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Posts posted by Harnser

  1. Doing a bit of digging into why a queer bloke who likes dressing up in women's clothes got voted Miss Universe :-

    Anne Jakrajutatip, a Thai businesswoman who is also transgender, owns the [Miss Universe] pageant currently. At the culmination of the 2022 pageant, Jakrajutatip made an inspiring speech about turning the “pain” of her childhood into “power” for herself and all women.

    “It has been 70 years [that the] Miss Universe Organization [has been] run by men. But now, time is up,” she said to thunderous applause.

    “Welcome to the new era of the global women’s empowerment platform. Welcome to the Miss Universe organization. From now on, it’s gonna be run by women, owned by a trans woman, for all women, for all women really around the world to celebrate the power of feminism."


    Just how this festival of deviation "celebrates the power of feminism." is a mystery.


  2. 6 hours ago, Ray Barrington said:

    Hi Hectorsdad, 

    Thanks for your info,  Although I have a 1metre dish and a Humax HD Freesat decoder I have very little HD channels.

    The general feeling is, as you say, I may have to " Tweek " the dish a little to receive all the HD channels.

    Yes, I do have an alignment tester that I used to set up the original installation and on some channels I get a full 100% signal, but zero on BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV, etc etc;

    I am returning to France next month so armed with as much info as possible, I hope to solve this annoying peoblem.

                       Thanks again all the help. sorry for the delay in responding.

    I have just spotted this thread, we had the exact same problem a few months ago. We can't get up to our dish so employed our local reliable satellite expert who replaced the 20 year old LNB and realigned the dish, all good now.

  3. On 19/06/2023 at 20:56, DraytonBoy said:

    It's a difficult one, should people be allowed to take selfies at Auschwitz?

    Unless you or your family had relatives who did not survive Auschwitz my opinion is that you should not be permitted to gawp and take pictures at any site like that. Likewise the Titanic - it is after all a marine grave site for those that died.

    • Like 1
  4. We've had regular rain showers and some days of steady light rain here in Brittany.

    Meteo is of the opinion that there will be a breakdown in the hot weather shortly.

    "Storms will affect a large part of France next week

    On Monday, new stormy bursts are expected from Aquitaine going up towards a vast northeast quarter. These storms will be strong, locally violent, with powerful gusts of wind, hailstorms, and intense downpours. 

    This very stormy weather with the risk of severe thunderstorms should continue at least until next Thursday."

    16-06 -23 


    Funny how they can predict the climate with absolute millimetric accuracy ( the science is settled etc) but when it comes to weather we would be better off with seaweed and chicken bones.

    • Haha 1

    Not a great help to current joint pain sufferers I realise but worth considering as long term 

    I have taken a diet supplement to improve and maintain my joint health for at least the past 20 years. Having wrecked my back and one ankle by daily heavy lifting when I was a partner in a business, including a lot of lifting, walking about carrying heavy weights and receiving no real help from UK doctor apart from the advice to just take paracetamol when it hurt.

    I started taking glucosamine daily and after about 4 to 6 weeks started to feel an improvement so have carried on with it.to this day. I don't get recurring joint problems - ok I get a bit stiff after swinging a big brushcutter or hauling a walk-behind mower about but it doesn't last like it used to.

    I take the glucosamine HCL with vitamin C variant made from corn - I found the one made from shellfish caused stomach upsets.  Healthspan are good and reliable but there are dozens of other sources I guess. 

    Don't take it without doing some research on interactions with drugs you may be taking such as:-



  6. 8 hours ago, ssomon said:

    We had our 5th jabs on 17 October 2022.

    Soon afterwards I developed a persistent blocked and runny nose, my wife had no problems.

    I bought two Covid tests on Dec 17; we both tested positive, but still had no other symptoms.

    We had our 6th jabs on May 15, no side effects except slightly painful arms for 2 or 3 days, which didn't happen before.

    I still have a blocked and runny nose, but my wife has no symptoms.

    That's good to know that another person is suffering the the same side effects that I have had since jab no 3 however long ago that was.

    The morning after jab no 3 I had uncontrollable sneezing fits and nose literally running like a tap - I walked around the rest of the day with tissues stuffed up my nose -  a really miserable state of affairs.

    I still suffer with it to a greater or lesser degree depending on what I'm doing, or working inside or outside with the pollen.

    I've recently found that the Sudafed nasal spray reduces the effects to a manageable level and gets rid of the blocked up nose feeling.

    Both MOH and I have decided that enough is enough so no more Covid jabs.

  7. On 18/05/2023 at 13:55, anotherbanana said:

    Trees are usually oblivious to risks unless someone tells them though I am told that they talk to each 0ther!🤪

    Seriously though even up here in the PdeC there is high risk in times of secheresse and high temperatures. My neighbours land is utterly unmaintained and the mayor wont take any initiative even though the plot is full of old poutres and dried wood. Plus a load of old bottles and glass causes fires!

    From the government website https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/feux-foret-et-vegetation

    It seems that maybe you as a neighbour have access to his land or he accepts the legal liability if there is a fire.


    clearing brush.png

  8. https://actu.fr/planete/climat/obligation-de-dbroussaillage-contre-les-incendies-l-amende-en-hausse-tes-vous-concern_59615403.html


    This is going to be difficult to achieve for us due to the lie of the land and our many trees, anybody else in this situation?

    The main fire risk around here is our new french neighbour who is renovating the longere next door and who insists on having family barbeques not too far away from a row of Lawson cypress on our land - they seem to be oblivious to the risk.


