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Everything posted by Ken

  1. More and more unfortunately. Nothing like the U.K. though where it is a huge problem.
  2. Yes, I read the report in different newspapers this morning. I think it is giving obesity a veneer of respectability by calling it an epidemic. It isn't a disease or an illness the vast majority simply eat too much, are greedy or simply just plain ignorant as to the affects of their failings. Until it is called what it is there won't be a change. I have read other articles where it is said that 'fat shaming' shouldn't be allowed that people should be allowed to be fat, curves are beautiful etc. The mind boggles!! Until it is shamed and becomes socially unacceptable to be fat then I'm afraid it won't change. With smokers it had to become socially unacceptable before things changed. With obesity the same thing has to happen.
  3. Several newspapers reporting on covid deaths and the relationship with being obese this morning. It is quite incredible that people being fat, overweight and obese is still a subject that has to explained. Boris Johnson has just appointed someone to oversee the problem but the incredible thing is, from his photo he looks fat!! There can be no doubt that being fat is potentially life threatening but for as long as I can remember the subject is danced around. Almost any cause for being fat is given other than the only one and that is eating too much. Are people really so stupid as to try and find another reason? Yes, I suppose they are. They would rather risk death than admit to reality.
  4. My wife also makes burgers. She also makes meat balls; a Finnish speciality and delicious. All food is good. As for the rest, yes snacking is probably the major cause of being fat and I suppose anything outside of the three square a day you eat is snacking!!! Even the biscuit with a cup of tea!!!! As you have said eating less is the clue to not putting on weight and certainly losing it. Anything else is nonsense.
  5. Often things are said and I can't help but feel often it is just a PR exercise. Yes, Chemists may be able to give the vaccine but do they have it to give! That is more to the point thanks to Mr. Macron!!
  6. I agree. Most animals know when to stop, humans on the other hand!! I was on a cruise two years ago. I was absolutely disgusted at the behaviour of people (mostly fat people!) who eat and eat and eat, all because it was free!! I'm afraid that also there are still people who think there are other reasons for becoming fat, there isn't! There is only one reason and you witnessed it in all its disgusting glory!!
  7. This was written in 2014. I think two researchers from the antipodes were the first to come up with it. It really is quite fascinating and shows what an enormously complicated machine we are and take it for granted. Whilst it shows where the fat goes unfortunately neither study emphasises how necessary it is not to eat to excess in the first place as that is the only way you can get fat!!!
  8. Actually the studies are quite a few years old!! But true. Your body metabolises fat and the waste is carbon that you breath out, burn (heat) and water, and you know where that goes! Given that around 80% is lost via breathing it is partly why exercise isn't worth doing regarding weight loss!!! Important though it is.
  9. Lustig sells diet plans. You simply want to argue the point about various ways in which weight can be gained. The bottom line is that being fat is dangerous and that what you put into your mouth causes it. I'm really not interested in someone who wants to be pedantic.
  10. It's an interesting point. The fat doesn't go anywhere, assuming you are the same weight now as you were say, ten years ago. Your body fat will have increased considerably. This is because you lose protein I;e. muscle as you get older. So, if you want to lose fat you have to eat less!
  11. Lustig sells books, diet books! You believe what you want either from Lustig or any other person selling diets I think I will stick with Leicester University and many years of study and teaching.
  12. A knowledge of world affairs is, I believe, both interesting and important. How can a person engage in conversation or give an opinion if in ignorance of what is happening globally. Even to vote locally involves what a party would stand for because world affairs affect their priorities. Personally I think the a average expat does care what is happening everywhere? By definition they had to explore the country they wanted to live in!!! Ignorance is often the cause of many a conflict. If we understood what is going on around us then perhaps their would be more tolerance.
  13. I think I would have phoned the Gendarmes regardless of what she wanted. In any event it is credit to your good nature you helped her, perhaps naively, but it appears to have turned out well.
