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Posts posted by Ken

  1. 19 hours ago, betise said:

    My sister in law used to be a midwife here, she said that it was not uncommon for several people to use the same card. It seems no checks were made, and that one "card holder" gave birth to 3 children in the space of a year!

    I'm still non the wiser I'm afraid! If several people use the same card, and I can see that would be possible, any monies paid out would be reimbursed to the card holder, not to the people using the card. So; what would be the point of using someone else's card in the first place?

  2. Just curious but---! The Government (French) are cracking down on fraud, at least that's the impression given on the news channels. What I don't understand, but perhaps someone here could enlighten me, is why is it linked to the Carte Vitale? The only use my Carte gets is when I present it to a doctor or at a chemist. As far as I know that's its only use. A credit card and other banking tools I can understand, but this card defeats me with regard fraud. I'm assuming that fraudsters are obtaining money with it, but how?

  3. I suppose 'planning' has, by definition to take place if doing any trip. It's the degree of planning people want to do or can do that ensures they are content with arrangements. I'm ending up near the Mexican border in August after getting there by air to New York, via London; air to San Francisco; car down the West coast, then back again! The planning for that lot including flights, car hire and hotels has filled a couple of pages of A4. In short planning is an integral part of my life and I rarely do anything without planning it in detail, even on a daily basis. That may sound a little strange but I suspect most people also plan in that sort of detail without realising it.

  4. 15 hours ago, Ella Dallas said:

    When purchasing firewood or wood pellets, there may be a chance of swindles. To avoid these ask the seller for certification of the type of wood they are selling, and to prove that it is of high quality. Make sure that the wood is dry, as damp wood can cause smoke and make fires more difficult to control. It is also important to check if the wood has been treated with dangerous chemicals. Additionally, get a guarantee that the wood is free from insects and pests, as wood that is not inspected can attract unwanted pests. Finally, make sure that the measurements of wood match what is on the invoice. All of these steps can help ensure that the firewood and pellet you buy are of a high quality and not part of a scam.

    Wouldn't it be better, and more diplomatic, to only use a supplier that you know to be good? A neighbour perhaps, could advise. Asking for the guarantees you suggest amounts  to an insult to reputable suppliers. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Gardian said:

    Ladies & Gentlemen ..........

    The thing to always remember with Ken is that he always has to have ‘the last word’.

    It’s more than tiresome and as long as he continues to frequent this Forum, we may sadly have to live with it.  More than a few have already been driven away by him.

    I’ve been trying to imagine a worse surprise attendee at dinner with friends.  

    And yet more for the ladies and gentlemen!  I was wondering when this poster would enter the fray! As usual with nothing to say. Oh, and I'm so grateful to be allowed on 'his' forum. 

  6. 19 hours ago, betise said:

    Can you explain your interpretation of normal? Also, are you saying queers AND trans AND perverts, or queers and trans ARE perverts? 

    Brain firmly in gear.

    Open any dictionary and you will find the interpretation of the word 'normal', also the word abnormal. To help you though, if it is 'abnormal' it is not 'normal', by definition.  As regards your question, There are trans, there are queers, there are also perverts, the list is almost endless!  It's quite possible that some in those categories are all three definitions. equally there will be some who are abnormal in only one category. 

  7. 20 hours ago, JohnM said:

    Please re read all your comments and consider whether they could easily be interpreted in a way that you perhaps didn't intend.

    If someone can't (easily) interpret what I have plainly written then perhaps they shouldn't comment! How plain does it have to be, Janet and John level?

    • Haha 1
  8. 8 hours ago, JohnM said:



    But you did ask "What's wrong with normal?". I'm just pointing out that as nobody is normal, then not being normal is actually ..... normal.


    You kept carping on and inferring that I had said not being 'normal' was bad. I didn't. You also said "people should put their brain into gear before opening their mouths". You should follow your own advice not dig a deeper hole!

  9. 13 hours ago, JohnM said:

    I suspect that there is something about you that is not the usual, typical or the expected state or condition, so there is something about you that is not normal. That does not make you bad or wrong. Surely we need to stop thinking that "not normal" is bad. Surely it depends on what the straight person is going to say (or has said in the past) to determine whether a demonstration is justified? Personally, I think we all need to remember that one person exercising their "rights" (to free speech) may adversly affect another persons rights. I would like us all to think more about other people and try to make this world as nice a place to live as is possible. Sometimes all we have to do is put our brains in gear before we open our mouths..... I guess many folk will think I am woke because of that.... but it is a badge that I wear proudly.

