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coffee van


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Quit with the name calling, you know it will only end in tears.


My 99% was really 95% bums on beds occupancy but included the revenues from short term business visitors that booked and paid for a couple of weeks or a month but left earlier and I relet the apartments.


And to put it into perspective the 99/95% is for the whole year not just July and August and against a backdrop of 30% cancellations usually at the last minute which rose to 50% in August following les attentats. August had been fully booked several months ahead yet come the end of July I had less than 50% occupancy nonetheless all the slack was taken up.


I would make far more money at 80% occupancy and I also have the potential to turn the cancellations from a  PITA to a 100% GP revenue stream.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Normally I charge for my expertise Chancer, but as its you.

So, if you want to reduce your occupancy by 20 % I would ask 'Leven' to renovate one of your bedrooms for you. I guess that would permanently put it out of action for life.

Alternatively you could employ them as an 'in house' entertainments 'redcoat' type person for a week for your guests. But that might reduce your occupancy by 100 %. I think he used to work for Butlins in Minehead. Not sure doing what though ???[/quote]

You are the one stuck in the dead zone with no way to return to the motherland under your usual names. I will give the bait a miss. lol
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Name me a 'trolling' post Chancer......and don't confuse 'wit' or 'sarcasm' with trolling. I am very polite person.

BTW, I thought Leven meant Germany when he said Motherland. ????

Now, what was I called the other day by a certain person. An illiterate that lives in a homeless shelter. I cried myself to sleep after reading that.
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Name me a 'trolling' post Chancer......and don't confuse 'wit' or 'sarcasm' with trolling. I am very polite person. BTW, I thought Leven meant Germany when he said Motherland. ???? Now, what was I called the other day by a certain person. An illiterate that lives in a homeless shelter. I cried myself to sleep after reading that.[/quote]


You dont need to be a troll to be an expert on them, just have the ability to attract them, however you did recently describe yourself as a troll!


Yes always polite and I have often mentioned that, polite and with an uncanny ability to remove any veneer of politeness in some others [:D]

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Can the mods please consider dreaming up topics for a*s hol*s, etc to vent their feelings rather than mess up possibly useful threads.

Another for "chatting" would be rather useful as well.

General discussion/others does not appear to fulfill the requirements. PMs don't seem to work either -most annoying when individual messages about pms are posted on threads.

With appropriate topics then the mods can perhaps moderate more effectively and direct posters to appropriate topics/threads.
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LOL your reply has made me smile Richard 51.

The reason being that this was ONLY a possibly useful thread, but in reality,was simple tosh, because it basically said, 'I want to earn a crust in France but boo hoo, I don't want to play the way the french do, and how can I circumvent their nasty ways.

Re the rest of the comments, well, as the thread started off so 'well' is it a wonder it deviated??????

And this is a message board, and I am thankful that those that post do, otherwise it will just die a death. 

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My problem is, who is going to buy a coffee from a van ?

People go to Bar Tabac's, Brasseries or Starbucks for a coffee. They don't go to vans. It is not 'French' to buy a coffee from a van.

OK you might sell a couple at a brocante but you are not going to earn a living.

Am I being a troll again by saying the blimey obvious ?
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Re-reading this thread and I think that any reasonable person would say the postings until 2014 were very appropriate. A person asked a question that they knew little about and it was answered. The thread then went on to sensibly discuss similar matters around the topic and came to a natural end in 2014.

It is only the posts in 2017 that have been ridiculous and totally inappropriate.

I hope that the mods take notice.

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Your opinion, others may differ.


Ultimately its the mods that decide whether something is appropriate and even if it isnt  they would not remove postings without good cause, even if one or more posts are contrary to the forum code of conduct and they are removed it does not merit removaing all posts since a certain date.

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Chancer it is indeed my opinion.

Please read my post on this thread yesterday. That is what I think that the mods should take a careful look at.

Todays post by myself merely highlights that this thread is a very good example of how the forum has degenerated and needs to be put back on track (in my opinion).
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Albf said: <>

An awful lot of French people do buy from the French coffee van man in the post I made earlier in the discussion; he goes to all sorts of events in the Gard and does extremely well, whether from winter truffle-hunting events, asparagus fêtes or other outdoor activities.

Regarding Off topic posts, I can't see a problem with posts wandering a bit; there are few technical queries these days, where one would hope that posts mainly kept to the subject, even if agreement on method differed.

I think our mods do a fine job -I say Happy New Year to the mods and keep up the light touch on the controls.

Happy New Year to everyone else, too.
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[quote user="richard51"]Chancer it is indeed my opinion. Please read my post on this thread yesterday. That is what I think that the mods should take a careful look at. [/quote]


This one?


Can the mods please consider dreaming up topics for a*s hol*s, etc to vent their feelings rather than mess up possibly useful threads.



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My question is, what is on track, the shameless nonsense about rose coloured spec France that I first encountered?

............ and ALBF, was told I was a troll for trying to even mention 'normal' France where french people (and I) lived.

This board is what it is. In general OK, I know that I will never agree with many on here, and that is OK, in fact it rather mirrors all the french people I know, who, will argue black is white if someone else says otherwise. And I now find that as I have some sort of mutated french ideas osmosis'd into my system, my ame (with a chapeau on the a), find I often disagree with UK friends too as I see the world quite differently.

...........so again, what is on track, because at the end of the day........... there is next to nothing anyone should be asking on here, because these days, every last tiny bit of information is on the www and has been for years and years. To not know is a choice. To ask and perhaps trust what one learns on a message board......... really, who would do that?[Www] Although say a recommendation for a cooker or washer, would perhaps be in a catagory of it's own, which has nothing to do with, how much would it cost me to live in France.

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Idun, the best is Gluey's thread 'err this is Good'

....which is a few threads down from this one.

I answered the thread 'correctly' I might add...because...well...I don't live in a bubble.

and gluey's response to me was....

'You do take the biscuit for posting dumb comments!'

I should imagine glueys has been living in France for a while and should know better.

But it is the last post on the thread which I think sums it all up. Fantastic. They were calling each other trolls 10 years ago. LOL.

Brits in France, you can't make it up.
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TEN YEARS AGO!!!!!!!! Non...... FIFTEEN!!!!!!!!!

 I joined in 2000 and had been in France 19 years then......and had, by the Guardian of their own Real ( and yet imaginary ) France, my full name address and phone number posted as well as being accused of being a vicious troll, trying to undermine the glorious France. Wouldn't care they could see that I lived in France, but that didn't count.  Made me very private and suspicious of posters in general.

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I think I'm turning into Mrs. Wilberforce in the Ladykillers:


Watched it the other day.

I bet the link doesn't work either. Scroll down to the little photo on the side.

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