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Everything posted by Ken

  1. Please, Your view doesn't trouble me at all. I think perhaps, through my own fault, you misunderstand what I was getting at. I too enjoy visiting the cities you have mentioned but they are definitely not my cities. Despite being a Brexit supporter I also am European, can't get away from that fact. London is the city I was born and raised in, it was my home. Barcelona et al wasn't so cannot hold the same affection for me. You may be European, as I am, but you are still English and a Londoner and can't escape that. It is that affection for my birthplace and what is was as to why I feel sad for the changes. I have said that is the world we live in and people will feel as they want. You obviously sound as if you have no first loyalty to London, I still do and that is why I feel sad it has changed so . I have friends who also say they are 'European' in fact insist upon it before their own nationality which I find rather absurd but, people have their own views and what's wrong with that? Nothing of course! As for the Romans, did they live next door to the Greeks at No12?
  2. Being a true cockney I had an affinity with London just like all true Londoners. I worked there until I retired and within a few years had come to live in France, that was 22 years ago. I have been back to London, indeed Britain, just once a couple of years ago. I was staggeringly amazed at how it has changed. Are there really that many people who drink coffee now!!! I visited all of my old haunts and was surprised that I couldn't find one place staffed by a Brit. The dominant work force was east European. London has changed tremendously and it's certainly not the city I was brought up and worked in. I did feel sad that it was now so cosmopolitain but I suppose that is the world we live in today. Back then Coppers walked the streets now you can't get one out of his squad car because he is too fat!! A Mayor Called Khan and tourists as thick as fleas on a fox's back!! I enjoyed walking back down memory lane but I have to say that it is now too 'foreign' for me.racist, racialism, well take your pick. I do believe that unfettered immigration ruins a country.It has, I feel, ruined London for sure and I wouldn't mind betting that the French feel the same, or the Germans come to that, regarding their own countries.
  3. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Part of my French family are from the Vosges and many others live on the German border. I have brought the subject up a few times and they just look perplexed with my questions. It is a strange relationship between the French and zee Germans. Many French do think the Germans are the master race. I wish I could put that better. Or find the word. Sometimes I think they are sacred of them. I don't think it is the same the other way around. I think the Germans look down on the French personally. I don't think the Germans show much respect to the French. Is that the same with the UK ?. No of course not. Apart from a few jokes. Regarding your last point. More French (I think I am right) live in the UK than any other EU country. France is the biggest European investor in UK property. In now 23 years, I have not had any animosity shown towards me for being British. In fact, as soon as they know I am British...they can't stop chatting about how much they love the UK or how their friends or sons/daughters live and work in the UK. So your point (IMHO) is wrong. This is about generations as well. The older generation turn their nose up at anything foreign to be fair. Apart from Germany.[/quote] Like you I have never had any animosity shown towards me for being British. I get on tremendously well with all French people. Part, if not all of it, is because I never, ever, push my Britishness! I am a foreigner and always stress that I am a guest in France. That France and Britain have, throughout history gone to war against each other rather points to our differences. Down at our level no problem. Once it gets to government level then it is a different matter. It has to. As for the French being the largest group of foreigners in the U.K you may be right, I don't know. What I do know is that London is the 6th or 7th largest French city By population.!!!!!!
  4. Well, perhaps apart from the way you put it I agree with most of what you have said. Brexit was hardly ever a topic on French news and certainly nothing now despite the ongoing squabbles. Neither is there any reporting on the behaviour of the E.U parliament. Nothing at all about AVL and the fiasco of the vaccines and N.I. so is it little wonder the French have little interest in politics! They are simply not informed. Equally, like you I am mystified as to why France considers Germany to be a soul mate! Given the history you would think they would hate the Germans. I have raised that question with French friends and they basically avoid the subject. Fear perhaps! As for France and Britain being the best of buddies, that I can't agree with. Don't you know that every problem with the world is Britains fault!!!!
  5. They couldn't then either! They did have to have the appropriate paper work! Not too erroneous then; or now! It does seem to me that the covering argument that things now are so much more difficult or the implication that things are impossible is a gross exaggeration. Movement now will simply revert, more or less as o how it was before and that never stopped anyone from travelling or artists performing. It really was never difficult.
