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Selling at farmers markets.


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Just wondering the rules about selling stuff at a farmers market.  Can anyone do it?  I have visited a few and I have seen a few british people selling english books and some plants.  My father does woodworking and my mother makes quilts.  Would they be able to sell their stuff at the local market? 

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Strictly you should have a 'carte de vendeur ambulant'.


Some markets are also strictly regulated by the other stallholders, such as our weekly Farmer's market where only people who produce their own produce are authorised to sell.

Certainly no books or plants

That would be more at a marché aux puces (flea market)

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And then the flea markets should be regulated too, one should be asked if you have sold at such a market up to two other occassions per year.

/ Tenue du registre d'identification

L'organisateur de la manifestation devra tenir à jour un registre très précis des personnes (morales ou physiques) présentent le jour du déballage. Celui-ci devra obligatoirement comporter :

- Pour un particulier: son nom, prénom, qualité et domicile ainsi qu'une copie d'une pièce d'identité ou à défaut références de la pièce d'identité présentée. Le particulier devra également remplir une attestation sur l'honneur de non-participation à plus de 2 autres manifestations de même nature au cours de l'année civile (voir l'article R 321-9 du Code pénal).

- Pour un professionnel: son nom commercial, adresse du siège ainsi que le nom, prénom, qualité et adresse du domicile du représentant légale de la société à la manifestation, ainsi qu'une copie de la carte d'identité ou à défaut les références de la pièce d'identité présentée.

Il ne faut pas oublier de noter que le registre doit être coté et paraphé par, soit :

- Un commissaire de police de la commune de la manifestation
- Le Maire de la commune où se déroule la manifestation

Ce registre doit être tenu à jour tout au long de la brocante ou vide-greniers et pouvoir être mis à la disposition de la police et de la gendarmerie, des douanes, services fiscaux ou de la répression des fraudes. Une fois la brocante ou vide-greniers achevé, ce registre devra être déposé

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To sell on public markets you need - as NormanH had pointed out - an ambulant traders licence. To get this you need to have some sort of business setup, such as auto-entrepreneur (the simplest format). Once you have these, you can apply to the markets controller at the Mairie(s) of the place(s) you would like to sell, armed with the above, and apply for a place. Some markets have vacancies, some have a waiting list, such as popular craft markets in holiday resorts in summer. Apart from that it is relatively easy and low-cost (three or four euros only for a 2 - 3 metre stall) and when I spent a summer working with a friend we found our fellow stall holders friendly and helpful, and looked after us (for example, if we had to be absentt for a few minutes they would keep an eye on our stall or even take money for us). Once you get to know the 'placier' who allocates places and collects the rent, he will try and accomodate you with as good a position as possible.

Hope this helps, good luck - P-D de R.

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I believe you are allowed to sell at two Brocantes / Vide Grenier per year without being registered as a business. We had a stand (in our garden[:)]) at our village brocante and our details (names / addresses) were noted by an official and presumably passed on the the right department.

To the O.P. Lovely as they might be I don't think your wife would make much profit selling her quilts at local markets. In our nearest big town they sometimes have a  dealer selling what they call ([blink]wrongly LOL!) "boutis" . These reasonably priced quilts and cushions are mass produced and are usually patchwork or wholecloth quilts made in toile de jouy or provencale printed fabrics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote user="Michael Walker"]They can definitely sell their stuffs in the local market....There are no rules and limitations binded for selling the stuffs..

Well there you go, good old American know how! All I can say is; that moonshine must be good   [:D]

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From a consumer's point of view, trying to sell something such as a handmade quilt will not be cheap considering the amount of time and work spent on just one (I have made them in the past and know what is involved) and I honestly think the only people who would buy such things are those on holiday with plenty of pocket money. Things are tight here in France at the moment and most people are scraping by to pay the ever increasing utility bills and again today, increased petrol and diesel prices. You may do better selling uniquely via a website for those type of things. I certainly would not pay out and if you look in IKEA,they do covers that look just like hand made quilts. Sorry but,times have changed.
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