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Posts posted by Harnser

  1. I've not got a wood pellet stove/heater nor any plans to get one, but you should be aware of the variable cost of the pellets.



    Pellet stoves got popular, now the supply side for pellets is getting tighter.

    If you do get to using wood pellets be aware of the dangers of storing them - they can give off carbon monoxide and there have been fatalities involved. 


  2. On 25/01/2024 at 16:41, anotherbanana said:

    And now the fishermen are trying their luck. What are they wingeing about?

    Two recent events - the price of the diesel fuel they must use, the marginal profitabilty of their boats depends to a large extent on the price of the fuel, a few cents per litre increase means they are running at at a loss because of the amount they use.

    And Biscay fishermen are on a month's lay off to protect dolphins which get caught in the nets - breeding season etc.

  3. On 24/01/2024 at 19:47, menthe said:

    If I were American, I'd vote for Biden regardless of whether I think he will be the better candidate.  Would just love to see what Trump will do this time should Biden beat him once more to the White House.

    What shade of orange will his face turn?  Where would he encourage his horde of rough necks to rampage?  The Pentagon, Fort Knox, where?  Which lawyer or judge will he try to bribe or threaten to demand a recount?




  4. 2 hours ago, Lehaut said:

    I cannot understand why the system in the USA can select a convicted sex offender, proven serial liar and fraudster as the best of the best of the best representative of their country.  Even religious people support him.

    To me it says for more about the values of the country than just the man

    Then again, Boris (who I understand is getting paid £1,000,000 for his column) has written supporting him, which puts the UKs views in the same bucket!

    "I cannot understand why the system in the USA can select a convicted sex offender"

    You need to understand that Donald Trump is not a convicted sex offender. It was a civil case not a criminal prosecution.


    Now let's look at some real lying and corruption with all the bank records and copies of cheques now in the public domain.

    Yes it's the lifting of the stone that the Biden Crime Family has been hiding under and look what slithered out !

    "Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered China money from the account of his brother, James Biden, and his sister-in-law, Sara Biden, in the form of a personal check (including an image of the cheque)


    And that's just the tip of the Biden family chinese-dollar iceberg.

    Why hasn't Biden been prosecuted, impeached, etc?



  5. 2 hours ago, Harnser said:

    We contacted our local authority where we have been registered to vote for the last 14 years and they have told us that we are still registered, we will be transferred to the 15 years list and there will be no requirement for us to register every year.

    Erratum - I have just been corrected by MOH - we have been transferred from the 15 year registration register to the life registration register or list or whatever.😠

  6. We contacted our local authority where we have been registered to vote for the last 14 years and they have told us that we are still registered, we will be transferred to the 15 years list and there will be no requirement for us to register every year.

  7. On 17/01/2024 at 12:19, Judith said:

    Menthe, I think it might be that being overseas, we have to register yearly.  I certainly have had to do so in the past.  I'm off to check soon, though I am pretty sure I will still be registered as my renewal happens in November, which I already did .. but I agree, best to check soonest.


  8. Those of us who use MF may have noticed recently as I have. the disjointed and slightly odd forecasts of temperatures. Examples include the 7 day forecast not matching the daily forecast and the 15 day not agreeing with thre 7 day forecast.

    There could be a reason for this:-

    “Staff at Météo-France will go on strike this week, claiming ‘absurd mistakes’ are being accelerated by loss of human oversight”

    “Since Nov 13, weather forecast data models have been crunched together via an algorithm and then directly sent to Météo-France’s internet site or mobile application.

    The software that has led to the strike has predicted that the eastern city of Strasbourg will hit a baking 28C on Dec 9 despite it currently experiencing freezing temperatures”


    Before the time of storm Ciaran I started using ventusky.com and have found it very accurate as regards local actual and forecast  temperature.

    You get temps, winds direction/strength, baro pressures for your location and loads more.

    Meteo is basically not worth using a the moment.



    • Thanks 2
  9. 8 hours ago, cajal said:

    Appoint a Power of Attorney. It can be you, your sister or a third party.  Once appointed, the POA is authorised to make legal financial decisions, ie not to the detriment of your mother, and an arrangement can be drawn up as to the ownership or disposal of the property.

    10 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    My sister and I are sole beneficiaries to my mums house.

