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Outbuilding use


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I am fortunate (I think) In that most of my outbuildings adjoin the house or each other and therefore the house... I would like to use one of the former cattle sheds as a garage and need to make the existing door a bit bigger. Do I need to go to planning?

Answers on a Permis de construire ...:-)
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I dont think so as its not really a change of use, if its not visible from the road I would not bother, if its classed as a devanture then a declaration préalable should theoretically be submitted.

Do so at your peril though as it will trigger a form H1 and filling that out might be one of the biggest mistakes of your life, better to let sleeping dogs lie methinks.

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I have to agree there.Things have turned nasty now for propertyowners in France whereby the slightest official paperwork for anything to do with work on a property triggers more income for the coffers (probably to be wasted).I still have many artisan friends here who seem to keep an eye on me and my family and they all say the same, keep quiet and if its not visible from the road or obvious from the sky (remember the fisc use aerial photography and satelites to keep their records updated for the cadastre) just go ahead and do it or else risk paying higher taxes. It seems today that however small and insignificant your property that you have PAID for and look after, you will be penalised for anything you do to it whereas in previous years no one rerally cared.
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I was told in the past that, whether you got away with it or not, also depended on your neighbours not objecting.

We had a couple of solid concrete pads built (over the size below which you could do it with no permit) and our French neighbour said to just go ahead as he had no intention of saying anything to anyone!

You might or might not need to consider this, Big Mac.

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I don't see why you cannot put a decent floor in your outbuilding, what is wrong with that. We had a sous sol, ours had a concrete floor, the neighbours left theirs as 'mud'. We paid no more than they did. It was a choice.

And then what you put in said out building is surely up to you. Is it a change of use? It is hardly as if normal people keep cars in their homes, and sticking a car in an outbuilding does not seem unreasonable, neither would sticking the lawn mower in it, or a motorbike.

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