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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Being a 'stats' freak' (I keep records of the most unlikeliest of things!) I record , everyday, the weather where I live and have done so for many years. Unquestionably there is 'weather change' though I'm not convinced by any of the arguments for 'global warming'. The noticeable difference over the last 10 years or so has been the decrease in storms. Other than that, the weather has , more or less followed a quite predictable pattern., here at least! This year has been a little odd with the lack of rain, so far! It would be ridiculous for anyone to think the weather will remain the same year in and year out. Given that records have only been well kept for a couple of hundred years means that absolute weather history is scant at best. 'Global warming'; well it simply depends on what you believe to be true and that depends on what and who you read!! Any proper conclusions can only be arrived at by looking at all arguments. Most people don't!!!
  2. So, Jupiter has given up (for the time being anyway) phoning Putin and has switched to phoning Zelensky! Jupiter has promised that France will step up its supply of arms to Ukraine which, given the supply, so far is paltry it won't be hard to do and is almost an insult. Now me not being the least bit cynical wonder if Macron, now Putin seems to be losing this war, is switching from being Putin's mate to wanting to become Zelensky's mate? In other words he has seen the writing on the proverbial wall and doesn't want to be seen as a Putin apologist, which he is. Anyway we shall see if France fulfils its 'promise to supply arms in any significant amount, I have my doubts! For me it is so blatant a 'switch' that I'm a little surprised Zelensky didn't tell him to 'go away in short, sharp jerky movements'!! The duplicity is quite disgusting, even for Macron. I wonder what the other leaders think of him?
  3. Macron has his feet on the ground? Personally I prefer Trump.
  4. Ah well, Borne it is. Never been elected to anything but no doubt bright. Shame It isn't Mélenchon, he would certainly have livened up French politics! Let's face it Micky Mouse could be P.M. as it simply doesn't matter, Castex can testify to that!!! There is only one person running France and it certainly isn't the P.M. or the government!!! And yes she is certainly a dyed in the wool socialist prone to giving money away so will be popular!
  5. Australia is the centre of the Universe, ask any Australian! I'm not sure how many relatives I have out there now, including a Sister and two Brothers in law, lord knows how descendants they have managed between them but when ever I speak to any of them it's apparent that it is they who run the world!!!! So, being the centre of the Universe it is only natural that they think Australia is part of Europe!!! Actually I do have, though it may not sound like it, absolute respect for Australians. They have done more than their fair share in two world wars, Vietnam, Afghanistan and have sent equipment to Ukraine not to mention ****---ed off Macron, that alone would put them high in my esteem!!!
  6. My wife, a Finn, is quite happy that her country has applied to join N.A.T.O. Many years ago, when we first used to discuss the issue she was against it, as were the majority of Finns. My arguments then were as they are now, never let a bully ,bully! She would argue that from the perspective of being British that was an easy thing for me to say. She would often say that "A whisper in Moscow could be heard in Helsinki". The meaning being that Moscow was always threatening Finland. Anyway she, and her countrymen have now 'seen the light'!!!! Putin does appear to have made a right 'pig's ear' of his invasion and hopefully with the help the U.K. and the USA have given (and continues to give) Ukraine will come out the winner. A slight aside is that Germany has said it will be there for the 'long fight' !!! I wasn't aware that it was there even for a 'short' fight! Just what have they done in real terms to help Ukraine, we know what they are doing helping Russia! As for Jupiter, just about everyone is ridiculing him; and rightly so. Even the Russians are making sarcastic comments about him and his telephone calls. Someone with his ego must be really suffering, what a shame!!!!!
  7. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the result of the Eurovision Song Contest. To be fair I didn't watch it, ever since Terry Wogan passed on it hasn't been worth watching! Anyway, a forgone conclusion that Ukraine would win no matter what they sang, even "my old man's a dustman" would have won it. But Britain coming second did offer some surprise. Whilst I thought it sums up how people feel over the Ukraine invasion I was rather pleased, with a huge dose of smugness and satisfaction thrown in, to see France and Germany coming in last!! Not that I want any Frenchman or German entertainer who has put in the work to lose out but because of circumstances it was a complete waste of their time and effort. The message was very clear across Europe: 'We support Ukraine and Britain's efforts but deplore the behaviour of the Leaders of France and Germany'. The message couldn't have been clearer. The song contest in itself is trivial but the message this one sent was very strong indeed. I hope Macron and Scholz are metaphorically now beating their heads against the wall!!! Well maybe not even metaphorically!!!
  8. I'm afraid there is a great problem with French/ Anglo relationship albeit at the governmental/political level. They are the ones governing the ill feeling towards each other and that affects us, you! We may love our neighbour (or wife) but that doesn't mean our two countries are in any way aligned other than at the superficial level you hint at. My wife, a Finn, often says only the British can understand the British and I agree with her. There are fundamental differences even down at our lowly level. Just how do you think Brexit came about? I'm afraid because we like French wine and cheese and the French like, well I'm not too sure actually! that doesn't make us compatible at almost any level. I find that I have to be diplomatic in things I say relating to France. In the first instance it is because I'm the foreigner and it would be wrong of me to 'speak freely'. Secondly I want to 'get on' with people not fight them. So no, I'm afraid I can't agree that Brits and the E.U. have something in common, at any level.
