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Everything posted by Ken

  1. As I have said: a person makes choices and if that means being fat then that is their choice. Presumably they are also happy with the associated health risks in being fat. As for looking wasted and scrawny that simply shouldn't be the case. Normal people who are not fat don't look wasted and scrawny., they usually look healthy!
  2. I think you highlight a point I made earlier, and that is suggesting that being fat isn't the sole cause of death regarding covid. Hamilton caught it and survived, millions have. Heavy smokers don't all die of lung cancer etc. Some fat people almost certainly live along life. The point is though and it is backed by so much research it makes your head swim! Being fat is extremely dangerous to your health, whatever the cause is of being fat is is almost irrelevant. I have heard it all over the years, genetic, fast or slow metabolism, hereditary and a dozen other reasons why people are fat. The bottom line is that being fat can and does lead to many other illnesses including many cancers, heart disease, hypertension, strokes; the list is endless. Like me you have probably seen the dreadful scenes in hospital wards of covid victims. Most of what I have seen usually is of a person grossly overweight. At the start of this pandemic being fat. was highlighted, it is never mentioned now, far too sensitive and not politically acceptable to tell people they are dying because they are fat!
  3. All that you say is true. Neither do I get concerned about junkies, smokers or fat people. If they want to kill themselves that is their concern. I really have no compassion for them. Just two points though that does concern me. The first is that there are many people with serious illness that isn't in any way a result of personal indulgence. The vast amounts that is spent on the 'indulgent' ones is diverted from these people and I don't think that to be right. The second point is really from your first sentence. I think it tragic that humans simply can't control their excesses. It won't change though.
  4. Congratulations, it must be feeling like 'one of the few' from 1940!!! After my last flu jab I was asked if I had felt a p rick. I said no though I did feel a bit silly!!!!!!!!
  5. I'm not too sure Guardian readers have any pride! I have yet to find one who will knock anything about the the left or the E.U. Promotion of socialist views, whatever the cost, seems to be their aim in life, even, as in Macron case it costs lives!
  6. [quote user="Théière"]My 20 stone, 66 year old diabetic friend caught covid from a member of staff who is a very fit 35 year old gym fanatic. We thought he'd be a gonna for sure but he didn't go to hospital whereas the 35 year old gym fanatic had a terrible time including hospital took him over a month to get out of hospital. 20 stone friend over it in just under 14 days. So it isnt simply age, or fat, possibly metabolic health and healthy gut microbiome play an essential part.[/quote] How many times, over the years have I read similar stories. Someone smoked a hundred fags a day and never had a cough whilst his friend, who didn't smoke died of lung cancer! OR I knew someone who drank a bottle of whisky a day and never had any ill health!! and so on. People deceive themselves with such stories.They are usually fat people, or smokers etc. The fact is, and it is fact: Fat people are more likely to die earlier than people with a normal fat %. Fat people are more prone to just about every disease known to man including most cancers, heart disease, blood pressure, strokes; you name it. Covid is the latest disease and it just loves fat people who invariably have an underlying ill health problem and it gets to work most efficiently!!!
  7. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]France is really in the dodo. 30 k new cases yesterday. So basically we are at where the UK was in Novemeber. Oh yes...and no vaccine policy. If you put 20,000 people in a conference room in front of Macron and said to him...'this is all the people you would save if you lockdown' Macron is hung up on Brexit, hence the refusal with Astra-Zeneca. He doesn't seem to worry that his own population are suffering needless death due to his dislike of Britain. As for the 20.000, I think he would let them catch the disease. After all he has an election to fight and lockdowns are not good publicity !! Would he lockdown ?[/quote]
  8. Being eligible for a jab and actually getting it are two different things of course. Now, we are told GPs are going to be able to vaccinate! I saw my GP yesterday on an unrelated subject but of course vaccinations were discussed. He is quite disgusted at the shortage of vaccine and has no idea when vaccinations will be carried out. It really is an absolute shambles the E.U have made of it. That member countries are going along with it is even more incredulous. Will people in Europe wake up to the fact Politicians are letting many die because of the Astra-Zeneca fiasco? Probably not as coverage of the issue is at best scarce.
  9. The Guardian! A left wing newspaper. Just what would you expect? She is like many others in Europe, knocking Britain for knockings sake. They must really be envious of Britain to keep talking about it. The Guardian panders to people with left wing views so really the article can be taken with a pinch of salt.
  10. [quote user="idun"]We all have our vices, and mine is food especially sweet things. I have never smoked, taken drugs, and have hardly drank alcohol throughout my life. Food however, is another thing. I love cooking too. I have yoyo'd with my weight for the last 45 years. And yes, I know what I am eating when I put weight on, but there again, those of you who drink are fully aware of what drink does to a system and it's calories, and cigarettes, well, the list is endless, and yet people do. Also, my views on life and death for specific reasons are often quite different to most peoples. If fatter people die more easily with Covid, well, that is how it is. Why the fuss about it? [/quote] Yes , try and confuse the issue. Smoking etc. The fact is if you are fat then you are simply contributing to an early death. If that is what you want, then fine! But why should I pay for it?
  11. [quote user="anotherbanana"]Elderly,fat males are **ggered, then? heigh ho, back to the bowl of gruel.[/quote] Well, it's your life!!!! Unfortunately my expense!!!
  12. [quote user="Ken"][quote user="alittlebitfrench"]People just don't eat enough fruit and veg. Covid, heart disease, cancer !!!...it is the same thing.[/quote] It I simply that that people eat too much. everything else is nonsence.[/quote] And that is the absolute truth!
