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Posts posted by Ken

  1. On 17/03/2023 at 12:41, alittlebitfrench said:


    He is hated in France by everyone.

    This is about Macron not about pension reforms.

    Until he goes, this ongoing 6 year nightmare will not end.

    Macron knows this…..but he won’t

    Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.



    Could equally apply to some posters here!!!!

  2. 1 minute ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    My mum has dementia which actually started this debate. I agree that it is worse for close relatives than for the individual themselves. She seems perfectly happy going mad with her cat. The cat is everything. Everyone else is secondary. Which is fine by me. We just try and make sure she is safe. How long that will last….I have no idea.

    You and your family have my sympathy . It is indeed bloody cruel but I am convinced my comments are right. I have never experienced it in my family and I hope I never have to . Mind you I seem to have outlived most of them anyway!!!! Must be my caring and considerate nature!!!!

  3. 10 hours ago, betise said:

    Once again Kenny, I find myself asking, really?  No, seriously, REALLY? Heaven forfend that you should ever grow old!

    It's of no use to anyone pretending there is some sort of parallel world where everything is 'tikkity boo'! If someone should be unfortunate enough to suffer the sort of dementia implied then the reality is they wouldn't know if they were in a care home or Shanghai prison. The relatives have the problem not the sufferer. I don't know how old you are either but obviously you are naive!

  4. 46 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Your last point brings us back to the Brexit vote. I think when you reach a certain age (myself included) you let the younger generation decide. 

    I still think that the majority of those Brits of a certain age seeking French nationality should be excluded because it is not relevant to their lives and it clogs the system. And they dont seem to have the expérience of France to make any informed decision.

    So should these types have the vote ? Should they have a say on my kids or my other halves future ? Have they grown up in France an understand the main issues. Well no.

    A former member of this forum still spills his shît in other places telling us us all to break the law and not pay this that and the other. Giving unworthy advice to those seeking advice. No kids, not married knows nothing apart from the shell he lives in.

    Given his own self admiration of his French skills, and if someone told him the birthdate of Nepolean could potentially get French nationality.

    Being a fighter for France, pay all my taxes, make people smile and laugh when out and about, have a crit air sticker on all my cars and van, cross my t’s and play by the rules…I…..find that quite unsettling.


    Apart from 'letting the younger generation decide' You get my vote! In any event should someone reach an age or a mental condition where they can't even fill in a form then perhaps it doesn't really matter if they are in a an EPHAD or In the ground, they wouldn't know the difference! Like you, I believe most of these pompous 'I'm now French' types invariably go back to the country they have castigated most of their lives!!!

  5. 1 hour ago, DraytonBoy said:

    One thing that does bug me is Brits saying 'I'm French now' just because they've recently got French nationality. Having a national identity is not just about a bit of paper.

    I quite agree. Perhaps they half heartedly mean they now have 'French Nationality' rather than being French! I would have thought than anyone with half a brain cell would understand they can never be anything other than the nationality they were born too! A piece of paper changes nothing other than the legality of nationality. I wonder if the same people would say the same thing had they changed their 'nationality' to that of, say, Rwanda or the Congo!!!!

    • Haha 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    I get your point.

    But, I took my daughter to Camden Town last summer and there was a proper French Boulangerie. I told my daughter to go and order something but she had to order in French. Otherwise she pays. You know proper French that only French people speak…..not Chancer French. French !

    I wanted to see what would happen. It was a social experiment.

    They were obviously French born.


    Do you know what, they were quite miffed to be spoken to in the UK in French by a French person. It was like, you are in the UK….try and speak some English. I can speak English can you uhhh.

    I stepped in and spoke in English and then they got what was happening. 

    I should grow up.

    Their croissants almande were better than those you can get in France. They were huge and very tasty.


    A proper French boulangerie in Camden Town!!!! Jesus Christ what has happened to my home Town!!!!

  7. 12 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Its a reference to the TV comedy ‘Little Britain’.

    There is a sketch in the show where an openly gay bloke thinks he is the only ‘gay’ in the Welsh village where he lives. Then he finds out that half the village are gay too. But they are no proper gays as he says.

    The sketch often reminds me of Eymet or other such villages in the Dordogne.

    Im the only ‘totally immersed’ British person living in the village. Then they find out that half the people living in French village are British too.

    Yes but no but…….they are not as ‘immersed’ as me. They have not registered their UK car and don’t have a CSJ.


    I believe you!!!!

    • Haha 1
  8. 18 hours ago, Steve Last said:

    The legal side is done as far as the initial case is concerned (and yes, it has involved a lot of stress!).    My point in posting the original message was to alert people to the fact a track shown on the cadastral doesn't represent the legal situation of either what or where it is.   

    The ongoing question is how come the notaire didn't tell us this when we specifically asked him in writing about its details and who had rights to use it, and he had done the previous transactions involving it!     

    "The ongoing question is how come the notaire didn't tell us this when we specifically asked him in writing about its details and who had rights to use it, and he had done the previous transactions involving it!  "

    If you asked the question then you should have insisted on an answer!  You have to take the responsibility I'm afraid. Buyer beware! Why did you go ahead if you weren't satisfied? Seems rather naive.

  9. Just to add a little: I know doctors (GPs) are self employed and therefor, presumably, keep the 25€ but what of the other expenses? How much does the doctor keep in his ' pocket'? Doctors in a hospital are on a contract so different rules apply to them as they are salaried.

  10. On the news this morning was an article concerning doctors pay. It would seem that a consolation will be increased to 30 euros. Given that most of it is reimbursed, one way or another, it isn't a problem but I wonder how much of the doctors fee he/she actually gets to keep! Do doctors have to pay for premises, secretaries, phone bills etc? They have to pay tax I suppose. If I were cheeky enough (I'm not!) I would ask next time I am there. I don't begrudge them by the way, everything has to be paid for and the U.K. could learn from the French system; just curious!

  11. I have never been scamed, not to say I never will, but it is unlikely. People are scammed because they are far too casual with details they give out and  not studying anything they receive properly and probably most of all they use credit and debit cards with gay abandon and rarely check statements etc. I have little or no sympathy for people who are scammed. It  costs me money when banks or anyone else pays these idiots compensation for their neglect !!!! Yes keep on your toes!!!! A forlorn hope though with most people expecting compensation!!! Nothing to be done about dimwits I'm afraid!

  12. 9 hours ago, Robson said:

    Hello, I live in France, and I have been asked to buy 5litres or 10 litres 2-stroke petrol for a Brit who is coming over here  to stay at his holiday home. I've agreed, but to be honest I'm not quite sure what 2-stroke petrol would be called in French, nor where to find it.


    It's deux temps.  I use a lot of 2 stroke for various machines and make my own. It's very simple and I'm not even sure it can be bought ready mixed. Did your friend say what ratio he wanted 25:1  50:1 for example?  There are different grades for different machines.Your friend shouldn't have any problem whatsoever, providing he knows the ratio he wants.  Just buy the petrol ( at a garage) and the 2 strike oil (at any DIY store) and mix whatever ratio is required. The different ratios are usually printed on the 2 stroke oil container.

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