  6. I can't think that kids from inner cities or anywhere else for that matter are looking at a 'potentially' bleak future because they will now have to fill out the odd form!! Probably exactly the same form I (we) had to fill out to move around Europe. Though given the state of education these days filling out a form may be beyond some!!
  7. A huge swathe of western France including Calais was part of Britain for around 300 years as I'm sure you know. Shame it was eventually given back!!! The generosity of Britain knows no bounds!
  8. I'm not sure either about banning fois gras or countless other animal atrocities but I think the basic premise is right, stop animal cruelty. If nothing is ever said, regardless as to whether it leads to a ban then nothing will ever be done to stop it. I'm not so sure the E.U. did listen very much to the U.K. in actual fact. Of course there is the possibility that the U.K. could shut itself off from many things but I feel sure that is unlikely. Remainers won't like it but the U.K. is a force still to be reckoned with. I'm pleased that the U.K. has left and as of yet can't really see any major differences; and I don't really expect to. Commerce is important to everyone and whilst there will still be arguments the bottom line is trade and it will continue. I think that Brexit was dealt with as well as it could have been given, in my view, the intransigence of the E.U.
  9. Or even that Buddy Holly is dead!
  10. I tend to agree. My belief. is that we will end up in another lockdown because of this "people must breath" nonsense. Add to that the vaccine shambles it isn' good news at all. Still, as long as there is solidarity being shown within the E.U. what does it matter! 82,000 deaths and counting!
  11. Sorry about the double post. still getting the hang of it I'm afraid!!
  12. This morning it was announced that there will be more restrictions particularly around Nice and other cities in the east of the country. Verun has said "it doesn't look good"! A little understatement I think! Allowing free movement during the holidays , I believe, was a mistake.
  13. The news this morning is that there are increased restrictions particularly around Nice and some other cities in the eastern part ofFrance. The health Minister has said it doesn't look good!! I rather suspect a general lockdown is being introduced by stealth. Still, what to expect after allowing a complete free hand over the holidays, and they are not finished yet!!!
  14. I don't think you are too familiar with the Pays Basque my friend. It is luscious and green and that's because of the alternate rain and sunshine. No forest fires around here I can assure you. Even during a scorching summer there are the occasional storms to wet everything down. Yes, frelons asiatiques and I had to clear out a nest from the BBQ area, stung twice on the face, once on the hand and required a visit to the quacks!! My fault entirely I should have left them alone!!! As for being cold 'up norf' You are more than welcome to it!!
  15. Just to annoy you a little!!! The winter down here in the Pays Basque has been wonderful. The last few days temperatures have even been in the low 20s.C The primroses are everywhere in the garden, best year ever though of course they self propagate and each year there are more. I have even cut the grass twice this year already! This yearI parcelled off a piece of the lawn into a 'wild area' No grass cutting or weed removal. Have planted a few insect attracting bushes and will sprinkle seeds of wild flowers in a week or so. The idea is to attract bees, Butterflies etc. Less grass cutting too!
  16. Perhaps you could help me? I have contacted FF and asked how I can find the list of threads (discussions) on the site. They (it) hasn't replied!! I'm new to this and I have found various discussions but it is a very haphazard way of mowing around. I feel sure that must be some sort of list (threads) but finding it! I would appreciate it if you can help.
  17. Certainly not patronising anyone, at least not intentionally. To do that I think there needs to be discourse and that is impossible with someone with a narrow mind. And yes you are right, I'm sure some still believe in fairies!!!
  18. I agree with you completely but unfortunately I doubt it will happen, at least not in the foreseeable future. Some people who wanted to remain perceive any changes as detrimental and rarely , if ever, criticise the E/U/ Those who voted to leave defend their position passionately when criticised and so the cycle continues. Personally I would have accepted a remain majority and simply got on with my life, and I'm sure most who voted remain do just that. A shame that a minority can't accept that democracy won and pull for their country instead of criticising it at every turn!
  19. Quite obviously you can't see another way! As for being patient. It is limitless. As for helping you, well I'm afraid you don't seem to want to learn. I will try for the last time: You said "Trump believes this to be true but it's not the truth". The second part of that statement is your belief, not Trumps. He believes it to be true and so it is the truth, to him at least. As for being dim, well I really don't know you well enough to form an opinion about that. You don't really help your case though.
  20. I presume our conversation is at an end. May I recommend a tranquilliser or at least a strong Ricard or surely you will blow a fuse!
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