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Posts posted by Harnser

  1. 8 hours ago, NormanH said:

    The HUFFINGTON Post link in French isn't behind a paywall. I consult the paper daily free...did you click on accept? Or perhaps it's your browser blocking it


    • "Overall, we rate HuffPost Left-Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that favor the left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks and the promotion of pseudoscience"


    Not a source I would regard as reliable.

  2. https://www.ouest-france.fr/politique/michel-barnier-premier-ministre-emmanuel-macron-confirme-son-cap-a-droite-b920893a-6b7e-11ef-87ff-6b83746dd621


    The head of state has also - and above all - obtained from the National Rally the commitment that he will not censure the future executive, at least not immediately. The RN also says it is waiting for the Prime Minister's general policy speech before Parliament to decide. "Michel Barnier seems to meet the first criterion that we formulated: being able to address the National Rally in a respectful manner," says Marine Le Pen. Who also calls for the establishment of proportional representation in view of the next legislative elections. She also demands that purchasing power, the fight against immigration and insecurity be the government's priorities. So many imperatives also put forward by the right-wing LR, which expects the President to let the executive determine and lead the Nation's policy.

  3. Can you legally drive at 

    8 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    Can you legally drive at 137 kph in France ?

    Well of course you can, when you are learning the ´code de la routé…or learning the ´highway codé in English..

    So my daughter has arrived at that stage where she can learn to drive. That involves learning the ‘code de la routé.

    You can learn officially online with multiple choice questions. It is actually quite fun. It is an official site. 

    Anyway, one question involved an instructor car on a motorway asking if you can do this or that. Fair enough. Can I overtake or not…blah blah..blah. A,B,C multiple choice answer.

    The problem is that the instructor car was doing 137 kph as shown fully on his DIGITAL SPEDO.. Plain to see ……137 kph. In the picture. You can see it clearly on the screenshot or the video. The instructor car is speeding lol. 

    You could not make it up.

    Same or different instructor car asking a different question is shown entering a tunnel at 70 kph when the sign clearly indicates 50kph. The question was nothing about speed. Lol. He enters the tunnel at 70 kph when there is a big sign saying 50 kph.

    They you go….why the French can’t drive.


    If your speed readout is accurate to within 1 kph - yeah why not.

    If you have more than two active brain cells - probably not.




  4. The French grid has a surplus of solar generated power, if you look at the UK graphs for imported power from france it starts at about 6 am and carries on through the day until about 7 pm.

    There are discussions about changing the heures creuse hours here from overnight to middle of the day, whether those hours will be permanent or changeable summer/winter hasn't been mentioned.

  5. On 09/08/2024 at 09:07, Lehaut said:

    Am I correct in thinking that the price of electricity in France is reducing in the near future? We are with Total Energy and have been since we bough our flat in 2016.  In an ideal world they would automatically put us on the lower tariff - some hope. We are getting adverts for Tariff "Vert" and fixed for 2 years.

    Are there keen observers of the market who could give a steer (no cannot install Solar Panels, wind farms or harness the Loire that runs past the garden!!).


    The best and most easily understood guide to electricity supply and cost in France is Selectra.

    And it's in english if you need it.


    • Like 1
  6. Here's a "bullet" that Harris can't dodge, it's on her record.

    "A few months into her political career, Kamala Harris made a decision that would follow her for more than a decade — and will likely come up again now that she’s Joe Biden’s running mate.

    Shortly after Harris became San Francisco’s district attorney in 2004, a police officer was murdered by a gang member using an assault rifle*. Harris, sticking to a campaign pledge, said she wouldn’t pursue the death penalty for the killer.

    At officer Isaac Espinoza’s funeral a few days later, California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, used her eulogy to attack Harris.

    “This is not only the definition of tragedy; it’s the special circumstance called for by the death penalty law,” Feinstein said. The thousands of cops in attendance at St. Mary’s Cathedral roared to their feet as Harris sat staring ahead stone-faced.

    “It was like a bomb,” said Chris Cunnie, a former head of the local police union who later went on to work for Harris and was sitting in a pew across the aisle from Harris when Feinstein delivered her rebuke. “I’ve never been in a church where the whole church was up clapping. The only person who didn’t stand up was the archbishop.”


     *Officer Espinonza was murdered in broad daylight by a gang member he saw carrying and  attempting to conceal a rifle. He stopped the suspect who uncovered the rifle and shot Officer Espinoza five or six times.


  7. Kamala Harris has confirmed her selection of Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz, as her running mate in the US election – the man who went viral for calling Trump and JD Vance “weird”. Insightful…

    Walz has been lauded by the left for his “liberal policies” as Governor, which include making breakfast and lunch free for all students, allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licences and signing a bill mandating schools to stock period products in boys’ loos. Aligns with Harris’ woke policies then…

    Walz is famous for his climate crusade, splurging hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to cut carbon emissions, while jacking up gasoline and motor vehicle sales taxes. He also slapped a 50-cent fee on deliveries over $100. He’s been slammed by Republicans for his tax-high budgets – proposing and implementing a fifth income-tax tier for married couples earning more than $1 million as well as higher tax rates on capital gains. His reason: “That just makes it fair”. Walz, along with tax-happy Harris, could create one of the most left-wing, high-tax environments America has seen in a long time…

    I'm sure the average US Liberal voter will think he's absolutely wonderful and the answer to all their dreams. The others, not so much.

  8. 8 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:
    8 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

    What happened in the past is irrelevant. What is happening today is important. Ok it might cool down in the future but we don’t know that. It would be silly not to react. I would rather the scientists are proved wrong than the Earth turning into Mars. So would they I guess.

    Is not just air temperature though it is the sea temperature that is the scary one. Melting ice rising sea levels = more extreme weather. Not sure what the trend is for sea temperatures but I bet they are hotter today than in 1825.