  9. Michael O'Leary!!! That's why he hates Britain! You can't get any more Irish than an O'Leary!!!!
  10. Well I like to be fair, and realistic! Yes many people are contributing money, food, clothing etc. to help Ukraine but the reality is that it is a drop in the ocean. This isn't about a token of 'conscience' where people donate something and then, conscience satisfied, forget about it. This is about Governments, countries and official institutions such as NATO and the U.N. Countries that should be helping on the scale of Britain and the USA but have been pathetic in their response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The one notable exception in the E.U. has been Poland. The E.U. as an institution has been, and still is pathetic, a disgrace in fact. I live in France and think it a wonderful country, with exceptions of course, but its political leadership has always disgusted me. As for saying Rule Britannia is uncalled for; Why? I'm extremely proud that my country is leading the world in its aid to Ukraine and not just with some token food and clothing from the 'people! Rule Britannia.
  11. Macron is far too vain to stop 'keep trying'! He is looking , as always, to boost his ego. I'm sure that when this war ends he will almost certainly claim credit to some degree. What will be more disappointing is that the French people will probably believe it!!! It's not only the Russians who use propaganda!!!
  12. So, the E.U. can't agree on oil sanctions against Russia!! What a surprise! They are meeting again next month to discuss the 'problem'! Meanwhile the E.U. is effectively financing Russia in its war against Ukraine. There are just one or two E.U. countries that can be proud of what they are doing but collectively the E.U. is an utter disgrace and as an institution should be thoroughly ashamed of the way it is behaving. And people want to be part of the E.U.! Without a doubt Ukraine would be under the heel of Putin now had it not been for the USA and Britain. Those two countries can hold their heads high Rule Britannia
  13. Sorry about the double post. This site is all over the place!!!! It must be run by a French body!!!!!!!
  14. I'm off to Sweden in a few weeks to swim across the Arctic circle to Finland (always assuming Putin hasn't invaded them!!) It's an annual competition limited to a couple of hundred of people though because of covid it has been cancelled for the last two years. I started long distance swimming several years ago though it has to be said that my 'long distance swimming' is nothing compared to many. I swim maybe 5 kilometres in training and many swim distances that I could only do in my car!! My training is in a lake or the sea as meandering up and down a swimming pool would drive me mad! Bumping into those 'swimmers' who plod along keeping their hair dry drives me to distraction!! I wonder if there are any swimmers here, not the 'keep hair dry' sort but real swimmers?
  15. I'm off to Sweden in a few weeks to swim across the Arctic circle to Finland (always assuming Putin hasn't invaded them!!) It's an annual competition limited to a couple of hundred of people though because of covid it has been cancelled for the last two years. I started long distance swimming several years ago though it has to be said that my 'long distance swimming' is nothing compared to many. I swim maybe 5 kilometres in training and many swim distances that I could only do in my car!! My training is in a lake or the sea as meandering up and down a swimming pool would drive me mad! Bumping into those 'swimmers' who plod along keeping their hair dry drives me to distraction!! I wonder if there are any swimmers here, not the 'keep hair dry' sort but real swimmers?
  16. Just had my standing order for electricity arrive for the coming year. It has almost exactly doubled! I do understand the reasons for the huge increase (without necessarily agreeing with them!) but I wonder if the increases are across the board for everyone. For example those who smugly lecture others on the 'green' aspects of driving an electric car; has the cost of charging their cars doubled? I doubt it!
  17. I shouldn't worry about shortages. They just put the prices up and the shortages simply disappear!!!
  18. So that's why Macron has proposed a new arrangement for diplomatic relations within the E.U. encompassing Britain! He wants our bloody rain!!!!!!
  19. Ah! But can she cook? Probably has won master Chef sometime too!!!
  20. Oh! How I hope Melanchon gets the job!! I follow politics and love nothing more that it to be 'interesting' With Melanchon as P.M. it would be extremely 'interesting' He hates everything I love!!
  21. I wouldn't trust your friend's guess at all! Maths isn't my strong point but the cost of the tiles comes to €480, say €500 for wastage. So, around €5500 for the rest of the work, including clearing the site and materials, sounds very expensive. It would be advisable to get one or two reliable estimates. I think your friend, is way out! As an aside I wouldn't entertain chape mortier at all. Harnser's work sounds very good though I would do it slightly differently and simply lay the tiles in a cement bed on top of a concrete base whilst still 'wet'. There are, I'm sure, reasons why you can't, or won't do the work yourself but I assure you it isn't that difficult and gives fantastic satisfaction in D.I.Y. And think of the money you would save!!!!
  22. I'm afraid it is you who is confused. I haven't at any time said anything other than I'm proud to be British. Yes I'm English, I was born English. I'm proud of Britain for the reasons I have given. You, apparently, are not proud to be British, your prerogative.
  23. Native tongues! There is only one native tongue. It's called English! many local accents of course but all speak English. Perhaps you are referring to immigrants who haven't learnt 'the native tongue' yet? The same immigrants have brought their religion with them, in the same way they did hundreds of years ago. Your culture and traditions, you say, are totally different to mine so I must I asssume that you are an immigrant to the British isles and understandably not proud of being British in the same way as an indigenous Britain.
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