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Everything posted by mint

  1. You've lost me now, nomoss[8-)]  Do you mean he drinks Red Bull in the resto he patronises?
  2. I think Macron will remain in place, with a reduced share of the votes.  No credible opposition as both the left and the right are unappealing.
  3. Hi pip, are you back in France? Yes, I have put Arcachon at the top of my list.  A couple of years ago, I was due to stay there for a long weekend with walking friends to see the migratory birds and walk and cycle and feel alive. You'd understand the feeling alive bit if I told you that in the end I was unable to go despite the friends' vowing to look after me and take turns to stay by my side because I was at that point more dead than alive.  At least it felt that way because this was not long after la chimio and les rayons and my lungs were in a bad state. Perhaps one day....not that any trip like that is foreseeable at the moment.
  4. A mass to celebrate the opening of the corrida?  Absolutely revolting....[6] Sometimes I don't know how a man of your sensibilities could bear to live where you do.
  5. [quote user="NormanH"]None of the people who have declared themselves candidates so far... [/quote] Well, they'd better get a move on then, hadn't they?  What is it, a bare 8 month? When Macon won, he'd been preparing for 18 months.
  6. Won't cost much then to buy his vote?[:D]
  7. We'll just have to wait for Norman to declare......no, NOT for his candidacy, you goose, but maybe he'll tell us which one he thinks is best?[:P] After all, unlike us, he does have a vote...
  8. I reckon if it's a choice between those two, Barnier would sneak it.
  9. Thanks, guys, got all my recommendations now.  Arcachon has got to be a definite, lots to see and do and expensive restos which should appeal...[:-))]
  10. Not unexpected but interesting nevertheless? [url]https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/26/michel-barnier-to-run-in-french-presidential-election[/url]
  11. Thanks for your answers.  Guardian, I think Cognac might be a bit far. Judith, I'd also thought St Emilion which is an easy drive.  Also how about the famed Cité du Vin?  Is that worth a visit? Cadillac is probably worth a visit but I find Castillon le Bataille not at all an attractive town. But that's great; I will at least have a few suggestions.  BTW, this chap visiting is loaded so no need to consider costs[:P]
  12. to visit for someone coming to stay in Bordeaux for a few days. Does anyone know any outstanding places within a reasonable driving distance of Bordeaux? Friend of a family member is visiting and we, as residents here, have been asked for our suggestions!  As though we would know anything...having traveled very little indeed for a number of years for more reasons than easily explained. So as not to let the side down, I told OH I'd ask on here.  Someone is bound to know, I claim confidently and airily.  So please, help....?
  13. [quote user="anotherbanana"]Please, people, be nice to each othe r, or I shall assume you are all albf in disguise!?[/quote] I need to protest on behalf of ALBF....nowt wrong with him in MINUTE doses[:D]  One thing I'd say for ALBF though, he never takes derogatory remarks personally. Allez ALBF, what latest ridiculous and ill-thought through project have you been planning for long-suffering Mme ALBF and les petits ALBFs?[:P]
  14. Yes, even round tight bends, even on narrow twisty roads, even in bad visibility conditions.  I often wonder that the death figures are not way higher.
  15. Lori, you have to freeze it exactly as explained in pomme's link.  Freeze the cake uncovered for about an hour or until frozen.  Then take it out and wrap it in several layers of cling film or other coverings.  I then put my cake in a ziplock freezer bag. Didn't bother with leaving it in the fridge to thaw slowly, just unwrapped it and thawed at room temperature. PS  I plan to make a large carrot cake soon and will do the cream cheese FROSTING ([:D]) you have mentioned.
  16. I take it that Mrs G doesn't read the forum and hasn't an inkling what you have said about her?[:P] PS you'd better pray she won't find out....
  17. Pomme, I have come back to tell you that I defrosted a slab of cake today and it was perfect.  Cake just like before freezing, buttercream in place, taste just as good[:D] Lori, I am not completely sure what you mean by frosting.  Do you mean like the French word "nappe"?  Do you mean a sugar and water based icing?  My topping was made with butter and icing sugar with a drop of milk to thin it slightly.  Don't know if there would be the same result for all sorts of topping?
  18. Thanks for all the replies, everyone.  Hereford, thanks for the tip and will bear it in mind. Incidentally, have you seen the price of cake tins recently?  Shortage of vanilla pods, OK, but shortage of steel for making pans, don't think so as I thought the Chinese have flooded the market with cheap steel? I have many 7 inch tins but for 9 inch ones, the price and choice is immediately limited.  Alas, in cake-making as for many more things in life, size does matter[:)] 
  19. Thank you, pomme;  I'll keep an eye out and do without in the meantime.
  20. I don't seem to remember the price being as high as that for 22-carat gold[6] Any tips as to where to buy paying a high but not extortionate price?
  21. Delightful and unexpected to me anyway[:)]  I believe you can watch on replay... [url]https://www.france.tv/france-5/echappees-belles/echappees-belles-saison-15/2035843-l-ile-de-france-de-village-en-village.html[/url]
  22. Thank you.  Yes, pomme, I found that link AFTER I posted my question.  So I have done that.  It's now in the freezer and will take it out later and wrap it up and put it in again. Lori, I thought of doing it your way but I thought I would try freezing as described in pomme's post.  It will only be us eating this one so it's not too important. Thanks both for your replies[:D]   
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