  13. [quote user="anotherbanana"]Well, you can start by cutting TV ads which advertise unhealthy foods as well as stopping the glorification of fat people ( hides head as bricks fly)[/quote] Yes , lets; blame others for our shortcomings!.
  14. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]People just don't eat enough fruit and veg. Covid, heart disease, cancer !!!...it is the same thing.[/quote] It I simply that that people eat too much. everything else is nonsence.
  15. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]People just don't eat enough fruit and veg. Covid, heart disease, cancer !!!...it is the same thing.[/quote] People eat too much, that is the problem.
  16. [quote user="NormanH"]Strangely enough I thought that there was the virus that was killing people.. [/quote] Unfortunately, you are wrong. Two people can have the virus but the fat person may die!!! Being fat is almost a a death wish!
  17. Very little is now being mentioned regarding people dying of covid who are obese. It cannot be co-incidence that the USA and Britain have had the highest death tally and both countries have the highest number of fat people. Tied in with being fat is the increased likelihood that there will be underlying medical conditions. Conditions that are caused by being fat but that are rarely, if ever, mentioned. It is a taboo subject! Fat is killing people at a very fast rate particularly when covid is present. It is all very well blaming Mc Donalds or the government but just why do people have so little respect for their wellbeing that they allow themselves to be fat? I read every week incorrect information about dieting or exercising but surely a person must be aware of how bad it is. Just what is it that allows fat people to think it is o.k; to be fat? It is ugly, it is dangerous and it costs the country a fortune yet still we don't tell it for what it is, a killer!
  18. [quote user="anotherbanana"]They really do need a cattle prod in a very painful place. What a bunch of incompetents![/quote] You do mean, I hope, the E.U?
  19. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]I garden...! Though, the last ten years have been spent digging up rubble. What is it with the French just burrying rubble. At out last house I dug up and old Lavoir. It took 2 months. And when I had finished I burried again. I had become officially French. Trouble with gardening in France is that you do all the hardwork and then come summer everything gets incinerated. I think a view is better than a garden.[/quote] How about a view and a garden? We have both so possibly fortunate. As for digging things up: Two of those concrete type telegraph poles, a huge roof rack, around two hundred wine bottles (empty!), roughly a couple of tons of asbestos paving slabs and enough buried rotting wood and wire fencing that would encompass Wembley Stadium! The previous owner ran an animal sanctuary in the garden and I also had to get rid of about a hundred metres of decrepit sheds and shelters. Gardening here is not quite the same as gardening in our last house in Tunbridge Wells!! We have wild section that just takes a little managing, nothing serious and a more formal garden that I have, this year, taken a portion of the lawn and turned it into an insect area. No grass cutting and just let it run wild. I have helped it along with wild flower seeds and some insect attracting bushes. The whole garden is incredibly interesting with lots of hidden features. One of the great shames of gardeners is, I think, a lack of imagination. It is sad when you can look out of a window and see the whole thing, no point in going out there is there!!!
  20. [quote user="NormanH"]Part of the explanation for the lack of appointments available in France is here: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-eu-pfizer-exclusiv-idUSKBN2AH1E3[/quote] It is interesting that all the 'information' is from an E.U. source. There can be little doubt, at least in my mind, that the main reason, if not the whole is that the E.U. messed up big time in ordering vaccine. There are countries within the E.U.; still Insisting that the Astra Zeneca vaccine is of no use to over 65s, absolute nonsense of course and the Germans are desperately backtracking on that claim. Unfortunately Macron hasn't, at least yet. I , and many others have been refused a vaccination of the AstraZeneka because we are 'too old'! Put the delay by the E.U. (solidarity!!!) and this nonsense about AstraZeneka together and I think it is a much better explanation as to why the vaccination roll out is pathetic here.
  21. [quote user="anotherbanana"]Get partner’s approval. Learn to speak Woke, Bame etc. Find somewhere to live, region, area village or suburb. Find cash to buy rabbit hutch. Or wait to see if the impossible market is gonna crash. Dump unwanted unneeded household rubbish, cars, kids etc?. Just to start off.[/quote] How about a rubber dinghy and a paddle!! Then you don't need to worry about all those things you mention!!
  22. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]i know Idun. France has state controlled media. No different to Russia. To be fair to the UK, the media does hold the government to account.[/quote] I can't agree that France has state controlled media. They do have very strict rules for sure regarding privacy but state controlled, I don't think so. I do think the news is very poor mind you, international news is almost non existent and domestic news varies tremendously from channel to channel. I have said, often, that I find French people at least where I live to be quite ignorant regarding politics for example. Not surprising when they are never informed of anything other than trivia. The government, the E.U. and almost any major organisation are really if ever, covered. I habitually watch a mid day quiz show, quite entertaining but I am constantly appalled at the lack of knowledge displayed regarding anything international or geographical. I actually feel quite embarrassed for the contestants at times. Is that because the media is state controlled or something lacking in the education system. I don't know the answer. I do know that many of the breakthroughs throughout history in science and culture and credited to France are often by an immigrant who has taken French nationality. The media is pathetic generally, at least the T.V. news. State controlled though, no I don't think so.
  23. Is the French government (i.e. Macron) in some sort of denial mode? The vaccination programs a complete shambles, infections and deaths are rising as are hospital admissions, patients being transferred to other hospitals because some are full and partial lockdowns in place with almost certainly more to come. And yet they are saying that will limit public gatherings to 10,000 in the summer! It beggars belief that anything will be allowed to happen at this rate for the coming year, let alone summer!
  24. My wife and I had vaccinations booked for this coming Thursday. This morning an email telling me they have been cancelled and to try again in a month!!! Talk about shambles!!!! Still, as long as there is E.U. solidarity what does it matter!!!
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