  9. On 13/05/2023 at 06:55, Ken said:

    I suppose that no one can be blamed for making money, even the Bidens! It's how they make that money is the problem. The enquiry hasn't , yet, named any individuals or made any recommendations regarding prosecution but the whole affair does stink! Just why the press are not into it is a mystery. The USA is fast becoming a basket case under the Democrats. The top dogs seem well content, as the Bidens' are showing but down in the streets it's a disaster.

    Trump should, if he can control his mouth a bit more, win the next election easily. Surely the average American is sick of Biden and the corrupt Democrats? Having said that if someone were to offer me 1.2 million dollars because I'm black then they would get my vote for sure!!!!

    "The enquiry hasn't , yet, named any individuals"

    Au contraire !


  10. On 11/05/2023 at 06:55, Ken said:

    I wonder why the press don't focus on Biden? His business dealings, let alone his families shady behaviour which gets hardly any attention. The U.S. is not so slowly turning into a cess pit, still, blame Trump I suppose!! I'm now torn between my support for Trump and my support for Biden. Trump would , possibly, end support for Ukraine if he becomes President whilst Biden continues with support. On balance I suppose then I have to continue with saying Biden is best, despite his shady dealings and senility. The Democrats are turning major cities into slums run by drug addicts and criminals . I will be in San Francisco in  August, can't wait!!!

    The full official, incontrovertible details of the corrupt, money grubbing Biden crime family laid bare. Bank records. Money "wires" (transfers) from foreign governments including China. The whole family is involved. But no media will report or comment on it - Why?

    Is that because "Orange Man Bad"  or  have the Democrats bought the US media?



  11. A friend of MOH in the UK has a Santander debit card.

    She recently received in the post a replacement card.

    That’s funny she thought, my current card has about 9 months left until it expires, so she phoned Santander.

    It’s a sophisticated fraud, if she had used the new card, her bank account would have been cleaned out.

    So be warned!

  12. Might I suggest introducing the procedure that a lot of private forums have, new forum members are on probation for six posts to prove that they can post relevant, sensible posts until they are accepted as full members?

    And no forum names accepted consisting of incomprehensible alpha numeric strings would be accepted?



    • Like 4
  13. You can bring your own vehicle into France, without needing to register it, for short stays of up to six months in the country. However, if you are staying for more than six months, you will have to register your car within one month of establishing residency in France.

    There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid registering your Swedish car in France if you are studying in France for 1 year.

    Perhaps the place you are studying at - university - college etc could advise you further?

  14. 1 hour ago, menthe said:

    Hm, so the policy on both sides seems to be let's enjoy the sunshine while we can and let the rainy day can take care of itself?

    Not really, on Nato's side it's more about calculating Putin's threat level and intensive pressure on China to dissuade Putin from using either nuclear or chemical/biological weapons.

    I would guess that part of the long conversation between Biden and Xi was Biden leaning on Xi to warn the Russians, “We will not be with you if you do this.” Russia would be totally isolated in the world if it used any of these weapons against civilians etc.

    If Putin was 100% serious about his nuclear threat I would have expected him by now to have arranged a little demonstration of a low yield tactical weapon somewhere that it would do little harm - say in the high |Russian arctic with prior warning to NATO and the USA to avoid any retaliation by itchy trigger fingers.

    But perhaps he wouldn't want to do that in case it goes Psst instead of Boom.................!!!




  15. All this nuclear armageddon discussion hinges on the answer to the question:-

    "Will russia's nuclear weapons actually work?" 


    Nuclear weapons need regular servicing due to the initialising and boosting component tritium gas decaying into helium 3.

    It's not like conventional bullets or shells which still work properly after 50 to 100 years

    Trtium is a neutron emitter when used as an initialiser and fission booster to the bomb core,  but it's half life is about 12.5 years.

    Its decay product is Helium-3, which absorbs neutrons, so it’s critical to refresh the boosting gas periodically or the warhead goes psst instead of boom - it's called a fizzle.

    Here's the interesting bit. Tritium costs around $30,000 per gram, the world market for tritium is only about 400 grams so it's value is on a par with the finest diamond.

    In the time gap between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of the current Russia a lot of top people got obscenely rich due to selling off any assets they could get hold of.

    Given that during the start of the invasion of Ukraine the Russian armoured personnel carriers were breaking down in their droves because of being fitted with new cheap knock-off Chinese tyres.

    Ask yourself the question

    "Did Russia carry on faithfully maintaining all those nuclear warheads with expensive tritium or did the oligarchs sell it off?"



  16. 6 hours ago, DaveLister said:

    No real surprise and I suspect this is now the beginning of the end for the protestors. The turnout is smaller on each day of action and the media are becoming bored.

    It'll end in a whimper.

    A lot of incendiary whimpering going on in Rennes tonight.


  17. 7 hours ago, menthe said:

    I hear from the news that the UK are going to test everybody's mobile phone with a signal on a Sunday (didn't take any notice of which one) at 15.00 hours.

    Is that just so that they have a means of telling people should Putin unleash a nuclear missile?

    And please, don't tell me to just stick to French topics.  In the event of a nuclear event, ALL of us are going to be affected.

    Thoughts and comments please.  Even if you plan to frighten the daylights out of me....might take me a while to lead-line the sous-sol.

    I presume you know that France introduced a similar system last year?



  18. On 09/04/2023 at 22:10, cajal said:

    Carbohydrates are sugar molecules.

    Not quite. Remember the simple experiment of chewing a piece of bread until it tastes sweet?

    Starch (carbohydrates) is the stored form of sugars in plants. The starch in the seeds provides food for the embryo as it germinates while the starch that is consumed by humans is broken down by the enzymes in saliva and later in the stomach into smaller molecules, such as maltose and glucose. The human stomach can then absorb the glucose.

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