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Everything posted by menthe

  1. menthe

    cold showers

    Lori, I'm completely stupefied. Never in a million years would I even do this for a bet or a dare yet here I am looking forward to my cold shower every night, before bed!!! Can't understand it but apparently lots of people are doing this😆
  2. menthe

    cold showers

    Is there anybody on the Forum who take these? I do but I started them by sheer accident. One day, we had no hot water because I turned the thermostat too low, or perhaps off altogether, in error. After my first cold shower, I was hooked so I enjoyed them all through the unseasonal warm weather in the autumn. Didn't think I'd continue with them once the cold arrives. But, it's now cold, single figures day and night. I haven't stopped the cold showers but I have stopped coughing (always coughing due to asthma and emphysema). Does anyone have any experience of this? I shall be MOST interested in hearing how you get on with them? PS. Since I have started doing this, I have looked up cold showers and, of course, found out about Wim Hof who has been nicknamed the Ice Man. Not by the man himself, he is modest and doesn't claim any medical qualifications.
  3. Have just discovered a great "new" feature on doctolib. I have put new in quotes because I am not sure how long this has existed as I haven't used the site for months. Have to get a RdV with the MT for a certificate to practise sporting activities. Went on doctolib and got a slot for after Christmas. This was fine by me and, if I didn't need this bit of paper to continue my membership, I wouldn't even bother the poor old overworked doc. Then, after I had confirmed the RdV, I noticed a box that I could tick if I'd like a slot before mine should one become free. You could accept or refuse the offer so with nothing to lose, I just ticked it, not expecting anything. When I returned to my email a short time later, there was indeed a slot at a day and time I was only too eager to take. The slot is for tomorrow, towards the end of the afternoon. Perfect! That is the day and time when OH would be going to his weekly table-tennis session. It's in a town about 20 minutes away and now that we are down to one car, it was a really lucky chance for me. Anyway, the reason for posting this is that other users of doctolib might like to tick this box. To be fair to my doctor, had my need been urgent, I could also ring the person who keeps his diary and something similar would probably have been arranged.
  4. I have sat on my hands, refusing to engage. Now I feel able to respond with a more moderate approach than I might have done! ALBF, with the best will in the world I cannot sympathise with your "plight". Your post sounds like the bleat of a spoilt child refused another ride on the big dipper. What on earth is all that regret and I- should- have- done- this but- not- that all about? I presume you live in a nice house, in a location of your choice with your wife and young family altogether, able to enjoy everything that there is everywhere you look? Last time I heard, you do not live in Ukraine or the Gaza strip or even the rather less salubrious and unsafe areas of a large city. No great securtiy fears for your family, children educated, have access to health care, every amenity? I hope you do not show all this regret and dissatisfaction within the home? You have children with bodies to nourish and inquisitive minds to fill with knowledge and influence with wisdom. Can't think of anything worse than living with a grouchy impossible to satisfy person.
  5. Sounds good, Lori. I know what you mean about practising. My new sonic toothbrush sprays the toothpaste etc all over the mirrors. I need to learn to hold it so that it doesn't splatter everything everywhere. Betise, I thought boom especially boom boom is what stand-up comics say as a punch line to not very funny jokes?😂
  6. Er...betise, the things that go "boom" are SUPERsonic. I think these brushes are merely sonic (keeping straight face)
  7. Don't know if Bose France can help. There is a place on the site to contact them. They were very efficient when I bought a system from them a couple of years ago. https://www.bose.fr/fr_fr/index.html
  8. Point taken, betise. I could indeed ask the cat but I am not sure I'd understand her answer?😚
  9. Thought it only fair that I return to talk about these toothbrushes, in case someone is thinking of getting one. Lehaut, I didn't get yours but I did get a sonic one recommended in the Telegraph. Before I continue, I must establish that I don't normally read the Daily Torygraph but I googled electric toothbrushes and was taken to the paper. I knew nothing about these sonic brushes so did some googling and then thought about which one. Indeed, the new brush is fun to use and seems to do the job OK. Can't say if it brushes cleaner than the old one but it's fine. If buying again, I would definitely have another sonic. Hope that helps someone.
  10. Betise, I am a little puzzled by your answer. OK I get that the family spoke French well but does the cat understand French well?
  11. OK this is my last word on this topic because I must be boring everybody to death. Bread, using the old machine, but now upstairs in the kitchen and not on the cold tiled floor in the sous-sol, is just as I'd remembered. Mixture of white flour, artisanal wholemeal flour and aux céréales flour plus Doves Farm yeast. Tastes as good as it looks, very nice texture and I have chosen medium crust. Thanks for all contributions and advice on this topic
