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Everything posted by Chancer

  1. When I started cabling my place the regs stated that I needed an ethernet connection in each room going back to the coffret de communications for "future proofing" well the future overtook them and me before I had completed more than 2 apartments, everyone wants Wi-Fi most devices dont even have an ethernet socket yet the regs and Consuel still insist on complying with the pasts vision of the future which is well in the past. I have 12mb ADSL but its pretty flaky especially when all the guests try to connect, one family may have 8 devices on the go and at this time of year the router regularly runs out of IP addresses, I have noticed more and more customers using their own mobile data instead, most of them are with Free.   Meanwhile the fibre optic cabling is making its way to us from the main town, I have some of the installers staying here as we speak, I am getting loads of letters, E-mails and cold calls wanting me to subscribe to their fibre optic service, special rate for a business like me, only €100 ht par month [:-))]   Now I get a letter from the commune sayng that the fibre will come to my property but to use it I must take out an abonnement with their preferred supplier (someones BIL no doubt) they are spending millions but even if it got here tomorrow I doubt that anyone would subscribe when they could get a better 4G service far cheaper from FreeMobile or any of the others.   Another case of too little too late methinks.
  2. The site I used gave the street name and/or street crossing of each of the transmitters also their height, with the latter it was easy to find them, the high ones were on the château d'eau's and the lower ones on the top of an HLM, cycling round them checking the signal I found that the place you dont want to live is directly underneath one [:D]   Cant recall the site but you are good at searching and now you know the data is out there.   12 years I have been here and never knew that I had line of site to the antenne, now I know where to look and what to look for I can see it clearly.   Its dropped out twice now always on a Friday afternoon and comes back on the Tuesday, pretty certain its a technician that likes to finish his week in the café on Friday lunchtimes, the last time when I cycled up I found the gates to the château d'eau wide open so I went in looking for theur vehicle hoping they might be there, they werent but I did see an emergency power cut off, my computer and Freebox usually respond to a reboot so I gave it a try, nothing for me at least to lose, didn't make any difference but probably some people were hampered from uploading their selfies to Fessbook [:D]   Good luck with your mission, supposedly fibre optic is on its way to me but it has always gone as far as the corner of the road for the Airbus factory and the Aeropole but they seem to be pulling through completely new cables from the town.   If you do get optican fibre to the outside of the dwelling do you have to replace the twisted pair cable Inside?
  3. Chancer

    Dog bite

    The thread asked should I do anything more?   If the OP was concerned that the dog might attack and maim even kill a child then absolutely but with the Gendarmerie not the hospital, unless the owner encouraged their dog to bite me I see nothing to gain by exposing a neighbour to years of grief with L'Assurance Maladie and their insurers, all it would achive around here is to have my hôtel burned down.   i'm with lindal, always say it was a diy accident working on your own home, you have nothing to gain and could become involved in a long procedure which will bring you nothing, if you were working on the black for a registered company that was negligent then maybe, just maybe you have something to gain but remember that you will probably be in your dwelling when it catches fire.   My commercial fire alarm system developed a problem with one smoke detector yesterday, replacing it is my highest priority (I have rigged the rest of the system to operate in its absence) peopel who own aggressive dogs are not usually the most understanding or calmest of people.
  4. Euthanasia or a ready supply of kittens for the dogs occasional cravings.
  5. [quote user="NickP"]I'm intrigued why people resident in another country would want to have a UK bank account. Knowing the hoops that a UK resident has to jump through because of the money laundering regulations it begs the question.[8-)][/quote]   I would not be able to launder money without retaining UK accounts [I]
  6. You cannot (Harden and) temper mild steel AKA plain carbon steel, it has to have a higher carbon content or be infused with carbon (case hardening) tempering is done after hardening to remove brittleness, when a spring snaps it usually due to incorrect tempering.   Exposure to too much heat and then slow cooling will anneal the metal which is what has happened after your welded repair.   The blue heat and quenching described is the hardening stage which needs to be followed by tempering, this is done by heating up to approximately pale straw colour and leaving to cool, my memory is failing me here and I'm asking myself whether it should actually be requenched, my first recall is usually right but Google it or maybe someone will correct me if it is wrong.   If your tongs are not made of high(er) carbon steel all the above will be a total waste of time, you might as well be making a spring out of a paper clip [:D]
  7. Good to hear from you, 3 names from the wilderness now, has there been some kind of amnesty? The link only went to an application form for a pro account, would really like to see what work you are doing now, I assume that you are still in france and am glad to learn so.
