section with all the info related to the issue of financial difficulty? Its not as if it doesnt happen everyday!

This is france, a socialist country, the support system is well developed and can help you in times of difficulty, pay your mortgage, rent, money to live on, whilst still continuing to be self employed and find work.

If you've been resident here 2 years, registered as self employed, then all kinds of help is available.


This would allow those unfortunates to get the direction they need without the need to broadcast their situation.

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Because the Mairie is where you can make an appointment with the Assistante Sociale and you can get help.  Far from gossiping throughout the village, real help can be given to those in need.  Of course there are unkind gossips in all walks of life - but actually most people just want to help those ith real problems.  It would be a shame if such comments prevented anyone from getting much needed help.
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[quote user="tj"]Your entitled to your opinion, doesnt change the reality. while we are on the subject why isnt there a section with all the info related to the issue of financial difficulty? Its not as if it doesnt happen everyday! This is france, a socialist country, the support system is well developed and can help you in times of difficulty, pay your mortgage, rent, money to live on, whilst still continuing to be self employed and find work. If you've been resident here 2 years, registered as self employed, then all kinds of help is available. SO HOW ABOUT IT, A SECTION WITH ALL THE INFO? This would allow those unfortunates to get the direction they need without the need to broadcast their situation.[/quote]

Perhaps you'd like to put something together ?

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""If you've been resident here 2 years, registered as self employed, then all kinds of help is available.""

2 years???. I understood it was 5 years to establish full residency and entitlement to the same benefits as a native French person.


I could of course be wrong but this was also written to me by the Conseil General.



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A huge thank you to all, for your various advice.

I have, as suggested, contacted the Mairie and (surprise, surprise!) am still awaiting a response!

I will let you know what (if anything) happens.

Incidentally, we have been here since 2000, and both have paid in 1000's in various taxes and cotisations over the years, but getting some back (or even being able to srop paying temporarily) seems to be the problem for self-employed.

We looked into changing to autoentrepreneur status, but cant do that this year, cos hubby earned more than the maximum last year (happy days, even tho more than half went to the various organisations!)


Again, many thanks for your advice & good wishes - hubby is quite jolly, but has to have another stent put in next week. Hey Ho.



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[quote user="Panda"]


It strikes me that your cotisations are incredibly high, 1500 per month is a lot unless you earned a lot last year?  The total should only be around 25% of your gross income.




      It is possible to get a reduction of cotisations where your earnings have fallen , contact the organisation to which you make your contributions and ask for an interview ,take all your paperwork with you.

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I think he earned about 42000 € last year, but URSSAF take 646 € per month; CIPAV take 450-ish and the RSI 280 €. Plus all the various taxes - just had a demand for 1300 which is a 3rd of the annual Impot sur la Revenu; plus 'top -up', habitation, fonciere, phone, elec, etc, etc.


What IS the purpose of URSSAF? Do we get nothing out of it? Is it just to help the VERY poor????

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That's sounds about right then, not that this will improve your situation but you would pay the below if you earned 42k per year in the UK and its not miles from your figures above.

Gross pay £42,000.00

Income tax £7,426.00

National Insurance £3,823.40

Net pay £30,750.60

So whilst it feels like a lot, if it was taken at source it would feel less painful.  All that aside Parsnips suggestion above to contact the various bodies and have them recalculate your cotisations based on current earnings is the way to go.


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That sum is turnover I imagine, not income.  Just because any business makes a reasonable sum doesn't make you rich and 6 months earning nothing is enough to make anyone struggle.  OP should keep trying to get reductions based on this year's projected income.
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But at 61 and on his 2nd heart attack in 5 years, working 7 days a week for up to 12 hours a day, I think he perhaps deserves it.

Anyway, it's not so much wanting to receive benefits, more to stop having to pay out so much each month. 

I am so grateful for all the support (especially from Cerise) but, as usual, there is always guaranteed to be one who has to be negative.

 I will follow up all your ideas/suggestions and let you know how things go  at the moment, the main thing is this second (third, actually) stent which they need to put in asap, and it's in the main artery.

Where are those sleeping pills?


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Sweetpea, I don't have any knowledge about the things you need to know about but I do understand your anxiety.

Anyway, Good Luck to you and your OH.  Do try out some of the suggestions on here which sound useful to me and you could be pleasantly surprised at getting some real results.

Bon courage!

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There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to get your various charges stopped / suspended tomorrow, you only have to go along in person and explain the situation. If you think they won't listen to you - get hold of your assistante social straight away, don't be fobbed of and given the run around, you must be pushy, shout at people if you have to. Allow them to see your stress and understand it's urgent.

Good luck, Chris

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