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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by menthe

  1. According to this article, these are the amounts you need monthly to live in dignity in France. https://www.presse-citron.net/salaire-voici-combien-il-faut-gagner-au-minimum-chaque-mois-pour-vivre-dignement-en-france/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-fr-fr It's not clear what they mean by dignity and I am sure in this as in everything else, people will have their own definition. I just thought the amounts mentioned might be of interest and I also hope to hear a few differences of opinion. So, if anyone is interested, do chip in with your thoughts.
  2. Despite my frequent use of the forum in its present form, it has occurred to me that I do not know how to report a post to our efficient moderators. Dear Moderators, I take my hat off to you both for the very useful work that you do. It would help you greatly, would it not, to have ALL of us on the lookout for undesirable posts too? Lots of pairs of eyes instead of just your two? Can we have some sort of notice or explanation on how to draw your attention to these pesky posts? Or, if this explanation already exists, could you please show me where it is?
  3. Well done, Judith! Bon rétablissement🙂
  4. Strange how even the king puts the emphasis on the second syllable of words, isn't it? Many Brits I have met seem to do that even though the rest of their French is very good. He's come across very well and I was surprised at how enthusiastic the crowds were. Disappointed in the Marche aux Fleurs in Paris as it looked a very small place with tight walkways and I did not see luxuriant flower dispays. Don't know what I expect, mind. Maybe a Chelsea Flower Show with more even more flowers than ours!....duh...I am so ridiculously parochial sometimes 😁 But I did like to see people "normally" dressed, no dressy hats and expensive hired-for-the occasion type clothes. Anne Hidalgo was dressed no differently from how I might dress to nip down to Aldi. And I like that sort of casualness...certainly no mayoral chain in sight and everybody going about their day in that insouciant way that the French display so effortlessly. However smartphones and photo-taking were just as front and centre as everywhere else😫
  5. Why on earth did Galthié play Dupont in the second half? They were 55 nil at half time. No need whatsoever for Dupont to be out there. He should have been on the bench. Galthié would never be forgiven if France doesn't at least make it half-way through this tournament.
  6. Yes, it's pretty obvious it won't be either of those. Still, lots to enjoy. Waiting for the S Africa/ Ireland match on Saturday🙂
  7. Loiseau, where are you? France or London? Wall to wall coverage, en direct, on BFMTV of Charles and Camilla. I have become as fascinated as the French are about our royals😜 They have French-speaking English commentators and English-speaking French commentators. I found the vocabulary fascinating. And the sort of things that are obviously totally unknown and possibly incomprehensible to the French. Quite a bit of protocol around royal etiquette (English sense was) was discussed, such as not touching them and the notable lapse on Macron's part, patting Charles, guiding him with hand on back, etc. All so amusing seen from the eyes of foreigners. All that before the perennial how do you address the king? Some reckon "sa majesté" but in the excitement, many were calling "king! king". It was all enough to make a cat laugh😂 Charles doing a royal walkabout greeting people was said to be "en bain de foul"e (new one on me!) And last night, at the dinner in the palace of Versailles, he talked about our mutual support and cooperation which he said would be "inébranlable" against present challenges. Loiseau, I wish you were here to have a laugh with!
  8. Yes, Loiseau, I know what blindé means. When I first heard it on the news a few years ago, I decided to test it on French friends to see if they'd understand me. So during a walk following day, and we passed a deeply ploughed field full of deep ruts, I offhandedly remarked, this looks as though a blindé has passed here. You should have heard the oohs and aahs....nobody thought I'd know the word. I smirked and looked insufferably knowing....😏
  9. Years ago I was with Neuf which was subsequently taken over by SFR. When Sosh came into being I decided to résilier my contract with SFR. It was like pulling teeth. When I eventually evaded their grasp, they sent me a final bill. Fortunately in those days, you could still pay by monthly cheques and not direct debit. After seeking opinions on this very forum, I decided to ignore the bill. Someone, probably Chancer, told me to just rip up the bill. So I did!😂
  10. No connection whatsoever, Jamessmith. Different time of day, even different countries: Malaysia, Spain and France. I also was doing nothing out of the ordinary, twice I was walking using my nordic sticks and once I was sitting down chatting and drinking tea. Also I was not frightened, just in wonder afterwards and thoroughly puzzled. Have you yourself had any experiences of this kind. In fact, I felt so "normal" and not at all "weird" that I told my husband about the ghosts but not about the angel! I think THAT might has stretched his credibility too far😜
  11. To introduce something lighter, I have been watching the royal visit to France on French tv and enjoyed it very much. What really interested me was the vocabulary and it got me to thinking many things, not least of which was how many of our military terms were in fact of French origin. Then I saw the term for the armoured division of some section of the army or other and THAT made me wonder what the difference is between soldiers that were "armoured" (blindé) and others that were not? Fly past at the Arc de Triomphe was spectacular (literally!)
  12. Yes, Gardian, I don't know why they have to spoil the coverage. The last one before the last one (?!) they had that dreadul Paloma Faith until I was sick to death of her. Any informed guess as to the winning side?😏
  13. Indeed, a mouth-watering prospect😁 It will taste phenomenal😇
  14. Gardian, how I agree with you! TBH, I knew nothing about Russell Brand and I don't think I really want to know any more!
  15. My next time will be with a strong blue cheese. That should give it a bit of a......well, SOMETHING...! Must go out and get more sweet onions. By the way, I didn't have enough sweet onions last time. Didn't think the onions would reduce so much.
  16. Hey Jammessmith, made your tart yesterday. Only a try-out and I didn't follow all of your advice....but it still tasted lovely. OK, didn't pre-bake the tart case....laziness is no excuse! Added a little sugar to help caramelise the onions. Used Brie because it was the only soft cheese in the house. Added one finely chopped up glazed clementine (whole one, clémentine candite with yummy stickiness inside) as I thought I needed some zing which would have been provided by goat's cheese. Nearly, forgot, when it came out the oven, I sprinkled on top sprigs of basil freshly cut from the garden. Next time, I am not going to do a tart, just a big sheet of thinly-rolled out pastry and spread the goodies on top.
  17. Yes, our favourite pharmacien does them at the drop of a hat if you are eligible. I am leaving mine till perhaps just after the anti_grippal one. Judith, I suspect that, like me, you have seen enough of needles to last you till the end of time?
  18. Oh, I am so touched by all your help and encouragement, everyone who commented, suggested, commiserated, encouraged, soothed and comforted. You are some of the finest people on and off the forum, I am sure! Lori, might be pestering you soon for recipes😁
  19. Just come back to say a special thank you to you, Harnser. After a bit of toing and froing with the ebay site, exchanging messages with the seller and getting someone from the UK to buy it for me, I have the paddles! Just hope all smooth sailing from here, the paddles actually getting to my home....
  20. The many times I have been in Brittany, I have always found that 56 is considerably warmer than 22. Have you found this also, harnser? I believe the wet part is Finisterre and we were warned about that by a French friend when we were househunting.
  21. I thought the mot du jour for this is INCENTIVISE?😜
  22. Lehaut, yes, washed with mild deterget as per a instuctions. Am going to buy some white flour to mix with the multiceréal. Harnser, I am still awaiting further answers from Arebos. In the meantime, I am in contact with the seller of the paddles you posted. Couldn't find a buy now notice and have agreed the price and postage with the buyer. Not able to pay via ebay at the moment. Does the item need to be "current" before you can use the payment facility?
  23. Ssomon, I did not ignore your post. I mentioned it in my reply. I don't think limited liability applies to something that costs less than say 20 quid?
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