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Everything posted by mint

  1. I tried their numéro vert, the sante.fr site AND Doctolib on which I am registered and have now registered OH as a "proche". No joy anywhere and not even possible to choose Périgueux hospital which is 38 km away. No RVs disponible en ligne; so much for all the different ways in which you can prendre RV. I know our town near us is supposed to have a centre and indeed my kiné has a RV for next Tuesday. I guess that that centre is not yet open to the public. Can't say I am surprised and, in a way, I think OK fair enough, we don't indeed have a lot infection near us.
  2. [quote user="pomme"]If he is still has a job, Castex is due to give an update on vaccine strategy at 1800 today. I wonder what excuse he will give for this failure? Given the heavy snow here in the east of France, I hope the strategy includes an allowance for large number of no-shows due to difficulties in driving to vaccination centres and the consequent possible vaccine waste?[/quote] Pomme, I thought today's announcement was going to be about extending the couvre feu to other departments/the whole country. I shall watch but, the last time he spoke, he was completely unrepentant about the slowness of the vaccine rollout.  He said you couldn't judge a match 2 minutes into the game......
  3. Don't you just love "prochainement"?  How long is a piece of string?
  4. Catalpa, that was an excellent explanation so I am very glad you didn't press delete (smile) I shall follow your link later today as I am too pushed for time now. I also read somewhere that some malware might be responsible for bing coming up all the time but I doubt that that is the case.  I'd ask my nerd to come and do something but it will have to wait.  Can't have anyone visiting me at all, as you know. 
  5. [quote user="NormanH"]I think you are both being a little unfair to Castex who is by nature a 'back-room' boy projected into the public eye. I find him and his strong regional accent a refreshing change from the bombastic bluster of some... [/quote] No, I don't particularly like his regional accent.  Hear enough of it around here and, yes, took me a while to interpret and "hear" it in "normal" French.  I MUCH preferred Philippe.  I did give Castex a chance, for the sake of fairness, but he has not come up to MY expection......lol, as though that mattered As for Véran, not impressed from the very beginning and, in the interests of fairness, perhaps I didn't wait too long before making up my mind! PS Norman, I am sending you a PM, no not about this subject.
  6. Wooly, site, what site?  Think it's operational from this morning?  Think again. I shall now count to 10 and hope my blood pressure comes down?
  7. Browser or search engine....what would I know about these differences. All I know is that I don't want bing muscling in every time I open my computer. I will do what you have suggested, pomme, though I did think I'd done that recently. I've already used Opera for several sites so have had to input all the different passwords. I don't think I have done anything to deserve all this hassle! PS, I have seen browser used as a catch-all phrase for when you want to get somewhere to look for something. Therein lies ALL of my knowledge on this.
  8. I now have to use Opera because I cannot seem to get firefox in spite of making it my default browser. Sue, or nomoss do you know anything about this? I have googled how to get rid of bing completely and it appears that lots of people out there in the world are trying to do the same. I never asked for bing, I don't use it but it seems that it has been foisted on me whether I like it or no. THAT'S the part I don't like, the coercion.
  9. No, I don't expect frills just the bloody vaccine will do. I'll happily sit in a corner until the 15 mins is up and leave quietly. And to hear Castex saying he is not at all embarrassed by the lack of decisive action makes me angrier than ever. I just KNEW first time I saw him and Véran speak on tv that they wouldn't amount to much. Hélas, it appears I am a better judge of character, even with social distancing (!) than whoever it is who appointed them. Cannot do emoticons on Opera so you'd just have to imagine the expression on my face!
  10. Curiouser and curiouser.....will need to gen up considerably. Thank you for all your great answers. Better than many an uninformed solicitor!
  11. Yes, Catalpa, I think that too; that JB has lots and lots of experience. I heard that he has been in one prominent position or other since he was 33. So he knows all the ropes and he doesn't seem the least bit intimidated by all the Trump would-be murderers and destroyers.