  12. Just looked at your link, Harnser. ONE pound 51? I paid 7€99 and thought I was getting a bargain because I caught it when it was free delivery for 2 days only on Amazon. Just goes to show, they were making hundreds of percentage worth of profits! Still, even if I had known the "real" price, I would have bought it....easier and cheaper than throwing out a breadmaker! PS, the package did come from the UK complete with declaration of weight and cost.
  13. Brilliant! Should be easier to get hold of then? Why on earth they sell Francine, Champion, Vahine, etc etc is beyond me. The Doves Farm produces noticeably better results. I gave half a pack to a French friend who bakes a lot and she was amazed and delighted by the results she was getting. Has anybody seen this yeast sold in France APART from Amazon.fr?
  14. Oh cajal, I am indeed sorry to hear about your continuing health problems. What can I say? Words are just that, words... The only thing is, as they managed to improve your condition the first time around, they might be able to produce a more lasting result should they go on to have another attempt or perhaps do another procedure that will work better? I wish you all the very best going forward. Maybe you should wait a bit and let him practise on some other people before having another go on you? I'm only half serious as I know you'd rather have a joke than mournful commiseration. Thanks for the tip about the salt. This last loaf was OK, not as good as it used to be but actually very enjoyable after months of bought bread and chewing through bagettes since our boulangerie reopened with a new baker. Can't wait for next week when I get two new crowns and can make bread with darker and crispier crusts. Told OH, I would be buying a large bag of crinkly-cut and very crunchy crisps😜
  15. Just stick with supermarket plonk.....at those prices, they wouldn't bother flavouring it with cheesy wet animal hair!
  16. Lehaut, today's bread does not have that nice domed top of yours but I hope that it will taste OK.
  17. Update on breadmakers in case someone out there is having non-rise problems. Browsing through Amazon (still looking to see which smartphone) I came across Doves Farm yeast, as I mentioned earlier in this thread. They had a special offer of no postage. Well the pack came really quickly, about 5 days perhaps. Today, I decided to have a go, using my old machine to see what would happen. Indeed the bread rose OK, NOT as high as previously but then the machine was on the tiled floor in the room downstairs which I call my petit boudoir when I want to sit and read undisturbed, or more usually, the fridge room because that is where the fridge freezer lives. What I have read is that the ambiant temperature can have an effect of the bread rising or not. So I plan to have another go, bringing the machine up to the kitchen and positioning it on the work surface. After all that, I'll try the new machine for which I now have new blades thanks to Harnser finding them on ebay. So, guys, watch this space! Cajal, I hope your petite intervention is over and done with and you are as good as new?
  18. Laurier, it's about maybe 4 years since I sold my last car and I handed him the documents as you have described. He'd already said he was getting Naurauto to sort out his registration. I notified the insurer who then repaid the months of insurance not used. Had a job getting the money instead of having the credit against the insurance of my next car. But the latter bit has nothing to do with the sale, that just's the usual insurance feet dragging.
  19. We've had the poetry of autumn (thanks Norman) and the sounds of autumn and I just couldn't resist these colours of autumn: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/nov/22/colours-of-autumn-at-the-national-arboretum-picture-essay I used to live within a couple of hours' drive of this arboretum and have visited several times. As you see, I am trying my level best to like this season. It's hard work but I shall keep at it😇 BTW saw my first grues this afternoon, coming out of Lidl. Only a small flock though. I hope this topic might encourage others to find some beautiful pictures to post on here.
  20. ALBF maybe try to look less shifty and ditch that smarta.s.s act?
  21. Harnser, they are coming....Heard them last night, couldn't see them of course as it would have been about 8 pm. Quite a large flock too by the sounds of it. Sit tight and keep a sharp lookout!
  22. Thank you, chock full of information. Some of it is well-known and just commonsense but some of it not so frequently come across.
  23. Always raises a smile or two when I describe somewhere as a bled though I am very careful not to describe our own village as such. I suppose it is either perjorative or ironic, depending on context😜
  24. mazandcol, I think you are right. I read that it would only apply to people who own a home in France. Let's hope it passes because it would be good for the home owners and local businesses where their homes are.
  25. Thank you. Weather permitting, I hope to be out and about walking every afternoon next weekend. Not les grues cendrées as mentioned in your article but I have seen white egret type birds (?) resting near small bodies of water and on the ground in fields. In October, I did see flocks of bramblings near the house but nothing like the numbers of previous years. To broaden the topic a bit, kingfisher, are there other sounds of autumn that you have noticed and enjoyed? Anyone else have favourite autumn sounds?
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