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child benefit / tax credit


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Call it what you will............with our first child on the way [:D], I am interested to know what (if anything) we may be entitled to from the French social / tax system.

We are self amployed and registered  as residents here in France. Therefore paying fairly hefty taxes and contributions etc etc.

Is it true that you get absolutely zilch until you have at least 3 children...?? can this really be legal / morally correct??




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Hi Muzzie,

Congratulations - and fortunately it's not true you get zilch from the french system!  You have to register with the CAF when your doctor/gyne completes your 'declaration de grossesse' (at about 4 months).  Depending on your income there may be an allowance of about 170 euros a month for your child while it is under 3.  Also once you have a child your tax 'allowance' changes, this depends on whether you are married, PACS etc, but basically while every adult counts as one part, your (first 2) children count as a half part - your 3rd (and consecutive) child counts as a full part!  This is where the rumour of 3 kids comes about - a married couple with 3 children has a tax allowance of 4 parts - depending on your income - no tax to pay!

Also child care is subsidised, based on your income (I believe full price is about 3 euros an hour) - and at the end of the year, 50% of your low bill is credited against the tax you have to pay, we actually get a refund, but then that's because we don't earn much.  The price of childcare drops dramatically with each consecutive child as well.

The CAF will give you a leaflet with it all explained, (in French of course) and you enter your child on your tax return and it all goes from there.  Best of luck, there's loads of paperwork and compulsory medical exams from now on, but it's all good fun


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thanks for the info, that doesnt sound too bad as I think we'll fall into 'low income' category too!! does the 170€ (or whatever you get) come as a monthly payment or is it added to tax relief?

Maybe a very silly question but who are/ what is CAF? I've seen on paperwork from the GP that we have to notify them but I dont know who they are!

Thanks again


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It comes as a monthly payment, direct in to your bank account.  The CAF is the Caisse d'Allocations Familliale, their website is www.caf.fr , and you will be able to find their nearest office and download all the forms from the website.  It is super important that you notify them of your pregnancy and attend all your medical examinations and then the baby's.




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