  12. Here is an extract from le Figaro and I apologise in advance for being unable to quote it in full because I am not abondonnée. Bien se laver les mains, porter le masque chez soi, ne pas être plus de six à table… Depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, l’Etat s’est invité dans notre maison. Cela a commencé par des attestations, des textos et puis, avec la fin d’année, il y a eu ces petites phrases teintées de mots familiers et infantilisants. Pensons à la réplique «On coupe la bûche en deux, papy et mamie mangent dans la cuisine et nous dans la salle à manger» du professeur Rémi Salomon, à la formule «bon père de famille» d’Olivier Véran et plus récemment, à la sortie «Les Français se sont bien comportés durant les fêtes» de Jean Castex. Sans oublier les sempiternelles «lavez-vous bien les mains», «prenez soin de vous», etc., les mots et le ton pour parler de la crise et de ses effets sont souvent puérils. Est-ce là vraiment nécessaire?
  13. When Obama was elected, OH worried that he might be assassinated before he could be inaugurated. Fortunately, that didn't happen. I hope JB gets inaugurated as well without too much bloodshed for anybody. But these are different times and things look more uncertain this time around. We'll just all have to hope (and pray for those who believe in God) that it will all happen and the poisonous one is removed one way or another.
  14. poor old Joe Biden. What a poisoned chalice he has been handed!
  15. Now that the OP has had some excellent answers, may I ask a quick question? If an "English" will were made now, since Brexit, would the law about according to the will-maker's UK preference be honoured? PS, can't log in as usual so using Opera on which I can log in. If I disappear for days from the forum, please don't assume that I have made my will and am giving up the ghost. Please notify Hoddy or Wooly to get me er... resurrected. Thanks
  16. You are right, G & B, looks like one hell of a long wait. Lots of discussions on tv and bucket loads of criticism and Véran stood there today and said a million vacs would be achieved by the end of January. As someone else on the panel said loudly that that was no great ambition. Could have kissed that chap who said it. I am getting VERY wound up about this. So totally unacceptable and, as yet, no one has resigned, nothing's been put right AFAIK. Meanwhile, all they seem to be thinking about is exending the stricter couvre feu countrywide. As though THAT was going to save all our lives....
  17. The pneunomologue has told me she is sending for me to go into hospital for an examination under general anaesthetic. I think I shall ask her about the vaccine and whether they are giving it on site.
  18. Yes, tried the sante.fr site a couple of times this morning and had the same experience as nomoss and betise.  Have not been able to try since as my reseau has been down.  Just come back on so won't check now until Thursday. The Moderna vaccine arrived in France today and I saw on the TV that Marseille has received 5000 doses. Would be good if everyone watches out and, for goodness sake, share the info on here?  Thanks[:)]
  19. This evening on Arte, they had a programme starting with Caballe singing Casta Diva, using that very clip I posted.  Apparently, it was on a now legendary evening in the amphitheatre in Orange when the mistral was blowing back in 1974! Phew, I'm out of breath just thinking about singing under those conditions.  But, unfortunately, I couldn't watch the programme because I was busy writing and printing using libreoffice that you recommended! The prog was in German of which I understood very little.  Do you know how to get French subtitles on German programmes?
  20. Deleted.  Must have forgotten I was repeating myself....
  21. Norman and Sue, thank you for libreoffice, nice programme with lots of features[:)]
  22. [url]https://www.sudouest.fr/2021/01/10/un-arret-de-travail-special-covid-19-entre-en-vigueur-8271813-710.php[/url]
  23.  I had a neighbour living just over the road from us who was always on about wanting to die in the country of her "mother tongue".  I suppose that to mean in the UK because she was English. A few years after that she did move back to the UK and within a couple of years both she and her husband had died somewhere in the Wash region.  So, perhaps that was a "death wish"?  Whatever it was, she had her wish fulfilled. Maybe she didn't expect to have it fulfilled that quickly but, as they say, be careful what you wish for because you might just get it![:-))]
  24. Thank you again for all the new replies.  I am immensely grateful[:)]
  25. YES, it's popping up all the time and that alone is enough to make me NOT want to use it[:@]  I like to make my own choices; doesn't everyone?
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