  14. There only one way a person can put on weight: If you consume more calories than you expend you will put on weight. The quality of food, particularly here in the west is highly nutritious and that' is part of the problem. A McDonald hamburger and chips is highly nutritious. It has vitamins; protein, fat, minerals and carbohydrate, all good stuff!! The problem is in terms of calories the same hamburger and chips is around 600-800 calories. Move into cheeseburgers, Big Macs etc and the calorie count moves up to around 1500-2000.The average male requires around 1500-2000 calories a day to live. A woman, much less. It doesn't take much working out that just one snack of a hamburger plus a normal Diet and you are putting on weight. Food in the west is, I say again, highly nutritious. It is the amount you eat that is the problem not the quality. Eat less than normal you lose weight, it isn't difficult to understand. Just why peopler are so resistant and are forever offering alternative reasons for being fat I can only guess at.
  15. I have no idea why your friend died of cancer. Probably the doctors don't know either. Oddly and tragically enough a lifelong friend died of pancreatic cancer Christmas Eve. Why, who knows! She was also of normal weight, eat sensibly and habitually walked 10 miles every day. It doesn't detract in anyway what I have said about fat people having a greater propensity to disease. It is a fact.
  16. Well I did have to look it up! Long retired fortunately. Let me say this though as you referred me to the thing. Anyone who pays someone to tell them how to lose weight must be dim!!!
  17. I wrote earlier that when ever the subject of being fat, smoking, drinking etc. too much is raised I hear the same stories about how someone smoked a hundred a day and never had a cough etc. The reason doctors say being fat is bad for you isn't because it looks bad or some people live forever with it. They say it because there are usually associated problems with it. Cancers of all types, strokes heart disease etc. Some fat people quite obviously live a full life without any problems. The fact is the majority don't! Covid has shown this to be a very real problem. Fat people are more prone to disease than normal weight people, that is the reality. Many are in denial regarding being fat but it is a major killer in society. Yes, someone may have died of a stroke or cancer but the reason for the disease?
  18. Presumably you are, were, somewhat overweight!!! A target of 20Kg loss is quite substantial to say the least. Presumably because of health concerns. Down 7kg , that's just over a stone in old money!!! I know the benefits of porridge: When I traversed the Pyrenees I lived on the stuff. All pre-packed into meals. Mine though did have sugar and dried milk added. Thrown into a bowl of water and the meal was ready in five minutes, delicious! Good luck with what you are doing. The hard bit will be when you achieve your goal and have to adjust what you eat to keep the gains you have made.
  19. The thread is about fat!!! Anyway, be fat be happy! Your choice.
  20. Have it your own way. I have had these discussions with people throughout my working life. I really find it difficult to recall a single person who has been persuaded that being fat is the cause of disease, illness and death. You believe what you want to believe, that is your right.
  21. Apart from asserting that DNA 'has something to do with it' I'm afraid you are not really offering anything. Perhaps you are saying that people are fat because of their DNA instead of how much they eat! Fat people are at a greater risk of serious illness and death. That is the bottom line and it is fact.
  22. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]An adverse effect to Covid is probably more down to DNA.[/quote] It has been shown that the level of adverse effects caused by covid are down to how healthy you are to start with. If you are fat and have underlying conditions, usually caused by being fat then you are more likely to suffer more severely, more likely to die!! DNA has nothing to do with it. Many people will simply not face up to the fact that being fat is unhealthy and dangerous. It is beyond my comprehension that many appear not to care about their health or how they look. It is their choice, their life!!!
  23. And there lies the problem. That someone receives two doses and others receive none isn't the fault of the individual but the poor organising of the vaccine program by the government. I read this morning that France and Germany are now desperately trying to convince people that the AZ vaccine is good for all age groups. Germany is still sitting on over a million unused doses because of this fiasco. Macron and Merkel have a lot to answer for: playing politics with peoples lives.
  24. Don't really want to put a 'damper' on your hopes but the way the vaccine fiasco is playing in France and the E.U I should make sure you have some mothballs around your best togs!!!
  25. Are there companies that signed contracts to deliver an amount on, or by a certain date, but failed to deliver?
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