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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. Exactly, you don't. However, apparently if you try to use the Royal Mail online service you get given one by default. Sorry, did your Daughter actually fill out the customs form or not ?
  2. Oh, that might be the issue. Whilst researching your situation I read the story of someone, living in the UK, who posted his Christmas cards to Europe using the customs forms provided by Royal Mail. Of all the cards he sent it was the ones to France that had issues with some being opened and others being returned because said form had 'apparently' been incorrectly filled in. Sounds like you've had the double whammy of Royal Mail giving out incorrect information and French customs being "Jobsworth".
  3. There have been items in the Press about the somewhat erratic application of fees but, for a Birthday card, that sounds ridiculous. And what made the Douanes so suspicious that they had to open it in the first place? I'd start with the sorting office and take it from there.
  4. I see popular cultural references haven't been loaded into your database either.
  5. Nah, In the ''Parallel Universe'' I'm called Deb.
  6. Do you think Ken is short for Kendra 😉
  7. I realise now that, before ALBF moved the subject onto the French riots, I should have moved this post to 'other topics' as it's not French related. Apologies.
  8. Ms Jakrajutatip is a little late to the party. The 'Miss Universe' pageant has allowed transgender entrants since 2012. Funnily enough the rules were changed whilst Donald Trump was co-owner. Probably to boost ratings.
  9. That reminds me. Wasn't 'The Crying Game' a great film. What's your favourite Neil Jordan movie ?
  10. I think what makes France unique is the myth of the revolution. The poor and oppressed rising up to overthrow the elite. Think Bastille Day. Even the national anthem is nothing more than a call to arms. France likes to believe itself a great nation forged by the power of the masses. When a large proportion of the present day masses are excluded from the French ideal through poverty or racism it's all the easier to evoke the uprisings of the past. The change has been the increased violence from both sides. Unless the government takes positive action to address the imbalance of it's citizens, it will only get worse.
  11. 'Ken' is programmed to be contrary, even with himself. 😀
  12. Just to say guys, I've deleted a couple of posts in this thread as they contained hidden links.
  13. Please guys let's not do this again. We all know how it's going to end.
  14. Going back to the original question. What's the difference between the Titanic and the ruins of Pompeii? I agree though,there has been an awful amount of press coverage for a relatively small number of casualties.
  15. They used to sell an apple brandy called Golden Gers which was so called because it was made with Golden Delicious apples. Real gut rotting stuff. Never found it anywhere else.
  16. I know a little about the Pays Catalan as I had friends who used to live there. They used to say they were Catalan first, French second, and Spanish third. In the days pre Schengen they would often take the odd hike into the mountains to do a spot of 'personal shopping' In fact there used to be a great restaurant just over the border that had a small shop attached. You used to park your car in France then walk past the unused customs barrier for a slap up meal and some cheap booze and fags. I would say the scenery in that area is just as magnificent and well worth a visit.
  17. Don't rise to it Menthe. As an aside your description of your walks peaked my interest and I did a quick google search. There are any number of tours offering Nordic walks in the Pays Basque and I have to admit the scenery looks wonderful. I've half a mind to book a trip myself once my ankle's sorted.
  18. Menthe, I think I can say without fear of contradiction that Kens 'impressions' are completely his own.
  19. Really! Where do they live? Don't tell him Pike !!!!!!!!
  20. rester tranquille. It's just word salad created by a bot.
  21. I think the whole world is becoming angrier.
  22. Unfortunately not. The French version comes in a prefilled syringe where as the UK equivalent comes in vials. I've an MRI on Monday at the same clinic so I'll see what they have to say for themselves.
  23. Thanks, I was making a flippant suggestion to ALBF that he might be able to make a tidy profit. 😀 What annoys me is that the clinic are continuing to make appointments and issuing prescriptions for a product which they have been notified is en rupture. I would have been much happier to be told 'you need a jab, here's a prescription, book an appointment once you've been able to get it filled'. Or even, ' You need a jab but the manufacturer is currently having problems, we'll book you an appointment once stocks are back to normal '. As I said, joined up thinking.
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