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Everything posted by Ken

  1. It's nice that people think 'renewable energy' is the way forward and in a perfect world it would be. I wonder why these people think so but can't achieve their dream? Sure, they. will blame anyone and everything on why they can't but the bottom line is ; they can't! Always someone els's fault!
  2. Which rather puts us back to square one, assuming you mean androgyny that is! Not a him, hasn't agreed to a 'her' So had I referred to you as 'her' in my original post that also would have been wrong!!! Now I know why these people put labels on their lapels to let people know what they are!!!
  3. I'm so glad to have cleared that up. May I be presumptuous and say I believe you are a woman then and not somewhere, or something, in between? Could be a subject for another thread actually! My views on gender bending are something that would make a kettle boil!!!
  4. Oh! I do hope we are not back to gender interpretation again, but thank you for those kind words. As regards the re-write, I'm afraid writing it in perfect French hasn't made It any clearer! It's the same but in French! If that makes sense!!! That's the trouble with translators I find!!!
  5. Their, To avoid any confusion I have to say that for some reason my reply to DaveLister managed to become tangled up with my reply to you. Not sure why but my reference to nonsensical writing didn't apply to you!
  6. Thank you their, I will try and remember. It's so easy to get it wrong these days!
  7. I'm sure you won't forgive me for saying so but your post doesn't make too much sense! I presume you are trying to make a point and if so I'm afraid I have no idea what it is! Perhaps you could re-write it?
  8. Then go ahead. I would comment on anything you have to say! Incidentally my 'starter', it made you post something didn't it?
  9. Then we disagree. I doubt if I were to accuse you of having an 'addled brain' you would take it as a compliment! That I used it to describe myself in a light fashion doesn't give licence to people to use it as an insult. You think differently. You ask if I was the person on another thread accusing people of being sanctimonious. I honestly cannot remember if I had but if I had it would have been based on something said to me. Is stating something using correct language being rude, I don't think so.
  10. You pose it as a question: Not really, it depends on the accuracy of the accusation in the first place and the intention of the person saying it! If you said it to a friend it would be taken lightly. On the other hand if it is meant in an 'aggressive' and insulting way then it would cause offence! Context is very important, particularly in print!!!
  11. So you are not a 'he' Given the complexity of gender identification these days it was a simple error on my part. Perhaps you can let me know what you are so that I don't make the same mistake again. And yes I do know this is a French Forum but I had directed my post to someone else who had asked me a question. Thank you for joining in the discussion anyway!
  12. O.k, I like politics, sport and issues of a general nature which require debate. Simply making a statement as benign, shall we say, about how hot it is, doesn't really lend itself to lively debate; after all every one is hot and knows how uncomfortable it is as well as any remedies for cooling down! Don't misunderstand me! I know this forum is for that sort of contact also, particularly amongst those who have been here a long time and presumably are comfortable with just some rather innocuous chat. I prefer to be in discussion , or argument, with someone or even several who have an opinion. What happens often unfortunately is that it descends into personal insults. So, here is my starter for ten: Just why, when someone doesn't like what is posted, instead of coming back with an argument or suggestion, as you have, prefer to post an insult? My view is that such a person isn't a particularly nice person and has a rather limited ability to join in a constructive discussion. Such a person feels comfortable , often, with like minded people and in particular their 'behaviour' is quite 'territorial' insofar as they have been here for a long time and resent 'newbies' as well as thinking others support their insults! Now that is my starter for ten, quite the psychiatrist!!! So, why do you think someone easily resorts to insults? A reply isn't obligatory by the way but you did ask!
  13. You are quite liberal with the personal insults. There is nothing wrong with contentious issues or controversial ones. Debate is debate. Judith made her point without being insulting. Riggers also made his point. It may be that I don't agree with either but see no need, or purpose, to insult them unless it would be for some sort of childish provocation. I would prefer a more lively discussion on any number of subjects but to descend into the intellectual gutter insulting someone doesn't lend itself to reasonable discussion or argument. It would seem you don't agree with that view!
  14. It is painfully obvious that pellets are being produced from deforestation, much of it in the Americas and shipped to Europe. It doesn't take much researching to find out but some sanctimonious people prefer to ignore that fact.
  15. A few months ago this forum appeared to be having some sort of upheaval regarding logging on, registering and other problems. It was just too much for an addled brain to contend with so I gave up on it and never bothered to look again until recently. I'm quite surprised at how dead it is, controversy appears to be a dirty word and the few posts that there are contain as much interest as paint drying! Apparently, according to one or two, the reason for this scarcity of opinion is that it was too 'aggressive' or 'contentious'! I can only say that if it was like that at least the forum was alive and not 'brain dead'! What's wrong with contentious anyway? Nothing political, no 'hard' opinions that spark people into life; nothing! Wittering on about flowers and the summer heat just isn't going to keep this forum alive. The one or two that could be relied on to 'warm' things up appear also to have joined the 'woke' brigade and have become emasculated!!!! This is the only forum I look at but I think it may also soon be the last unless it wakes up!
  16. Just read several interesting articles about wood pellets. One of which said that whilst most people think they are made from wood waste in fact most are made from harvesting forests and that the carbon footprint of such work is ignored and that they are worse than coal for the environment! I'm no ecologist that's for sure but it would be ridiculous for the environment if accurate.
  17. Just read an article that suggested electric cars will soon be more expensive than ICE because of the hike in electricity costs! If it comes to pass it will wipe a few smug smiles of faces I should think!!!
  18. As we live within five minutes of the frontier with Spain the Gendarmes frequently are busy testing all the French who are returning after a very cheap and liquid lunch!!! I was once stopped at 7 o/c Christmas morning and breathalyzed just a few hundred yards from my home. I expressed surprise that it being so early it was unlikely I had been drinking. He said it was common for people to still be drunk from the previous nights celebrations, even after a nights sleep!
  19. Our local Bricomarché are selling a cubic meter (sterre)nicely packed on a pallet and boxed, all for a nice price too! 249€!! I couldn't believe anyone would be that daft , or that wealthy, to buy it! I paid 650€ back in February for 10 cubic meters and let it dry out completely during the summer. Someone (local) also told me that it is not a good idea to have the wood completely dry anyway as it would burn too quickly!
  20. You mean me asking that you look something up in a dictionary is insulting? Instead of playing some sort of 'injured person' why not simply give me a reply. It really is quite sad when people can't take straight talk but resort to 'injured person' mode!!! Now that may be considered 'normal', these days!!
  21. Should you have access to a dictionary you wouldn't need to ask such a question. It's not what I consider to be normal, and certainly not what you consider to be normal but what IS normal! That is probably a little hard for you to understand given you had to ask the question. Do look it up though!!!!
  22. You find it hard to quantify what is normal, that is blindingly obvious. For the vast majority it is quite simple, it's not hard to define at all, unless you are stupid!
  23. Yes it was, but given you are both on the same wave length it can be safely assumed that it applies to you too. It's nice that you say "whatever normal is" Sort of sums up your confusion as to what is normal.
  24. Absolute crap! Yes I'm 'older' but the rest of your statement is just that 'crap'! As for the photos: How would I address them? What a stupid question! What do you expect, "Hello Miss-Mrs-young man-young lady"? How the hell does anyone address anyone until they meet them. Do you ,when you meet someone for the first time say "hello male" or "hello female or even "hello it"? If you simply mean what do they look like then I would say the first two look like effeminate males and the third a female with a beanie hat on but whether they are or not is immaterial, that"s what they look like. As I said a stupid question. The world hasn't changed. These abnormal people have always been around. What has changed is that stupid people try to make it 'normal'!!
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