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Everything posted by Ken

  1. You pays your money you make your choice!
  2. Chemists obviously have differing views regarding intervals between flu and Covid Jabs. My Chemist did both within seconds, one in each arm!! Not even a mention of a waiting period. I haven't suffered any ill effects whatsoever and can't really see why anyone should. No one has explained why there should be a gap between the two. Patently if you are going to suffer a reaction from one, or both, then it will happen regardless as to a time span. As for the person giving the jab, well; let's face it a child could do it!
  3. Trust me, Yes. The difference was much reduced by the subsidies the French applied but of course that will soon change. I also have a 'fidelity' card with Repsol which gives a discount. A garage cheaper still on the Frontier is Avia but as we have a card for Repsol we get a better rate there. There is yet another garage at the same place, Cepsa; which is always empty because the price of fuel is considerably higher than the other two. How it has remained in business is a mystery. All in all at the Dancharia frontier there Five Petrol stations, all vying for business and always full of French registered cars. Yes, it is cheaper. My car has quite a thirst and a large tank so usually I'm putting in around 80-90 ltrs.
  4. No problem for me, I fill up inSpain!! One of the advantages of living in the pays Basque.
  5. It's a question of expediency. The pharmacy does the jabs perfectly well and so I use them. sentimentality doesn't enter into it at all!
  6. Yes it sounds like you are very adult. I did need your assurance as I couldn't believe you were!
  7. Your reply is the way a child would write something out of frustration. Incontestable proof doesn't exist! I take it you are an adult?
  8. I'm not the one saying climate change is caused by man, you are. So give the proof, incontestable proof; you can't! The items you quote are contested, by the same idiots going on about climate change!!
  9. How about unequivocal proof. If that's difficult to understand try 'proof' that hasn't been contested. Off you go, scour the internet; must be some irrefutable proof out there I feel sure!
  10. I admire your persistency but really it is a waste of time. At the moment the looneys are in the ascendancy and are being fed by politicians looking out for themselves. These people make ALBF look reasonably stable!!
  11. I read it and I haven't changed my views at all. And you still haven't given me any 'proof' that what is happening with regard 'disasters' or anything else is down to makind.
  12. No I don't. I really do believe that weather has evolved and will continue to do so. What people confuse either through ignorance or some agenda is that what man is doing to the planet regarding pollution is causing weather change. The two are entirely unrelated. There can be no doubt that local conditions will affect a 'local climate' such as the 'smogs' that occurred in London blotting out the sun or a volcano erupting and the fallout causing mayhem locally. Globally though weather has and will continue to change, with or without interference from humans. Natural effects such as the Gulf Stream speeding up or temporarily changing course, the air stream across the Atlantic doing the same affect the weather but they don't change course because man has affected them. The heat wave that is now over all of us is caused by high and low pressures bringing hot winds from the south, again man hasn't caused that; unless you know differently of course!!! If you could state one single case where something man has done to the planet has permanantly altered the weather on this planet I would be most surprised and not just swivel eyed loony beliefs but a case with evidence.
  13. I have three of them!! I just love swindles!!!
  14. Pushing up daisies! And you are going to live forever? As for the dates and time; well you have fantasised so far so continuing obviously isn't a problem! You perpetuate the doomsday rubbish with no evidence other than that of the swivel eyed loons agenda with, probably a little bit of Hollywood thrown in, and obviously agree with; and you expect to convince people your forecast is right? You are right only with one point: When I'm dead it will be of no importance to me, one way or another but what makes you think you are different, because you have kids? I too have children! You spout rubbish with no evidence to support your childish predictions. Think about it, don't you think you are being silly with predictions that a child would make, a fantasy with no real basis for saying it?
  15. Why not forecast race horse winners? Makes as much sense, more so really, than just regurgitating nonsense about the end of the world! As for being scary, only If someone is daft enough to think that is what is going to happen in 30 or 40 year's time. I don't suppose you can give an exact date I suppose, perhaps a time even?
  16. Wasting your time I'm afraid! The weather is evolving but unfortunately some human beings are not!!
  17. Another ignorant 'supporter of 'global warming'. I haven't denied that global temperatures have increased or there is less rain or anything else including 'tornadoes' or hurricanes in Tunbridge Wells! Instead off simply following the idiots who claim to know the answers do a little research on the subject. If the dipsticks who advocate their nonsense gave it some thought they might , perhaps, wonder why there still isn't an ice age!!
  18. Torn between loving this weather and hating it! Loving the warmth, sun and being able to walk around in shorts and a 'T' shirt but hate the lack of rain. The pays Basque needs a lot of rain and this month , so far, we have had only 10mm. which is hardy worth considering given the temperatures. This morning at 5o/c is was 25.C with humidity at 48%. I keep a daily record of the weather and have done so for many years. I don't worry about so called global warming or any of the other nonsense concerning the weather. It has always evolved and will continue to do so. It would be nice to have some rain but keep the warm weather though; never happy!!!
  19. I told the PJ guys to drive him away because he could have been lynched. Because maybe it's not him. And therein lies the problem with vigilantes. Once a mob gets going it doesn't seem to matter if someone is innocent or not. The Police may have all sorts of faults but without them we would be in big, big trouble. The sad truth also is, people believe what they read!!!
  20. I do not pretend to represent the majority of Brits. neither do I, as you do, profess to know what the majority are like. I know what some are like though!!
  21. Familiarity is more than likely the reason the woman was killed. I see these 'hunters' all the time down here in the Pays Basque and many of them simply do not adhere to basic rules regarding weapons. It is understandable because they are wandering around for hours and days with a loaded weapon and they become blasé but non the less it is irresponsible. When handling a gun, any type of gun certain rules are not for interpretation. The man is being investigated by the Police and , I understand, has been charged with some form of manslaughter. There is a possibility of a prison sentence but I have never heard of one, at least no one actually being locked up, a suspended sentence is more likely; perhaps with a hefty fine. As for the majority of Brits not being used to guns, a rather ridiculous thing to say. I'm a 'Brit' and have had guns for many years as have many other 'Brits' I don't know of any Brit who has killed someone in a hunting accident or even murdered someone with a gun in France!
  22. Indeed they are different; With one you kill, maim or wound deliberately; or accidentally! The other , on a range, is safer and you don't kill or pander quite so much to the 'macho' image!!
  23. Several people are killed every year during the hunting season, all of them accidents but accidents that can be avoided. By definition though an accident is, well an accident! I target shoot and have several guns. At the range the protocol is very strict. No gun is ever loaded unless it is going to be used. When not being used it is unloaded and left untouched. The weapons I use range from Magnum .38 to a .22 target pistol, both very deadly. Others have a range of weapons that are even more powerful.. In over 23 years there has never been an accident of any description. Wth this latest hunting accident carrying a loaded rifle over the shoulder, with or without the safety catch on is crass stupidity, it shouldn't happen. Familiarity with guns is partly to blame but is no excuse. An avoidable accident. He has to live with his stupidity now!!
  24. A Frenchman kills a woman and Brits are somehow are implicated! Presumably you , at least, feel there is some connection but I doubt anyone else does. Surprised you didn't include Brexit!
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