  8. Dick Smith and Gluestick in the same week [:-))] Has someone been handing out pardons to celebrate something? [Www] Well the forum had virtually died so drastic measures are needed to revive it [:D]
  9. I used the service between lets as I was so disgusted with the state the tenants had left the oven in and knowing that I would deduct it from their deposit there was little point me doing it myself. It came to £35 including the hob and the young girl had to travel from Camberly to Gatwick and back to do the job plus she was working through an intermediary so probably got a lot less herself. I guess the same service were it to exist in France would be a couple of hundred euros if they could be bothered to answer the phone to take a booking [:(] I think there is a real need for specialist cleaning services to the rental sector, now we have AE (for the time being) I am surprised that many havn't appeared.
  10. If you have accurate scales then weigh yourself before going to bed and then first thing in the morning, you will look at your mattress in a different light thereafter! Or for a more viusal representation sleep the night in an old uninsulated camping car with all the windows closed.
  11. One of my latex mattresses has (allegedly) a summer and a winter face, trouble is I dont know which is which, how do you tell?
  12. The barseal t**ds as opposed to the liquids work too well actually, I also used to use it on my race cars until one fatefull day. On this X flow engined car the cooling system always used to vent a half  a litre or so of coolant during a race via the pressure cap through a 1/4" bore hose to the catch tank (an MSA requirement) the bar seal actually managed to block this hose and the system overpressurised until the top rad hose blew creating a smokescreen of steam. Impressive stuff but a little too effective.
  13. Off topic again [;-)] I thought the greatest marketing coup that the Krause bond company (name chosen to sound technical and German) ever did was to realise that there were loads of mug punters remaining that were incapable of removing a spark plug to squeeze in the magic toothpaste, so they invented a new compound for the non technically minded (as they described them in their add) twas a can of liquid containing two lead pellets that you poured into the petrol tank which then miraculously went on to rebore your engine. I believe that the company is still running but these days you text your registration number to a premium rate number and in 5 minutes your engine is rebored and no longer burns oil [:-))] In all seriousness I use a motor trade cash n carry warehouse (Maccess) and there is a whole long rayon stuffed full of modern day snake oil products, injector cleaner, octane booster etc etc.
  14. Dont forget the Batman pills (Bataid) [;-)] I will never know if it was the Kraus paste or one of the liquid rebores but the Mini that my sister bought had been dosed with something which prevented crankcase breathing just long enough to sell the vehicle and for her to drive it home, it smoked like a pompier thereafter! Perhaps these re-enamelling kits, (now there is a lie if ever there was one), have some anti-gravity additive to allow the self levelling to work on the sides of the bath [;-)]
  15. That made me chuckle " the epoxy is self levelling so scratches disappear" That may well be true for the bottom of the bath after all the paint on the sides has found its level, at the bottom of the bath! [;-)] I think that spraying is the answer for me especially given the cost of these snake oils. I have just remembered that I sprayed several radiators for an ex with the 2K aerosols and they still look good after several years and havnt turned brown.
  16. Interesting, I had forgotten all about vitreous enamelling. So you reckon the kits are just two pack aerosols then GS? I can get these mixed to any colour from a local paint factor for £8 per large (400ml) aerosol, thats in England I hasten to add, I dread to think what the cost would be in France. They give a good spray pattern and the finish, dependant on the conditions is usually as good or better than the production orange peel of modern vehicles, one can will cover a front wing or door, beyond that they are not practical for vehicle refinishing, once hardened the finish is as rock hard as any 2K paint. I am on the lookout for une baignoire sabot but most seem to need refinishing, I had not thought of two pack paint.
  17. Do they actually work? Or are they just a good vehicle to convince folks to part with large sums of money for simple aerosol paints? I ask because stove enamelling is a very specific process, I have never seen any paint that comes anywhere near to its resistance even powder coating which has pretty well taken over from stove enamelling these days. There was, and I think still is, a company in Forest Row, West Sussex called Bathshield that re-enamels (or so they claimed) cast iron baths.
