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Rockwool Insulation £1 per roll delivered in UK

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my rockwall delivered and with the help of my 2 stout sons, got a very thick layer down in the loft.  Also repaired 2 holes where birds had been getting in and cleared out loads of junk! The roof is felted and tiled and I could feel no movement of air even though it was a very windy day so I don't think the insulation is going anywhere.

The result was that when we woke up the next morning, we were all really hot!  The heating had come on as usual but was too much!  We have turned the thermostat for upstairs down by 5 degrees - I hate to think how much I was wasting.

So, nice one nPower, thanks very much [:D]


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I am taking the trailer over this week to fill my boots, it seems that there is plenty left.

My only reservation is that when I used rockwool back in the 80's it itched like bu****y and the Knauf ecose stuff that came from B&Q was completely non irritant, I have offered to prove it by rubbing the genitals of the disbelievers with it which seems to convince them!!

I am told that the French actualy prefer rockwoll to laine de verre, was this rockwool a pain in the exposed bits?

It could be that i am now desensitised having to deal with irritants on a daily basis, usually human!!

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My appologies, I forget my manners.

Very many thanks to Nearly for the original post - it has saved me a fortune and I have passed the offer on to many.  If we ever meet up I owe you a [B] or several!

No irritation to speak of but then we were wearing coveralls like THIS and masks, gloves and goggles all of which are essential in my opinion

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I am off tomorrow with my unfeasably large box trailer.

I hope they have some left

I hope the bodge repair that I did to the alternator that failed on my last return journey holds up just a little longer.

I hope that we dont get the snow that we had this time last year.

If my luck holds it will be a worthwhile trip and will bring in enough to see me through the winter.

If it doesn't, - hey ho! Its all part of lifes rich tapestry.

I thank you in advance for the tip off!! [:D]

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Most of the brico stores do this in the UK, if one isn't then another is. And last year we found that the B&Q 's prices varied between stores. We ended up driving an extra five miles to get the many many rolls we bought. It was worth it. The house is old and the loft is very well insulated now.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I am told that the French actualy prefer rockwoll to laine de verre, was this rockwool a pain in the exposed bits?


I don't think that's true, is it? The bricos here are full of fibreglass insulation (unless it's just for us Brits), although you can get Rockwool, the fibreglass is more common in my experience but at about 10 times the price of the same (subsidised) product in UK !!

Have a good trip!

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