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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. Good evening Peter and welcome to the forum. Taxe d'habitation( when applicable ) is the responsibility of whoever is the owner of the property on the 1st of January. So I would say yes.
  2. Met him once, lovely man. Apparently he'd retired to France in 2012. I wonder if he ever visited the forum.
  3. I know Brittany very well. My family came from there and I have relatives in the vicinity to where I'm thinking of setting up shop. I was more interested in the mechanics of running a second home in France. How do you run the day to day managing of a property remotely? Do you pay an agency or rely on neighbours. What types of property should you avoid?
  4. I'm in the foothills of the Cevennes. Low enough to keep the heat and far enough inland to miss out on the sea breezes. We've not had any significant rain since February so it's become a bit of a dust bowl.
  5. N'ah, I'm a Breton in my blood 😁. I reckon I'd be spending at least July & August there. Probably going up for a week at a time in other months. Quite fancy seeing rain again.
  6. As some of you may have gathered, I am now finding the south of France too hot to comfortably live in all year round. I am considering either buying or renting a smaller property in Brittany. The idea is that I will retreat " up north" in the summer. My question is to all of you second home owners on the forum. What advice would you give someone looking for a 'holiday home' in France?
  7. Maybe this impots page will answer your questions. It gives the various taxes imposed on selling a house. https://www.impots.gouv.fr/particulier/je-vends-un-bien-immobilier
  8. Maybe he's trying to keep the semblance of 'Maison Principal' so as to avoid tax on selling.
  9. Following on from the Tours thread I thought I'd start one on views from the hotel window. This was the vista awaiting me when I went to Cannes earlier in the year. What fascinated me was that the underwear that had fallen on to the roof had been there so long it had fossilised. Anyone got a worse holiday snap?
  10. You'll have to forgive the understandable scepticism Wally. You asked an incredibly open question then came back within three hours to complain that no one had replied. Like you most people have other things to do and don't spend all their time on here waiting to answer questions from new members. When you later received some considered responses you didn't come back so it was natural to assume you were a troll. FWIW I would advise you decide what area of France you want to live in and rent for a while. It will give you an idea of what life is like outside of the 'holiday bubble'.
  11. Maybe he found us too 'stand offish and unfriendly' πŸ˜‰
  12. That lorry driver is a lucky SOB.😲 https://www.lemonde.fr/videos/video/2023/08/28/en-savoie-un-impressionnant-eboulement-de-roches-interrompt-le-trafic-ferroviaire-entre-la-france-et-l-italie_6186817_1669088.html
  13. Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth. 😁
  14. I think having two names on the Carte Gris just means the surviving partner continues to have the right to drive the car while the succession is sorted. In order to transfer the car into single ownership I would expect that you'd need an attestation from the Notaire. Certainly when I took an old car to the scrapyard a few years back after my OH's passing they required sight of the attestation despite the fact it was in joint names. I think this might help. https://www.carte-grise.org/mode_emploi_succession.htm
  15. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you..... RANDY RAINBOW πŸŒˆπŸ’πŸ˜
  16. One not for the barbecue. https://www.midilibre.fr/2023/08/22/des-steaks-haches-charal-vendus-partout-en-france-contamines-par-des-escherichia-coli-potentiellement-dangereuses-11408908.php
  17. It's very difficult to corrupt a Narcissist.
  18. Not exactly the attributes you want in a world leader.
  19. In the 2022 election cycle George Soros gave 128.5 million dollars to the Democratic Party making him the largest single donor in history. ( Wikipedia )
  20. Not when you remember the king makers are old white men themselves.
  21. I don't know whether of not it's because it's the holiday season but in the last three weeks there's been an error in every one of my food shops. All promos that haven't gone through properly. It's been a relatively simple matter to get them sorted because of the paper receipt. I still think they should issue them as a matter of course if you don't have a loyalty card.
  22. Happy International Lefthanders Day
  23. Now now Menthe, No need to have a go at ALBF. He's always agreed that there are beautiful places in France.
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