  18. The closest that I can get is a French friend of mine that bought a Westfield kit car from one of my English friendsin the late 90,s, he was supposed to be buying mine but I ended up being the translator and go between for the deal My mate in the UK kept the car regsistered at his address, but I think in Jean-Marcs name, not sure, long time ago; there was a hiccup when SORN first came in and a fine was levied which J-M paid. He insured the car with the friendly local AXA agent, him what I am currently battling against, and happily tooled around in it for quiet a few years, it was only when he ended an affair with the wife of a local Gendarme who turned out to be a bunny boiler and  he started getting general harrassment from her hubby that an official complaint was made regarding the Westfield. He received an unofficial visit from a senior G-man (its a small place and everybody knows each other) who was more concerned with trying to diffuse the battle that was raging between the two individuals, he tipped the wink to J-M that if he drove the car again he was likely to get a pull and action taken and suggested that he sold it. He sold it through a French car magazine and the new owner came up from the South to collect it, to my knowledge the car remains on UK plates and my UK friend ahs come to an arrangement with the new owner regarding SORN. The new owner is a Gendarme by the way if that helps answer your question [:)]
  19. [quote user="dave21478"]Since engine swaps are not legal ( except in a few cases) and most serious engine tuning is frowned upon by insurers, the entire french car modifying scene is geared more towards looks and sounds, hence the "tuning" magazines being filled with garishly coloured fibreglass monstrosities usually based on low spec diesel models. [/quote] Dave, I think you might just have found the solution to what I have long ben looking for, namely an UK - France car selling money making scheme. I am going to take a punt next time I return to the UK and buy the most horrific "shed" of a "Kevmobile" that I can lay my hands on for next to no money. Kevins usually start out by setting a price equal to what they have spent turning their base spec car into a shed but eventually have to accept that they may have to pay someone to take the Kevmobile off their hands. According to my calcs every £500 pound that they spend on Kev accessories and upgrades will reduce the UK value of the car by £1000 but add €2000 to the French price, easy innit! [;-)] If I pick something perhaps Japanese that has an EU COC but not a popular model or even non existant in France, one where the tuning bits are hideously expensive, le Kev will be so impressed by its cool look at me value that he wont be bothered about the wheel being on the side where Julie normally sits. The icing on the cake being that I wont have to pay for la carte grise. I am seriously going to give this a try following my success selling the most garish coloured student type backpack that you have ever seen, I bought it for 15p at an UK autojumble to carry the bits that were weighing me down, the seller said I was very brave to be seen wearing it, in France they were fighting over it on my redérie stand.
  20. Oh thse postings made me chuckle and oh so true! Dave if you want a power run on some rollers you will have to do the usual. But one on E-bay together with a tow car and trailer, E-bay UK naturally and then sell the lot for a 500 -1000% profit afterwards, sounds a lot but far less hassle than trying to arrange one in France not to mention the cost.
  21. I have noticed that have actually apologised to me for the error dispite it being caused by my dislexia: Monsieur, Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous excuser pour cette erreur et vous adressons une nouvelle carte verte ce jour par courrier. Vous en souhaitant bonne réception, Veuillez agréer l'expression de mes salutations les meilleures. Christine Granier Service clientèle Ineas, L'assureur en ligne. http://www.ineas.fr   I am an eternal optimist and I always believed that if I waited long enough, in the end I would see or hear someone make an apology in France, shame it had to be a Dutch company and not AXA [;-)]
  22. Responsibilité à tiers. 3rd party only (but usually with breakdown cover). Insurers in France like many in the UK seem to nearly charge as much for this as multi-risques hence me looking further afield.
  23. If you are still looking for insurance Dave I recommend that you give Ineas a try if you havnt already, they are a Dutch, web based company with a bureau in Strasbourg I think. I found them very easy to deal with and with well set up systems to do everything where possible on line but without hassle, the quote process resembled a UK insurer more than a French one in that it actually gave out a figure [;-)] I recently found that I have been dyslexic with my immatriculation number, the guy at the ferry booth alerted me and then I realised that I had insured using the wrong number. I e-mailed them yesterday and got an automated acknowledgement straight away, today I got an e-mail from a real person acccepting my apology and confirming that they have sent out new policy documents and vignette. I have not told them that I am English although my name may have given it away, I once asked them another question by e-mail, in French of course but perhaps phrased in an etranger fashion and they replied to me in faultless English. Oh and they were much much cheaper for tiers cover than any French company.  
  24. Assuming of course that these vehicles have had the involvement of depanneurs, Gendarmes and/or assureurs these restrictive but sensible measures will have been put into place. But when an excess of alcohol has played its part, if the vehicle can be driven away from the scene of the crime (even with a few wheels missing) and a sober judgement made the next day these accidents often go unreported, not forgetting the many vehicles with tiers assurance. All in all a sensible, straightforward and pragmatic system compared to the UK's.
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