    It was 40 degrees here yesterday and 50 degrees in the cour. The stress that heat is putting on the house and the cars is scary. Today it will be the same temperature followed by storms and hail. Years ago we had our car destroyed by hail.

    So yeah, extreme weather events is the killer. Flooding, forrest fires, storms, mountains falling apart, buildings falling apart.

    No can argue that there is more extreme weather events. Most 

    No can argue that there is more extreme weather events. Most 

    You are a data denier, the average temperature nowadays is roughly the same as it was over a hundred years ago.

    There are less extreme weather events now than in the past, again you are a data denier;

    • Sad 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Noisette said:

    Well it's certainly knocked on the head our project to install solar panels. We'd carefully worked out that the 6 hours overnight HC took care of a chunk of electricity consumed by the PAC heating in winter while the 2 hours at midday were useful for cooking. The auto-consommation from the PV panels would have taken care of what are currently our two biggest consumers in summer..the pool and watering pumps. I find it utterly disgraceful that EDF and the government in cahoots can manipulate users in this way, and also slyly reduce the number of HC to six.

    PV panels really only benefit a household during the day and for part of the year, whereas these changes will impact customers all year round.

    I wonder how much of the decision has to do with the fact that the government are losing out on the taxes slapped onto bills, as well as TVA. What a bloody country this is becoming!

    The problem that EDF are confronted with is that too much solar generation is connected to the power grid, compounded by fluctuating wind generation.

    This destabilises the way that the French nuclear power grid is supposed to be run, ie steady state base load generation, nukes don't like being throttled up and down to cope with the unreliable output of renewables, it leads to increased maintenance and cost.

    As France has 100 per cent nuclear backup for solar and wind, we don't need  wind and solar generation at all.  Wind and solar are, in fact, completely pointless.

  10. It's to embarrass Macron on the morning of the start of the Olympics.

    Who would want to embarrass Macron?

    Ok it's a long list, but the prime French candidate is Melenchon's extreme left rag-bag, as their candidate for prime minister has been turned down by Macron.

    It's likely the saboteurs were French as they knew exactly where to act to cause the maximum disruption.

  11. Perhaps the pedestrian/lawyer couple weren't aware of this:-

    "Pedestrians account for a significant proportion of road deaths. While you may be considered a priority on a number of roads, in different situations you do not have all the rights. Stay vigilant and do not take any reckless risks, particularly by crossing the road at random without ensuring that there is no danger to you or another road user"

    From https://www.securite-routiere.gouv.fr/reglementation-liee-aux-modes-de-deplacements/pietons-et-mobilite-urbaine/reglementation-des

    Maybe the subject couple were not seen to exercise sufficient caution in the opinion of the gendarme - ie actually looking both ways before they crossed?  As many of us have seen ,many pedestrians  just walk out in front of moving traffic without any observation, expecting the law to protect them.



    • Like 2
  12. On 15/07/2024 at 16:53, Le Petomane said:

    I was touring Vermont in 1989 and came across a village store which had the sign "GUNS, AMMO, CHEDDAR."  I bought some cheddar.

    You can buy all the ammunition you want at our local Decathlon store, but they don't have a sign advertising

    "Ammunition, Sports Clothing & Equipment in lurid colours" outside.


  13. On 08/07/2024 at 12:33, menthe said:

    Forgot to say, as many smarter and wiser than I have, Politics is the Art of the Possible.

     “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”

     (Possibly Groucho Marx ) 

    That should be engraved on Macron's tombstone, it sums up what he is about perfectly.

    • Haha 1
  14. 8 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:


    Belle France was lost 15 years ago. You don’t have day to day riots in the UK. Yes you have problems but not on the scale of France. Milton Kynes aint so bad.

    Hmm - your appraisal of MK does not match reality.

    I originate from about 14 miles east of MK and the last time I lived there in 1989 it wasn't noted even then as the sort of place to bring your kids up in.






  15. On 6/28/2024 at 9:40 AM, NormanH said:

    "According to her presidential program, Marine Le Pen thus wishes to introduce into the Constitution "national priority in certain areas, in particular for access to employment and housing" by adding "the institution of criminal or administrative sanctions". An employer, a landlord and a social landlord would therefore be forced to choose the file of a French person, under penalty of sanctions. A threat coupled with other measures, including the tightening of the conditions of access to French nationality and "the expulsion of foreigners who have been unemployed for a year" , to empty France of its immigrants.

    Regarding social housing, Marine Le Pen even implied that foreign families should be expelled, expressing the wish, in 2022, to "put back on the market the 620,000 social housing units occupied by foreigners.


    "national priority in certain areas, in particular for access to employment and housing"

    Presumably you are not aware that in the UK, employers and landlords are compelled by law to investigate the immigration status of prospective employees and tenants? 




  16. 3 hours ago, DaveLister said:

    Sorry you're incorrect as the current Civil Service Nationality rules as published by the cabinet office does not exclude duel nationals from holding reserved posts.

    I quote :

    "You can apply for any job in the Civil Service as long as you are a UK national or have dual nationality with one part being British."

    Dual Nationality

     Para 1.43.

    "Candidates with dual nationality are in principle eligible for employment in the Civil Service provided that they meet the requirements in relation to one of their nationalities. They may not be eligible, however, for employment in certain reserved posts where additional nationality requirements are imposed"


    Touché and let's just leave it there..!!



  17. 8 hours ago, DaveLister said:


    "if Bardella succeeds in creating a second class of French citizen"

    Bardella is proposing that holders of dual-citizenship should not be considered for higher civil service posts.

    This is the same rule as in the UK and a lot of other countries, so not worthy of concern.

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