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smell from toilet


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hello just to let you know the pics wouldnt go on but your discription of the vent pipe ws correct I think we have exhausted all the whys and what fores it looks as if we are stuck with this smelly toilet so thank you all once again if someone does have a brain wave as they are dropping off to sleep I will be very grateful
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[quote user="fussy"]thank you R H hope someone comes up with an idea the end of the pipe looks as if it is going straight into the flowerpot but its not there is quite a cap thank you again[/quote]

Could you possibly punctuate your reply as I cannot make any sense of it at the moment?

I am not being pedantic, I really can't understand it.

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[quote user="fussy"]thank you R H hope someone comes up with an idea the end of the pipe looks as if it is going straight into the flowerpot but its not there is quite a cap thank you again[/quote]


Try   "thank you R H hope someone comes up with an idea, the end of the pipe

looks as if it is going straight into the flowerpot but its not, there

is quite a gap, thank you again"


Do you find that there is a smell around the low level vent? ( stick head in flower pot [+o(])

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   ok cannot believe you got that passed by the inspector !!! the mushroom top  is the wrong type , you need the double disk type one , this is shaped like the venturi on a carburetor and sucks the gasses up not letting them fall onto the roof like the type you have . also the vent for the fosse it self should run up the side of the house terminating at least 3 ft above the ridge


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Fussy wrote:-

This toilet used to have a shower in it hubby took the shower out put a bag over the pipe which he filled with silicone then cemented the floor we then had someone come and put a screed over that plus the rest of the floor then had cushion flooring


As it appears that the whole of LF forum has become concerned at Fussy's stink, may I throw in a suggestion[I]

Is it possible that, from the above description of hubby's blanking of the upstairs shower/wc, the pipe left in situ now becomes, in effect, a storage area for any gas expelled from downstairs which somehow exits elswhere, if you follow?


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The main stack vent appears to me to be a "vacuum - breaker" type of the sort fitted to vent into a roof space ( the one with the spring and diaphragm inside). I would replace it with a conventional vent cap as :-


I would say that the method of blanking the ex-shower is not a method I would have used. A solid, glued, blanking cap would have been my choice.

Dave is of course correct in saying that the fosse vent should terminate high in the air, this could prove difficult from the photo of its location though.

On balance, I think its a case of re-excavate the section of bathroom floor and address the problem at that point - sorry!!! [:(]

Previous comments about over using activator still apply.

Dave, I am sure you appreciate that the main stack vent lets air in.

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Hi everyone, thanks a million for all your thoughts and ideas, hubby has taken on board all suggestions and is off to brico armed with his picture (from screwfix) I hope I can be a help to someone the way you have all helped me . The toilet will continue to be a problem for a while (hubby is off to have his hernia repaired) so when given the go ahead from hosp excavation work will be in progress. .So watch this space. So many thanks again

jeanette (fussy)


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[quote user="powerdesal"]The main stack vent appears to me to be a "vacuum - breaker" type of the sort fitted to vent into a roof space ( the one with the spring and diaphragm inside). I would replace it with a conventional vent cap as :-


I would say that the method of blanking the ex-shower is not a method I would have used. A solid, glued, blanking cap would have been my choice.

Dave is of course correct in saying that the fosse vent should terminate high in the air, this could prove difficult from the photo of its location though.

On balance, I think its a case of re-excavate the section of bathroom floor and address the problem at that point - sorry!!! [:(]

Previous comments about over using activator still apply.

Dave, I am sure you appreciate that the main stack vent lets air in.


         hi ok

                        the mushroom type vent and the type from screwfix are not type approved . this is the only ones they will pass on inspection  http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j311/daveolive/?action=view&current=CopyofPDR_0015.jpg and no it`s not high enough

  Dave, I am sure you appreciate that the main stack vent lets air in.  not quite true .. it also lets out gasses made in the tank i.e. methane ect..   I would not like to see someone throw a lighted dog-end by the vent on the ground !!!  or would I ???[:)]


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I think we are talking at crossed purposes here. When I say the main stack vent I mean the waste pipe vent not the fosse septique vent. The existing mushroom type seems to be an air admittance (Durgo) valve which, IMHO is not the one to fit externally. If in fact the normal open vent stack system as I suggested is not allowed in France I am surprised, as my fosse septique vent is open.

The vent from the tank is a different matter altogether, yes you are correct, it should be terminated at high level not 2 ft off the floor with a swan neck.

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 ok the mushroom type breather is just that it`s not a Durgo ,  it looks like the one`s supplied with the brico-- kits ,and just lets air in and out , but because the holes are underneath the smell ( gasses) tend to fall down onto the roof , the other type tend to lift them away.


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I think (some time ago) I have read on this forum that if you get smells from a Vent Pipe to put a pair of tights over it (that's apparently what the French do!).  As there are so many knowledgable people on the this thread, do you think this really could work before I send my husband up the ladder?
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