    You are on a tangent way off the subject. No one has said 'not normal' is bad! I haven't that's for sure. You are right, we should put our brains into gear before opening our mouths!!

  10. 3 hours ago, Barley said:

    In order to complete the property declaration, I need to create a 'personal space' on the impots.gouv.fr website and to do so need to complete a form.  Having found the form and completed it online, it will not submit indicating that I need to complete all required fields which I have done.  So I'm stuck - does anyone have an address that I can send the required ID to or suggest how I complete the required property declaration by post.


    I went through all of that ---and got nowhere!! Finally I went to the offices of the finance people and sat in a queue for half an hour. Finally the chap I saw redilly acknowledged a problem with the site and corrected my details there and then on his computer, it took about two minutes!! Sorry I can't be more helpful!

  11. 48 minutes ago, JohnM said:

    Appartently noboby is normal in every aspect of themselves. As normal only means "the usual, typical, or expected state or condition" (it doesn't mean wrong or bad) then surely there is absolutely nothing wrong with being normal and absolutely nothing wrong with not being normal.

    'Nothing wrong with not being 'normal' you say. You include in that statement what is happening to school children with regard gender change or the demonstrations against 'straight' people when invited to give lectures? I could go on but if you think that is 'normal' you are not going to change your mind.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Riggers said:

    Because it’s not what you approve of doesn’t make it abnormal 


    51 minutes ago, Riggers said:

    Because it’s not what you approve of doesn’t make it abnormal 

    You are making an assumption, wrongly as usual! I said it isn't normal, and men making love to men or trying to become another sex isn't 'normal. perhaps you think it is. These people exist, and have always done so right back through history. What I don't approve of , which you don't seem to comprehend, is the attempting to 'normalise' something that isn't normal. Clear now?

  13. 3 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

    A group of students at a college in Genk, Belgium attempted to break up a stand against homopgobia set up in the college cour. They shouted ‘Allah Ouakbar’ and attempted to physically disrupt proceedings and have a go at the volunteers staffing the exhibit.

    A sign of future intolerance in education in France too?


    More likely an intolerance generally. I, for one, am sick of the 'woke' attitude that seems to exist today. Queers, trans, perverts!  Homophobia? What's wrong with normal?  

  14. 42 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    "The enquiry hasn't , yet, named any individuals"

    Au contraire !


    I stand corrected but what I should have said is that no individual has been charged with anything illegal, unless of course I'm behind that also!

  15. We don't know if the council was 'under the thumb' of the Mayor or not, and it doesn't really matter! He would have made the final decision. Were the people of the village consulted concerning having immigrants dumped in their lap? I doubt it yet he was voted in to represent them and their views, it would seem he did neither. Instead we get this 'bogyman' thing about the extreme right again. French politicians make a great deal of 'emphasising' with the 'people' but only when it suits them!

  16. Democracy is fine, to a point. Elected politicians, be they Mayors or Presidents, once having tasted of power then do things that they should know ,  people who voted for them wouldn't like. It's called arrogance! Once in office they believe their 'mandate' entitles them to do anything they wish, in the name of democracy. Unfortunately tat persons likes, or dislikes, decisions etc should be taken with the electorate in mind; most often the electorate are totally ignored.

    I doubt the Mayor or anyone else, including those on this site would want immigrants, mostly illegal, dumped in their village. Sure, blame the 'extreme right' that's the easy way out. The hypocrisy is quite sickening.


  17. 4 hours ago, Harnser said:

    The full official, incontrovertible details of the corrupt, money grubbing Biden crime family laid bare. Bank records. Money "wires" (transfers) from foreign governments including China. The whole family is involved. But no media will report or comment on it - Why?

    Is that because "Orange Man Bad"  or  have the Democrats bought the US media?



    I suppose that no one can be blamed for making money, even the Bidens! It's how they make that money is the problem. The enquiry hasn't , yet, named any individuals or made any recommendations regarding prosecution but the whole affair does stink! Just why the press are not into it is a mystery. The USA is fast becoming a basket case under the Democrats. The top dogs seem well content, as the Bidens' are showing but down in the streets it's a disaster.

    Trump should, if he can control his mouth a bit more, win the next election easily. Surely the average American is sick of Biden and the corrupt Democrats? Having said that if someone were to offer me 1.2 million dollars because I'm black then they would get my vote for sure!!!!

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