    My mum has dementia and will probably have to go into a home soon. Not mentally well at all but could last many years. 

    But that leaves the house and what to do with it.

    So the question is, can I buy out my sisters half of the house before my mum passes ?

    I have no idea how things work in the UK.

    It's not quite as simple now as how cajal describes it, it was before 2007 when I had an enduring power of attorney over my mother's affairs, the subject has now got much more complicated and has introduced the issue of mental capacity.

    For information on POA's explained in plain language see this:- 


    As you will see when you read it - you need to act now while your mother has mental capacity.

    Getting a solicitor to assist is probably a good idea, particulary with buying your sister out of her share of the property. 

  10. This happened to OH a couple of weeks ago who ordered items from M&S france.

    It states on the website for M&S france:-

    "Do I have pay to any customs and/or duty charges? No, there is no additional customs duties or tax to pay now the UK has left the EU"

    A week or so after the delivery by Fedex she got an invoice in the post from Fedex demanding €17

    She referred it back to M&S who said it should not have been charged.


    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, DaveLister said:

    I have a CdS. If I break the law then withdraw it and send me packing. I’m happy with that.

    Same with me but what if, when you came to renew it, they said you don't earn enough

    I am certain that having applied for, and been approved, for the issue of a CDS, having declared your income when you origially applied for it, there is no requirement to establish your income level upon the occasion of your CDS renewal.

    In other words, having been issued with a CDS you are entitled to renew it for the rest of your life.


  12. The French government is also looking to restrict immigration from certain countries.

    The number of French visas issued for Algeria will be reduced by 50 percent 

    The French government’s plan was announced on Tuesday in response to North African governments’ refusal to take back undocumented migrants sent home by French authorities.

    “We will reduce the number of visas very significantly,” Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said in Paris on Wednesday.

    The number of visas issued for Algeria and Morocco will be reduced by 50 percent, while visas granted for Tunisian nationals will be reduced by two thirds, he added.

    The minister said the step was taken because the three countries refused to take back some of their own nationals, who were expelled from France because they had committed crimes, had become “radicalised” or had no residence permit.


    • Thanks 1
  13. The first thing to know about these low volume cars, as with the voitures sans -permis is that the level of built- in crash protection for the occupants is not to the same standard as normal cars - would not consider one for that very reason.

    Why buy something like the car you featured when you can buy a Dacia Spring EV from the mainstream Renault/Dacia brand at a comparable price? €15800?



  14. On 25/10/2023 at 12:36, menthe said:

    No, nothing wrong with my old machine and the new one seems to have the same problems.  Have tried different yeasts and even different makes of flour.

    I used to use Dove Farm yeast and the bread rose to hit the roof of the machine.  Not sure I can get it in France, otherwise will have to wait till summer visitors from the UK.

    I had never heard of Doves Farm yeast so looked it up - it's made in France !!

    https://www.dovesfarm.co.uk/products/quick-yeast-1x125g       Click on ingredients  = Made in France


    I usually use Allinsons yeast.


  15. 11 hours ago, menthe said:

    Harnser, they are coming....Heard them last night, couldn't see them of course as it would have been about 8 pm.  Quite a large flock too by the sounds of it.

    Sit tight and keep a sharp lookout!

    Not me - we aren't on a grue flight path here in Brittany!

    • Sad 1
  16. Mobile signal from SFR has been a problem here since mid-October despite complaints - not just us, our local bar tabac in the town also has the same lack of signal with his bank card machine.

    OH's Leclerc/Reglo/SFR mobile payg account has about €25 on it so she will run that out and change to Free which has 5G.

    Our copper land line broadband connection, whilst adequate under normal circumstances sans tempete, will not go to fibre anytime soon or ever, as there are not enough potential subscribers out here in the woods to warrant their investment in fibre so the service will never improve and may deteriorate due to lack of maintenance.

    Starlink's monthly fee is the same as the orange/nordnet but for us the Orange/Nordnet hardware is zero cost in a white zone but we would have to pay for installation and setup- no setup fee needed for Starlink.

    Orange/Nordnet comes with the free phone call deal - starlink doesn't AFAIK.

    Not generally known is that Starlink is technically illegal in France - typical Elon Musk!


    So still thinking about it all !


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